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Everything posted by dst

  1. dst

    Ad-Hoc Md Meeting

    It was last night Aeo... Peace, it is called ad-hoc cause it was not really planned. The idea was there but we had to synchronize which was not that easy...
  2. dst

    Ad-Hoc Md Meeting

    The plan to take over the world has been discussed and approved. So if you experience unusual things, don't worry...it's just...us. I will let this topic rest till tomorrow when it will be closed.
  3. dst

    The Sisterhood

    That murky water? You all will get skin diseases which might prove good: you'll have something to do then: find a way to cure it
  4. dst

    The Sisterhood

    But why? Why make a club just for women? If men were to make a club just for them you all would scream: DISCRIMINATION!! What happens in this club that no men are allowed? I am just curious...
  5. My feedback:overall it was a good quest. But it has some small <insert the word I am thinking of but cannot remember>. The decryption of the texts it's really really easy (or at least for me) but the crypto crosswords are hell. Or at least for me . It's hard for someone who is not a native English speaker to find the finesse of the language. Or maybe it was hard for me cause I kind of suck at those puzzles. It's frustrating to decrypt the text and then have no idea where to go next . But the quest left room for creative solving (the way I solved it). It implied much more work but it paid off. Once I realized how to do it I enjoyed it. As an advice maybe for later quests: try to balance things. Oh and one of the good parts:when I asked, you sent me a really good explanation. Few quest creators are willing to provide extra info. And I appreciate one that does so. Waiting forward for new and brain cells killer quests
  6. dst

    Ad-Hoc Md Meeting

    Ha! If nobody else is coming may we discuss the plan to take over the world?
  7. dst

    Ad-Hoc Md Meeting

    Put me and No one on the list.
  8. Right now the tokens are not that "bad". Something else is: the boost of the rusts. It's big and what's worst is that it is exponential.
  9. The goods from this auction may be the next auction's merchandise... It is fun and interesting. But it's a sword with 2 edges...hope I am wrong though.
  10. 3 gold coins and 1 WP for the morph.
  11. 1 pimp:kellethafire, blooddrop3, blooddrop2, goldbelt 1 pimp:emeraldglare, kellethafire, stardust, blooddrop2, blooddrop1 1 pimp:claw1, stardust, blooddrop1,blackdiamonds, emeraldglare, osirisbelt, jewelshards, firedrop 1 Elemental:onyxfangs, darksky, blacktear, darkshield 1 Elemental:onyxfangs, darksky, blacktear, darkshield + 2 gold coins for the [u][b]SPELL DOCS[/b][/u] 3 gold coins for the [b][u]morph creature[/u][/b]
  12. No. Simply no. Why would you clone a crit when you can have a brand new one? C'mon! Be more inventive then this!
  13. [quote name='CrazyMike' date='05 January 2010 - 07:44 AM' timestamp='1262670290' post='51877'] Though we do not like the idea of newbies getting negative vp, but unfortunately, technically, there are no rules on the appropriate time to use a regen rit. Though the act might be malicious, a player cannot be banned or warned [u]when no rules are broken.[/u] [/quote] Actually if you read the restriction page you'll find this: [quote]All methods to lose fights are allowed, including spam attacks to get lost fights, anything at all, ... however if more players complain about your actions you should stop or target other players or you will get on the 'black list'[/quote] I believe this rule applies to the case.
  14. Yoshi, I have alts older then 1 year. Are you sure you want them in the calendar?
  15. dst

    Wtb Archers

    I need heretics with tokens. Doesn't matter what tokens. The more the better. I am offering gold and silver. PM me the offers and we'll discuss the price. Age is not important. I need them in few days. And I am also looking for trees with jewelshards.
  16. dst

    New Quests

    Fear of further reprisals? Why? Did she cheated all of them? I asked about the quests cause I want to close the topic.
  17. I will just lock it. Few topics get actually deleted so no worries.
  18. Well eigger, you do have a reputation of beggar and of a person who would do anything for profit (mostly credits) so don't blame them for accusing you of trying to get something out of this. You know the procedure for bug reports: when is something that you discover and you know that it is a bug (like the above case) you report to Mur directly (in case you don't trust one of the moderators of the game). But instead of doing that you posted on the forum. Why? No idea but I can speculate:brag, receive some rewards, selling the info. A consequence of your post is that more players found about it and I bet several already discovered how it is done. And asking permission to test it during HC? Are you nuts? That only shows how materialistic you are! Shish... And for players reading this:some time ago Mur places some sort of bounties(or rewards if you like) for players that discover and report bugs. You have no idea what I had to put up with from eigger. He tried to trick me several times, he lied and when confronted he, of course, did not admit anything. That's why I am so skeptical when it comes to eigger and bugs.
  19. So...did No one win? Or no one win? Since I want to close this one...
  20. A question before closing this one:was Rendril awarded the Wp just because he was the only active one or because he found the object with the WP? And wouldn't be nice if you would post also at least the item(s) with the WP on them?
  21. dst

    New Quests

    What happened to those 3 quests? Is No. 3 the cheated one?
  22. Is this still going or may I close the topic?
  23. Well...it is over. Several players solved it and I am pleased with the amount of players who tried it. However there are some issues. First:2 of the players cheated. One of them did not finished the quest in the end (faith?). I have no problem with cheating on quests but if I find out you did then...you're banned from my quests . Fair enough I might say. Tanksfan (aka caster masc) do you recognize this? http://answers.yahoo.com/my/qa/index;_ylt=Ah7WO.gKbQoYTwBzlGDLB5jsy6IX;_ylv=3?link=question&more=y&show=qSduFznTaa As I said...I am not mad or angry but you will not be able to participate in my quests anymore. If you make alts and I don't find out your luck but what good would that do to you? For the second one I cannot prove that s/he cheated (my fault for not asking supplementary questions) but thanks to her/him and someone else I found a flaw to my system.From now on that person is banned from my quests also. But I doubt she/he will try again. I still have some WPs left so I will put up a new quest as soon as I get ride of my laziness. Congratz to the winners. Better luck for the ones that did not solved it. Congratz to the cheater that managed to fool me and shame on the one I spotted. Oh...and if I have time, I will put here the solution of the quest.
  24. Yay! The pooping avy owner has returned!!! Welcome back!
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