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John Constantine

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  1. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Syrian in Craft a Christmas Creature   
    Title:   Craft a Christmas Creature   Description:   This event is to build a Christmas related MD creature, participants will build either a Snowman, a Santa, or a Nutcracker.   Instructions:   Create any of the above mentioned creatures out of anything you like. Drawing/computer graphics excluded Take 2 pictures your creature with your hand and an MD tag, upload these images to an image sharing site (picasa, imgur, tinypic) and send me a forum PM with the link to the album/pictures.   Point Worth Value of the Quest:   Winner will get 7 points to compete for Champion Quester prize.   Sponsors:   The rewards will be sponsored by the Council (HC) and are still to be decided.   Deadline:   The Deadline for this quest is January 16th, 23:59 server time.     IMPORTANT NOTES:   Only one entry per player, No alts allowed.
  2. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Nominations for MD Awards 2013   
    1) He doesn't want to be part of it:
    2) I don't want such a person to be part of it.
  3. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to rikstar in [WP quest] Make your own role   
    1, Dante Lionheart
    2, John Constantine
    3, AckshanBemunah
    4, Nimrodel
    5, Aelis
    6, Eara Meraia
    7, Dst
    8, TheGreatPashweetie
    9, Vasilemacel
    10, Rophs
    11, Darkraptor
    First, second and third all get an angien, and everybody gets silver coins based on how they're ranked (1 coin for last, 2 for second last, all the way up to first).
    You should go to the TK to get your reward, and I will PM Dante about giving him his WP.
  4. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Nimrodel in [WP quest] Make your own role   
    Its more than one and a half months rikstar. Neither do you provide a suitable explanation for not releasing the results nor do you respond to any question asked regarding that in the forum. This is heights. If you cant release the results on time then don't create such quests which need exhaustive judgment. Same thing happened the last time. I had to literally goad you to release the results. I see you log on in the game everyday. If one of your judges is not able to judge, then reduce the number of judges by one. Or you judge on their behalf. At least respond to people when they are asking you questions in the forum. I am tired of bugging you in game and receiving some sort of vague reply about you being lazy. Ignoring stuff like this... I am sending one formal requisition to the quest creators committee regarding releasing quest results on time. This is called trolling the questers. I am very very disappointed in you.
  5. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in [WP quest] Make your own role   
    This is a good case, like the forum death quest, where some quest judges are probably/hopefully holding up the proceedings but no information is being fed back. If there is something wrong, say so, we wont mind. But if we see nothing we dont know whats going on, or if you are ignoring it, and it is frustrating.
    I have also contacted rik ingame to ask he look into this, but i you are running a quest it should be your duty to keep the participants informed.
  6. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to nadrolski in Happy Birthday DD and Ray!   
    Happy Birthday to the hardcore trainee!
    High five!
  7. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Tom Pouce in Happy Birthday DD and Ray!   
    happy birthday DARK DEMON , Dolomich, death ray
  8. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Mya Celestia in Happy Birthday DD and Ray!   
    I've seen you both around occasionally.  Happy Birthday! :)
  9. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in The Forum, before THE forum?/Why i stayed in MD at the start   
    I was digging around the server, doing some work on the very back end of MD and found this, but first a story:
    Many moons ago, MD was just a forum, with very little on it.
    Then one day i came back and saw [image below]. I thought it was hilarous and knew i had to talk to the guy who wrote it.
    Note, image includes swearing and such. Dont read if you dont like swearing/are a minor/etc
  10. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Leaving MB for a while   
    I am exceptionally saddened to be writing this but today I must leave Marind Bell. Due to a number of unreconcilable differences, refusal for additional discussion and to preserve our friendship I am leaving the land.

    One day I will return, if the land will have me back, but for the moment I must leave to let him rule how he wants.

    I will do what I can to help my friends in MB, and still am a member of the land in my heart. Advice is freely given when asked, so if any MB citizens want help, advice or anything else, you should still contact me, for I am one of you.

