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Hedge Munos

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Everything posted by Hedge Munos

  1. [quote name='ignnus' timestamp='1349895907' post='123721'] sinner [/quote] Saints
  2. [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1349846685' post='123649'] pervert [/quote] Slang definitions that were unintended (Woops)
  3. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1349832283' post='123644'] FUZZLEDY[/quote] Fadoodle
  4. [quote name='Peace' timestamp='1349828561' post='123635'] Grinder [/quote] Cheese It's not supposed to make sense.
  5. Greetings, Today I leave MagicDuel. For the last month or so, I've been debating whether or not I should leave. As you can see, I've decided to do so. It's not solely because I'm disappointed with society (it's been a bit frustrating recently, but I feel it's improved) that I'm leaving. The main reason is I find myself wasting hours at a time just sitting around at the GoE, for example. Not fighting, not trading, not doing anything remotely productive, just sitting there. My attempts at cutting back on time spent online have not helped at all, as I just ignore my 'rules' and waste more time online. I'd like to spend more time playing guitar, writing, or outside, even. I've enjoyed my time in this realm, and I wish the best to you all and the game. My items and creatures have been distributed amongst those I feel will put them to the best use. My avatars will be dropped randomly around the realm (except for the teddy-bear). You can reach me on Skype as "hedgemunos" if you wish (I won't be on all too often - my computer tends to dislike Skype). Hedge Munos has been killed at his request, and his body will lie in the Necrovion graveyard. He may come back this summer for an event, but besides that, he will not be around. I wish you all well, Hedge
  6. [color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2300 - [2012-05-10 22:27:47 - Stage 11][/color] We are looking for players to take up a new administrative role. The people will be charged with managing the approval of avatars to become gold and the role will come with trust points. This is an important role and should not be considered lightly. Please create a forum thread and post up your name and player ID if you want to be considered. You must conform to the following requirements: Understand avatar creation rules Understand MD aesthetics Be active Have over 365 AD Have good communication skills Be trustworthy Having difficulties with font, so no spoiler tag. I withdraw my application. Hedge
  7. So sorry Manda, thought I replied to you. [b]Morph sold[/b], however. Moderators, please close this topic. Thank you, Hedge
  8. Rumi: The 1gc given to you yesterday (Day 125, Year 7) is for the community garden. Hedge
  9. Bump
  10. 15gc, perhaps. Depending on stats. Hedge
  11. (I value Shadowseeker's offer more than Dst's, just so you're aware) Hedge
  12. Not currently. Although, I doubt it will last more than 2-3 weeks, so long as I see a suitable offer. Hedge
  13. Howdy, I'm selling a morph. Morph Age: 488 Heat: 0 Tokens: None Minimum Bid: 20gc (to cut spam) I'm also accepting item offers (no resources/shared items/tea/candy/etc.) or creatures (preferably drachorns). No credits, please. Named 'Gift'. Selling because I've no use for it, aside from sentimental reasons. I'd rather see it go to someone who has some better use for it. [b]Also selling Supercharged heat stone.[/b] Hedge As a side note: I enjoyed the MagicDuel Birthday Party - thanks community.
  14. I'm enjoying this quest (both frustrating and fun). Suggestion: An intersection of the roads would be interesting. Competitors could choose a path, one route a longer path to the finale than the other (to create more frustration, but more independence as well). Hedge
  15. I've experienced the same thing. Hedge
  16. Hrm. Sorry Fang, too low. Selling an avatar. Hedge
  17. How many d'you have? Hedge
  18. How old are the pimps? Hedge
  19. Soothing Sands: I'm not wanting to charge people to bank items at the moment, but feel free to offer your services to the community as well. Pipstickz: Thanks for the advice and offer, I'll let you know if I need help. Hedge
  20. ...There is none. It's a nonprofit bank, you could say. Many people hold items for people already, I'm just making a statement of it, and anyone else who would wish to get involved, is welcome. Hedge
  21. Greetings, I'm trying my hand at starting a small community banking system. No one else is involved in this (I hope the community will abuse my offer as freely as they wish) aside from myself, at the moment. If you're in need of someone to store some goods for you (whether it be creature - note that age is lost in trades -, coin, resource, or item), I'm willing to do so. I will note the person, item, date I received the item, and date of it's return to you. Now, it is known that resources stack, so, if you need me to store a resource I'm already holding for someone else, you will have to wait (I will do everything in my power to help you find a means of storing your item). If this is a regular happening, I will try to involve others in the bank, or if I must, create a waitlist. No, you're items will not be traded without your consent. No, I won't trade your items to someone else for you, that leads to too much havoc. Yes, this is entirely free. I do not ask for coinage/creatures/items/etc. in exchange for banking. Please: if you've any questions, ask. Hedge P.S. This was put in the General Forum rather than the Central Market, because I'm not selling/buying.
  22. Update: 10 creatures added Hedge
  23. Very well: 5sc for the angien Hedge
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