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Ackshan Bemunah

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Everything posted by Ackshan Bemunah

  1. Welcome and a delight. Be sure to study combat. It's pretty interesting.
  2. Happy Birthday! Birthdays are nice. That implies that you're nice, right? *wink*
  3. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1347599851' post='121755'] Peace, I absolutely understand what you are saying. And I do see it. But, how often have I surprised you with kindness, and generosity when you have shown me courtesy, and simple pleasantries. There are few in this realm that I am openly hostile towards at all times. You know who they are. People come to me quite often with questions, or favours. And I help them out as best that I can. I like helping people. I like making people smile. I am not a bad person, if you don't treat me like one. The so called "mud" that clouds the TKs name? I don't really see this. I still get messages daily, I still sponsor almost ANY quest that is made. (Getting them the rewards on time is a bit more difficult due to my own time constraints, but that will be remedied very soon.) As far as me being friendly, and socially cooperative.. I quote Mur [/quote] Aren't you concerned, then, that Fang might not be able to unlearn friendly social cooperativeness?
  4. I need my psychic taskmistress.
  5. The risk could be some sort of sympathetic operator...Like, suppose death involves some sort of feeling of being forced out of the realm. Depending on things resembling an ability to connect with, to convince others (say, mind power level, within mp6 number of protectees, transposition principle. Maybe some citizenships associated with the more individualist characteristics (say, Golemus and Necrovion) could provide a penalty...there would be a chance to pull a person with you out of the realm. A similar or perhaps opposite tendency might apply when trying to revive one person or the other from a pair that died.
  6. Will you be taking applications any time soon?
  7. This doesn't mean you're leaving the game, does it? Just the position which, when taken seriously, makes popularity impossible, right?
  8. This is random and counter-tide and less than thoughtful, but... The negative vote, weighted slightly more than the positive vote. Most balanced candidate/choice wins?
  9. (Don't count me in, my laptop is busted and I won't be able to be present at any ceremony soon.) dst, keep it coming, I'm sure there are many who are more thoughtful when under attack, something you seem to know...and arguably one of the primary reasons we need the treasure keepers, to attack quests...unfortunately primary reasons don't always become primary goals. I don't know if the community needs another voice of gripe, we have enough of that, but it's not something Seigheart has lost as a dead character in any case. If anything death has filtered out some of his other roles..."Revive him so he has something to do besides argue" would be my line.
  10. Telling someone who is in a position to learn, with the teller (cough cough dst cough cough lib as well cough cough) in a position to teach, to break off from the group and lose that position without using it is (cough very cough) disappointing and fist-clenchingly hurtful. If you can't recognize a difference in assumptions, the appropriate response is NOT to assume stupidity. Ignorance, maybe... Seig is in a position where he thinks the revival quest needs additional sponsorship, yet has a personal stake. The appopriate solution is that this muchneeded sponsorship come from another source (probably not council unless absolutely necessary): But somehow all those who could do thhis have a personal stake....AGAINST SEIGHEART...putting him in a REALLY AWFUL position. Hope I am right or at least not impossible to understand or correct. [size=1]Edited to avoid promoting violence.[/size] [size=1]Re-edited to promote netiquette at request of moderator.[/size]
  11. It's like there's a horde of people who follow you giving you negative rep, Seig. I'm confused by the red, but thank you for clarifying.
  12. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1345652580' post='120747'] can pls everybody stop with this troll posts "if i was alive", and not just here, but throughout whole forum, ty [/quote] Pretty sure Fang was being sincere, and I have no reason not to trust Seig. And of course there's no rush, and you'll both be revived eventually.
  13. "How can spells have limited cast, this is absurd..."