    I plan to accept an invitation to SoTIS that Mur gave me for my work in MD if the offer is still open.

    To Rhaegar: Rule your way, you shall no longer have me to disagree with where I think you are being unfair.
  11. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Valldore Nal in Change to the in game player mini profile   
    There was a discussion about the players in game mini profile and whether it should be changed or not. 
    In game mini profile , in case it's not clear, is the name for this :

    So, do you people like it the way it is ? Do you think changes should be made and if yes, what would you like to be changed ?
    Consider the following in your suggestions :
    player descriptions 
    mp6 ui
    players with no description and no information either
    P.S. Will add more things to be considered in the list as people suggest, those were suggestions made during the discussion as well
  12. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Jubaris in Monday Evenings   
    Every Monday, around 21:00h (server time), I will be at the Marble Dale Park.
    I am updating my quest papers, which should be done by Monday, introducing few new tasks, dedicated mostly for the players in their first few hundreds of activity days. Some of the quests/challenges that I develop will be 'playable' only during those gatherings.
    Rewards will be appropriate :)
    It would be lovely if other people would join in, participate and interact, perhaps create tasks and games of their own every now and then, in the spirit of MD birthday festivals.
    Marble Dale Park is the place where players end their story mode stasis, so I hope this to be the start of 'newb-stimulating'.
    Those evenings will also be a perfect opportunity for people to speak to me about anything in relation with the affairs of Marind Bell, I will be in a much better mood than I would be regulary.
    That's about it - comments and suggestions are welcome, hope to see you there!
  13. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Monday Evenings   
    This sounds great. I shall hope to be around also this time, and make it a weekly "talk to me about anything and i promise i wont bite your head off" event for me :D
  14. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Shadrala in Curiosities need answers!   
    Thank you Kyphis, I guess I'll just wait until mp4 to look into gathering resources and such. :)
  15. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Andur in Happy Birthday Andur   
    Happy birthday Andur! I wish you all the best (adventures) in MagicDuel.
  16. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Nimrodel in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    The winner 
    Congratulations  :)
    Winner's text:
    Lands of the East
    Home of the great Demon of the east, this is a land meant to contain the essences of the other four main lands. It has four levels, the lowest gradually ascending to the highest, arranged in the form of a spiral. This empty land representing nothingness has many secrets to hide and a long journey to offer. What lies at the end of the spiral is left for the mind to ponder.
    There were 19 jurors. Each of them assigned points:
    10 for best
    6 for second
    3 for third
    0 for last
    190 points = max number of points which one player could get
    1-st place:     Nimrodel             135 points
    2-nd place:    Xavax                 118 points
    [spoiler]Beyond this Gate lies a land shrouded in mystery and intrigue. For the daring adventurer many rewards of knowledge may await, and for the foolishly unprepared adventurer who knows what lurks within... Many rumors and fables exist, and even more adventurers have ventured here never to be seen again, do you have what it takes to venture within solve the mysteries and return?[/spoiler]
    3-rd place:     Soothing Sands  75 points
    [spoiler]Lands of The East
    Also known as the Tribunal, it is a mysterious land, larger than the four main lands combined. Deep inside lies the Dominion of Mur, as well as other unusual places. Due to it's size there are many different aspects to this land, and it causes a disruption of balance to the realm.[/spoiler]
    Last place:  Tom Pouce           33 points
    [spoiler]Mysterious land of the east ,once Knator Commander's home, rumored to be inhabited by a demon, sitting above the others lands but having deep roots . Who made it's magnificent buildings? Strong explorers what rewards will you find?[/spoiler]
    I want to say thank you to all participants.
    My heartfelt appreciation goes to all the jurors for their effort in judging process! 
    I also want to express gratitude for all who helped me to prepare and lead my first quest to it's end:)
  17. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Soothing Sands in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    The winner 
    Congratulations  :)
    Winner's text:
    Lands of the East
    Home of the great Demon of the east, this is a land meant to contain the essences of the other four main lands. It has four levels, the lowest gradually ascending to the highest, arranged in the form of a spiral. This empty land representing nothingness has many secrets to hide and a long journey to offer. What lies at the end of the spiral is left for the mind to ponder.
    There were 19 jurors. Each of them assigned points:
    10 for best
    6 for second
    3 for third
    0 for last
    190 points = max number of points which one player could get
    1-st place:     Nimrodel             135 points
    2-nd place:    Xavax                 118 points
    [spoiler]Beyond this Gate lies a land shrouded in mystery and intrigue. For the daring adventurer many rewards of knowledge may await, and for the foolishly unprepared adventurer who knows what lurks within... Many rumors and fables exist, and even more adventurers have ventured here never to be seen again, do you have what it takes to venture within solve the mysteries and return?[/spoiler]
    3-rd place:     Soothing Sands  75 points
    [spoiler]Lands of The East
    Also known as the Tribunal, it is a mysterious land, larger than the four main lands combined. Deep inside lies the Dominion of Mur, as well as other unusual places. Due to it's size there are many different aspects to this land, and it causes a disruption of balance to the realm.[/spoiler]
    Last place:  Tom Pouce           33 points
    [spoiler]Mysterious land of the east ,once Knator Commander's home, rumored to be inhabited by a demon, sitting above the others lands but having deep roots . Who made it's magnificent buildings? Strong explorers what rewards will you find?[/spoiler]
    I want to say thank you to all participants.
    My heartfelt appreciation goes to all the jurors for their effort in judging process! 
    I also want to express gratitude for all who helped me to prepare and lead my first quest to it's end:)
  18. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Build your own Drachorn   
    Ha! I coated both dragons with wooden floor lacquer. They shine like diamonds right now. I think I can present them as new entries :D
    Now, to get on topic: I would defo like to see the drachorn as a prize for this. It's much more suited than the WP (any form). You get WPs from active days. Why would you get a WP for such a quest when there is something even better to grab (at least for a new player)?
  19. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Nimrodel in Build your own Drachorn   
    Actually for a new player I think this is more accessible way for a wishpoint than other methods. Because clickie quests and stuff, vets know how to deal with them. I am not against giving drachorns, but I really don't want the GGs to be more common they are now. You should consult the Drachorn master about giving away the GGs I think.
  20. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in A tiny little rant about giving overpowered creatures to noobsikins!   
    Please do not use that swearword.
    Angiens have been given to those worthy, none have been recruited in a while.
    drachorns, they also cannot be recruited, so anyone giving them to new players normally means they have earned them.

