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Hedge Munos

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Everything posted by Hedge Munos

  1. Requesting to extend this until New Years
  2. MD’s dashing overlord, Muratus del Mur Recently purchased a nice knator fur He too bought a mirror, for he’s rather vain Then quickly realized he wore Fang Archbane A pompous old man named Ivorak Came upon a filthy abandoned shack It dripped with dust, Pompy made a big fuss For dirtiness left him nonplussed A froggy sort of man, BFH the White Nibbled a Christmas cookie, only a bite The Wookie said it was fine, “Here, take nine!” But BFH fell ill and died
  3. Rendition of Antonio Lauro's "Registro." Thanks for listening!
  4. Redacted
  5. I'd be happy to help if I am needed. Hedge
  6. I'm well, thanks. I've been logging in with Hedge for the past couple weeks, getting back into the swing of things. Hope you're well, too. Is this an official decision? Would be good to know. Hedge
  7. Playername: Hedge Munos ID: 208332 AD: 740 I am an active user of most social media formats (including Twitter and Facebook, as you've mentioned) and as such have a solid understanding of social media culture and formatting. I have adequate writing and editing skills, as well as an ability to gather and organize information. Though I was fairly inactive for a while due to adjustments IRL, I have stayed up to date on the going-ons of MD and am now able to dedicate more time to the game. Thanks for your consideration, Hedge
  8. Is this position still open?
  9. Angien sold to Aethon for 2gc. Toxidendrite is still for sale.
  10. Confused, are you still making this offer? If so, you are the highest bidder as miscellaneous offers are accepted
  11. Not much. Bumped with heat & angien is level 3 *correction angien is lvl 3
  12. Angien ID: 668618 Age: 1684 Heat: 195530 Toxidendrite ID: 736404 Age: 1489 Heat: 332690 Also free pimp if you want it Hedge
  13. https://twitter.com/StationCDRKelly
  14. I will also help if you still need it
  15. *Nimrodel* Sold. Seek Keep for for the burned book, jewelled pin, and poker chip, as well as the scents (to be talked about in person). See Hedge Munos for the small pouch and angien card. Change Sold. Keep for the blue ink and wooden bowl. Hedge Munos for the pet rock and fungal mass. lashtal Sold. See Keep
  16. Not sure how others feel about it, but making all crafted items rare would confuse me. There's quite a difference between the two in function. If it would be a pain to go in and change all of them then there's not much reason to, but if they are to be changed I personally think they are better suited as 'personal' items rather than 'rare' ones.
  17. Updated with new items
  18. I (Hedge Munos) have a pet rock I'll sell if you haven't traded for one already
  19. Looking to sell. Goes to highest offer: http://imgur.com/N2dkZta
  20. 3sc for Quarter Staff
  21. If that is an offer, sold
  22. Updated * means I'm reluctant to sell unless the item suits you better than I Kitchen: Wooden bowl Packet of Marshmallows Yang's fortune cookie #3 Scholar: Blue ink Burned book Brass monocle Animal/Body: Canine teeth Fungal mass Bloated Knator Head Scent: Lavender sachet Knator essence after shave Musk Incense * Incense burner * Pet: Pet Rock Cards: Angien Card Miscellaneous: Jewelled Pin Poker Chip Blurry Shard of Glass Small Pouch Brass Key Chain * Mosaic skull Moth eaten blindfold Flame Oil
  23. Tried not to replicate anyone ID: 251010 Small toothbrush - Useful for the cleaning of teeth; it looks used Ceramic monkey - A small ceramic monkey without a tail Laundry bag - Masks the smell of your dirty laundry Shoe plant - A small plant resting in a shoe White plume - Just needs a hat Black plume - Just needs a hat Green plume - Just needs a hat Purple plume - Just needs a hat Boring book - Zzz... Tiny mittens - Too small for the average hands Shrunken bed - Suitable for a pet rock Used tape - A piece of tape with hair stuck to it Plain lampshade - Just a lone lampshade, very plain in color Red suspenders - Perfect for a mime or someone well-dressed Bit of wallpaper - A bit of old and ornate wallpaper Half a tambourine - Half the tambourine but twice the amount of fun! Freckles - Apply directly to the preferred area Creature Stencils - A collection of stencils, representing random MagicDuel creature Cotton - Some cotton; do not swallow Bad eraser - It isn't very good at its job Good eraser - Now you see it, now you don't! Fake sideburn - There's only one, but it's still sticky! Bent guitar pick - Useless for guitar, but good for getting between the teeth Broken string bracelet - No longer wearable, but kittens love it! Dictionary (A-M) - It ends on "mystery" Mur: I had to rewrite the stencil one, but most are quite good
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