  14. Alright, so I made the mistake of beginning to arrange an expedition through the east, and not thinking about the extent of the barriers to such an expedition. Most notes are not meant for this medium. We met at the Tribunal Gates, east of Wind's Game and the Plains of Deceit, at 22:00. You can get there by heading right at the gates of Marind's Bell. It will be a long, long tour, but: (1) You will have company. (2) The presence of said company will expedite the tour, if things organize correctly and deliberately. (3) Those who come, move together. Any who wish to come, please come! The more the merrier. Any who wish to contribute, please say so! And better yet, come along. This may take a while. A path will be cleared, though, so if you can come late, do so. I'll be updating this post with the path we've taken and any other details that seem important. All pickle, tea, and kake donations for trailblazing purposes are welcome. Again, Tribunal Gates, 22:00. Preliminary work to clear the path to the gates is under way. List of participants: Chewett Samon (Citizen of Lands of the East) AmberRune Ivorak Rumi Plix Plox Eara Mereia Master of Mar Dante Lionheart magma Possibly Eon, hard to know, Eon being so quiet. DarknessRevealed i.e. Lib Rester locations: Ascent -- Master of Mar, Eara Mereia August 20 22:19:00: Team departs from the gates, arriving at the Plains of Liberty. Eon seems to be hovering, carrying 134 tea. We do not buy any tea. 22:30: Proceeded to the foundations. 23:14: Proceeded to the ascent. 23:51: Stepped in to the ascent stairs... Chewett is attacked by Eon. Samon is attacked by Eon. Eon sightings conclude. 00:38:Party proceeds to the statue hall steps. 00:56: Eon sends us all back to the gazebo. Not 100% sure why. 01:04: Notes to self. 10:00: Friend sends emotional PM about how Eon and dst are ruining the community. a. Next expedition will not be forum publicized. b. List of participants will not be publicized. c. I am not going to become an mp5 any time soon. d. Time will be specifically tailored to avoiding eon: e. Learn to make tea. f. Find pickles. g. Find cake. h. Find time when most LoE citizens are online. i. Super special evil secret additional thing, not actually at all related to this in motivation or effect.
  15. If someone really wanted to manipulate you into voting, they would just describe the entry, not direct you to which one it is. I suggest that different people see different random samples (or less than random) of the selections (and in the end all are visible.) Say "votes need to have such-and-such arbitrary margin to be considered representative" and then code that (date check followed by margin check, if the date passes and the margin isn't passed, poll doesn't close until it does, if the date doesn't pass and the margin is passed, poll doesn't close yet.)
  16. Pure speculation follows: Think of the rule as more of a protection of the role of the forum, similar to the way those who haven't contributed to an alliance remain excluded from an alliance-specific forum. There is also a question of the community image.
  17. Does Council have power in the forums? Seems like that would be the mods' domain...I don't know, I'm asking.
  18. That is what memory stones are. Mur mentioned memory stones, but also mentioned "learning stones". What are those?
  19. Yes, what is a learning stone? Research is out, which seems to imply that so are they...
  20. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1345305774' post='120406'] What Phantom? You deny it? [/quote] Wouldn't that be shocking? I've created a thread in the general forum where this discussion might be more fitting.
  21. Since the debate is taking place in the market, and that's not okay, time to move it here. After all, these are important issues. Obviously we couldn't let it all go, because that would be too dissatisfying for the murderers, considering that murder in the Realm is never for its own sake, or out of unrefined dislike. So this is an arena for the local politicians to use whatever fear, lies, and hate they feel will ultimately benefit the MD community, as connected to recent deaths. Or whatever else ends up happening. Discuss recent deaths.
  22. [quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1345304309' post='120402'] And what does this have to do with the topic of this thread? [/quote] The connection is obvious. Fang wanted dst to start insane rumors, and knew that anything he could imaginably do would lead dst to do this. So dst was the pawn all along!
  23. What are infraction points?
  24. Interesting perspective Chewett. I had a good bit of respect for Fang beforehand, and in my opinion that's enough reason to protect him, even give him a chance to correct himself (this came out in an inappropriate way when I tried to act quickly, for any who saw,) but maybe that's a luxury he hasn't attained with you. I don't know, usually it's best to mitigate the consequences of a social insult. Gives the community a bad name...I'm guessing the forum was the wrong place for this attempt in any case.
  25. Ah, yeah, I see, that could've worked, that really sucks. Anyone want to delete this thread, save Fang? Maybe his potential enemies won't see it. Think, think, illusions are awesome.
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