    Vicious, If these new people have earned them, why havent you?
  21. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Nimrodel in Happy Birthday Andur   
    Happy Birthday to you Andur! Hope you enjoyed your day and had lots of fun!!
  22. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Eara Meraia in Curiosities need answers!   
    Shadrala...dont forget to use Live help button ingame. Live help operators usually can help or at least send you to smb. who can :)
  23. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Grido in Curiosities need answers!   
    Have a look at http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12273-a-breakdown-of-the-interface/ for a few other bits and pieces as well, section 3 has the chevron info in it :)
    Adventure Log is a story written about events going on in the realm at that time. Actual events, by actual players.
  24. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Syrian in Curiosities need answers!   
    the  "little arrow things" are called chevrons, they are to represent a persons age
    you dont need a water bucket to collect pure fountain water for the quest
    im not sure what you mean with the herbs, so i cant help with that, what was the item called?
  25. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Bashaw Steel in Poetry   
    As the moving force of the many things, poetry deserves its places here, dont you think?:)

    Tell me where dreams speak the truth
    Where all my illusions are more than dust
    And although there is no eternal youth
    There is something else…
    Higher than hope and deeper than faith
    Something different than all routines
    Where our souls deserves to rest
    After being freed…
    Choose me over the world
    Ignite the passion within the dying
    So they may be also free
    When their time turns to nothing…
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