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Everything posted by Grido

  1. if you try and think about how many pages of writing there are on the site, which Manu would have to find, take, send to person editing, then check for any offensiveness, or other such abuse of the privaledge (because it would be a privaledge to do this(although i dont think i can spell the word)) when it gets sent back, then put them back into the site if you then try and think about how much time that would take...and then think about how much awesomeness he could put into the game by adding new features or new parts to it instead, then it might at least make you sit for a while pondering the numbers and then perhaps realise that the spelling and grammar arent that important in comparrison after all
  2. hehe soo true, arrggh at my lack of time available for IG *grumble grumble* anyway, hello and welcome to the game enjoy yourself and make sure to ask any questions you want to know answers to
  3. there are several other topics in various sections of the forum, the person who made the site is Romanian so translating to English (which i presume you're playing it in) means the language and grammar is a bit off, to get someone to proof read it would take a lot of time which Manu doesnt have because he's expanding the game, if he was to delegate an english speaking player to do it they would have to have server access which means they could essentially do anything on the site, so they'd have to be fully trusted, if anyone else wants to add anything else...
  4. if/when you do meet the shades again, would you ask them what they know of marind and her disaperance/death? they might know something about it, marind wants us to help her after all it would seem to me if you wanted to defeat the shades it would require a great deception, so great that you even decieve yourself as to what your purpose is, if they are a mirror, they would see the deception and mirror for instance weakness or the want to go deeper into necrovion, they would mirror this being weak themselves or allowing you deeper, and when they are weak whilst still believing yourself weak you would attack them, continuing the weak thought, obviously surprising yourself when you win, or something along those lines
  5. @dst, if you look at the player list, you're online in the pic at that time lol, so you shouldnt be so jealous i dont know the reason behind it, just that certain players have the ability to acitvate it to get it to do that, i believe Thanasia is one of them, Manu did a test of it a bit back, everyone got summoned to that area for some reason while he was testing it, to check server load effects on it or something maybe
  6. hehe, for you MB - http://xkcd.com/444/ and to make this post slightly more useful, errm, anyone still thinking about my riddle?
  7. hehe, that being an example for MB being on the list hello and welcome to the forums enjoy the game and all it's wonder it's not like that story would be *too* long or boring ; oh maybe it was after all. this quite possibly being an example of why i'm on the list but seriously, none of us bite that hard
  8. Grido

    Reset Waiting

    yeah, it's been mentioned a couple of times before, though not for a while
  9. oh yeah, i see now, i recognise the place it is, hehe spoiler ish pic lol, but then if you recognise where it is, you'll already have the nightshade
  10. oh wow love it, what are you trying to reach in it?
  11. i was gonna side with Ren on the whole thing but thought i'd check *looks up in dictionary* email /e'emayl/ n. (also e-mail) = electronic mail.
  12. you cant use multi's to gain heads, you have to fully log off one character before being able to log on with another, otherwise your ip gets blocked if you use multiple browsers, i think. if that makes sense.
  13. welcome, continue enjoying the game feel free to ask anything wanting to turn you into an animal is one thing, magic isnt fully implemented yet, but when it is, it might become a viable spell
  14. Grido

    Ap overload?

    i've seen it go up to ~200 but certainly not that high lol, thats ridiculous, then again you only have the rest of the 10 min counter to use them
  15. please i'm begging you do a step by step method of how to actually do that MB
  16. oh i've now bought a new avatar, so thats why there's an invisible one in the shop now
  17. heya, welcome to this awesome game, sorry not Bulgarian, am English, we have players from most places so someone will probably pop up who is though. yeah feel free to ask any questions you have, we're a friendly lot enjoy yourself here
  18. so for instance if you just have a barron soul/hollow warrior in it, then a random selection of creatures will be selected as the creature has <301 VE
  19. by broadening the principles you choose you get a wider selection of spells to cast later in the game, the more difficult/better spells require more than one principle
  20. hehe @Bunny/Camel riddle,
  21. *edits previous post* - oh did i get the title translated right? it is made of matter, but no thats not the answer errm, mine appears to be causing some difficulty, trust me though once you know the answer all the clues make sense hmm a clue if you want it,
  22. I got slightly bored now my exams are over, so I listed all the riddles out (well I took them from MB's list) and hyperlinked them all to the riddle post they come from this is also useful for referencing back. In bold are unsolved. I can't see answers for the bolded ones anyway. 1. Example ’What am I?’ riddle –By MB 2. 1st ’What am I?’ riddle – By MB 3. 2nd ’What am I?’ riddle – By MB 4. 3rd ’What am I?’ riddle – By MB 5. 4th ’What am I?’ riddle – By MB 6. The buttons and the lightbulb riddle – By MB 7. The dead man in the field riddle – By MB 8. The prisoners and the three crowns riddle – By 5acos(phi/2) 9. The television game show riddle – By 5acos(phi/2) 10. The 10 numbers riddle – By 5acos(phi/2) 11. The room with a door to life and death riddle – By Grido 12. The train riddle from hell – By MB 13. 5th ’What am I?’ riddle – By 5acos(phi/2) 14. The cube and the box riddle – By phlegmtheorem 15. The man, his wife and her death riddle – By phlegmtheorem 16. The fake coin and scales riddle and her 2 other variants – By 5acos(phi/2) 17. 6th ’What am I?’ riddle – By tobajas 18. 7th ’What am I?’ riddle – By tobajas 19. 8th ’What am I?’ riddle – By tobajas 20. The 5 pointed star riddle – By phlegmtheorem 21. The 100 coins riddle – By 5acos(phi/2) 22. The epic Einstein riddle – By phlegmtheorem 23. The $50 bill riddle – By phlegmtheorem 24. The bottle, coin and cork riddle – By MB 25. The jars filled with marbles riddle – By MB 26. The awesome human devouring bunny island – By MB 27. 9th ’What am I?’ riddle – By MB 28. 10th ’What am I?’ riddle – By MB 29. Big Ben Bells riddle – By Grido 30. 11th ’What am I?’ riddle – By 5acos(phi/2) 31. Unusual paragraph riddle – By 5acos(phi/2) 32. 3 Boxes 2 marbles riddle – By Rendril 33. Poker hands riddle – By Rendril 34. What gets wetter the more it dries? (It’s the actual riddle…) – By MB 35. 100 Pirates and 100 gold pieces riddle – By Eldrad 36. 12th ’What am I?’ riddle – Rendril 37. Awesomeness condom riddle – By MB 38. 13th ’What am I?’ riddle – By Morgana Le Fey 39. ‘42’ riddle – By Grido 40. Lame kitten king and cool glorious awesomeness bunny riddle – By MB 41. 14th ’What am I?’ riddle – By Grido 42. 15th ’What am I?’ riddle – By phlegmtheorem 43. ’Who are we?’ riddle(rough translation of title) – By Glaistig
  23. i've had it since it was announced it came out
  24. continueing from what glais said, if the enemy only has one creature left and you only have elementals targeting multiple then they cant attack the single creature
  25. lol, you're agreeing with him after he left already? i get what he means, like a 'remember' button thing, whereby it's just a short cut to teach all the creatures again the smae rit
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