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Everything posted by dst

  1. Mainlands? Really? Why is that? Just because you think "mainlands" are more important than any other land? Should I remind you that MDA has also a king now? (or 2)
  2. This means you'll prolly never walk on Ug, East and I dare to say GG. EVER.
  3. pps: the puzzle is called Boyd puzzle (for the ones that want to search for it).
  4. I can show you a solution that lacks one line. How "close" do you consider that? Don't sell me crap. You know pretty well this one cannot be solved using the rules you wrote in the first post. You're a show off. Luckily I am a fan of puzzles and stumbled on this one a loong time ago so I didn't wreck my brains out trying to solve it as probably some people have done (or were about to). Basically you sent people on wild goose chase hence why I call your quest BS! PS: I am not going to show you a video. I am going to send you the graphical partial solution. I don't own a camera so I cannot record myself "partially solving it".
  5. It cannot be solved without paper folding. So go take your prizes and shove them up your gluteus maximus. If you really want to create a puzzle create a SOLVABLE one. What you did here is just you boasting about your "possible" awesome prizes. Get lost. You make me sick.
  6. Thank you captain obvious.
  7. Because there are no money available you noob!
  8. I will be at Berserker's waiting for your transfers. Unless you can come up with concrete solid evidences that I am wrong and you are right. Now, the last sentence is not only dumb but also INSULTING. So I suggest you re-phrase it. LE: your first post is also insulting to all non native English speakers. So thank you again for your deep consideration of half of MD population.
  9. I will give you 1 GC if you stay idle AFTER you log out.
  10. I would love an altar but there is no place for such a thing. And I don't want horrible things added to my beloved scenes. For MDA, it can be done but defo not for UG.
  11. What about lands that don't have such scenes?
  12. Line is there. Just checked it and I see it. On the other hand I am balanced so...
  13. UG: -- a Queen (aka me) recognized by higher powers so stupid cows will not moan that I haven't "worked" enough to be appointed officially -- one special tool that you can only get from UG (each land has one - except MDA) - not necessarily bound to the land loyalty (although I would LOVE to have a monopole on something that GG wants for example - sorry guys but you asked for it) That's it for now. I am easily pleased :D Thank you.
  14. 15 GCs + 90 SCs =21 GCs
  15. 15 GCs + 60 SCs ->19 GCs
  16. 15 GCs + 45 SCs -> 18GCs
  17. Dan Planewalker has a pickles jar and if i remember correctly his pickles are from the shared pool.
  18. Works but it's a pain. As by works I mean avatars can be confiscated. Never tried to delete any (and I don't really think ANY should be deleted).
  19. Tags can be changed. Avatars should be cleaned up.
  20. Many many thanks.
  21. Both me and No one will not be able to be there at 20:00 ST. If possible please delay the start by half an hour. Many thanks.
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