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Everything posted by Grido

  1. Last I checked, presuming you actually mean the same value of coins as creds (you might want creds more, so have changed the conversion), it's not 4/5sc per cred, it's around 2ish?
  2. And lo it was done.
  3. [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1320197632' post='95083'] can one be teleported to another place even he/she is logged out? I was at [i]Wraith's Wreck[/i] (GG) last Saturday and logged out (obviously not IDLE) around 11:00:00 Server time due to a personal matter i have to deal with. and today is my first time to log into the game since Saturday, and i found myself at GoE, saw Eon and with personal luck, power fluctuated here (but i do not complain with that). I also know who has the habit of teleporting people to GoE, but i feel it is too unfair if one can teleport a [b]logged out player[/b]; [color=#ff0000][b]THAT'S TOO MUCH[/b][/color] [/quote] Yes, pretty much every spell works even if the player is logged out at the time - probably exceptions, but I can't think of them atm. And why is it "TOO MUCH" ? What if people are stuck, and log out? Or are hiding out somewhere during HC and log out etc? The other "accepted" reasons for using it on logged out players?
  4. Are people ignoring the second sentence? That they're so friendly they won't even fight? lol - why're you trying to give ability suggestions?
  5. Yeah, no it's not finished. Can't remember how straight forward it is, but you could set up an account, then upload the bits? Find an active admin on there first though, can't remember who they are XD will try and find out
  6. Try here; http://md-archives.com/categories/archives-of-legends/official-documents/adventure-log.html I know md-archives hasn't been used in a while (massive shame, it's a nice place), but it does still exist - have people really forgotten about it?
  7. I have 9 Attacklock stones that are on sale....
  8. I can make one, I already replied to your forum PM asking for you to offer me a price.
  9. The people who have access to the Lab are all Golemus citizens, Yrth is saying he will enact a punishment on the person handing out the tools/facilitating the person that's depleting. Golemus citizens agreed to the rules, so someone broke them when they gave the item to the person who's depleting. Punishment on the person depleting isn't explicitly stated, though I suspect if they're Golemus as well, something may happen.
  10. Okay, so I'm being pedantic, but... that was the 400th reply, 401st post
  11. Grido

    WTB Spell

    For summon, what Shadow said. For GoE; [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10062-wts-adding-spells-to-memory-stones/"]http://magicduel.inv...-memory-stones/[/url] Make a reasonable offer (by PM).
  12. I think points against the second have already been raised, and I know points against the first were in chat as well, so here is on forum; I'm fine with the flagging idea, the idea of them being edited by the PL moderators I'm against though, sure they "die" if they edit badly, but who keeps track, who do the issues get reported to when we don't even know who edits them? On an additional note, everyone writes differently - likely to make it easy to determine who the mods are, which I think is counter to their purpose.
  13. It varies - I have some values written down for each spell stone, when I'm offered a price, if it's about the same (or more), I'll accept it.
  14. coding wise (MD-script), No Homeland and NML are different as well (as they should be)
  15. If you could list those which are "blank" ? Pretty sure they're not meant to be. NML is set to give no bonus (I believe), blank is different so it provides one.
  16. If you choose to ignore my posts I will repeat myself; [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1318277561' post='93801']Right, first off - what is the point of this thread? I don't mean that in a negative way, you are fully welcome to make whatever threads about me, I mean what do you want to get out of this thread? What is the aim of it? Be as clear and concise as you're able and I will try to suitably reply.[/quote]
  17. [quote][color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2052 - [2011-10-11 03:36:40 - Stage 11][/color] [b]Day of absurdly blind justice[/b] Justice should be blind, not to distinguish between friends and common people, without influence of power or relations. There is a certain hierarchy and authority structure in MD, some people can't punish other people, some people I will protect for reasons i can't disclose, other people get sanctioned for things they didn't do to punish things they did but cant be disclosed. Sometimes trials or complains get constantly delayed because i rarely have the time to handle them, or because i think its not me that should handle them. I will dedicate a day (or more) during which I will do some serious damage, not to make any balanced justice, but to punish all currently involved in a unsolved trial. Consider it a personal outburst, not an act of justice. Council, or anyone else entitled/able to is kindly requested to solve any trial/scandal/conflict matter they can, before this "cleansweep" will affect everyone involved, guilty or not guilty. I repeat, this will be a spree of punishments where a lot will get hurt, so nobody can complain someone didnt got punished for anything they did or might have done. E veryone regardles of rank, role, favors, secret or public crimes, active days, cuteness, smartness/stupidity, all that are involved in any scandal at the time i start, will be affected.I was hoping such matters can be solved at kingship/lho level, then council level, and spare me of it, seems it cant, so in 8 days from now *day 291*, I will calm everyone down so that you will think again before asking me to judge any matter.[/quote] So move up the schedule to 8 days time anyone?
  18. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1318277561' post='93801']The reason why I didn't contact the Council myself was because of the initial conversation with Mur, we had discussed various options in that initial talk.[/quote] And whilst the conversation (and definitely my intention) said I would deal with it, and had it not been for the message between us having been deleted, and her saying that she'd passed it onto the council I still would work to sort it out - At no point was the council mentioned, let alone any mention of not telling them for whatever reason, by either side. And re him/her bits, Poe is female.
  19. Poe, I would like to re-iterate my previous request to state the name of the other player involved. Has it occurred to you that perhaps the player who messaged you that, and myself, run on different schedules? That perhaps I wasn't online when Mur was on those occasions? Or on a more basic level that Mur knows when I talk to him it tends to involve my asking him to do stuff that his current mindset isn't at, so he doesn't reply to the attempt at conversation previously? Or on the few occasions I manage to speak to him he tells me directly that he's not in the mindset to talk about it? Or that he didn't get my offline messages, and as he didn't show online I wasn't to know he was then there? Or indeed that I wasn't online when he tried to reply to my offlines? Or...I don't know any of the other reasons you might be able to think of?
  20. Pip, the section I was referencing; ""I was discussing the matter with Mur, and obviously he's gone away for a little bit, so please be patient."" and in the next message from me; ""I still haven't been able to catch Mur to talk about it. Mur pretty much always hiding offline on yim, or actually being offline makes it difficult"" Please ask questions before announcing uninformed opinions.
  21. *searches for aforementioned pm from Tarq* I'm quite happy for this to happen. The threads related to me will hopefully be fully discussed by that point, at least I hope some agreeable (to both sides) conclusion will occur before then. Passant, I intend to pick up a stone detector, whilst it would be for myself, the sand I'd be happy to give you.
  22. Right, first off - what is the point of this thread? I don't mean that in a negative way, you are fully welcome to make whatever threads about me, I mean what do you want to get out of this thread? What is the aim of it? Be as clear and concise as you're able and I will try to suitably reply. The discussion of what happened regarding Poe and her demotion is on another thread, if any of you wish to continue that discussion you are welcome to, I believe it's open, if it's not let a moderator know (not me due to conflict of interests, even though I would) and ask them to open it for you. I have stated there an apology to her and reasoning for how I acted. Amoran, referencing the actual exploit that it was related to would then mean every LHO would then know it. As much faith I have in LHOs, I believe in not leading them into temptation by telling them an exploit then asking them not to use it. Phantom, you did indeed, and I did as I said. I had managed to discuss much of the situation shortly before Mur went away (I mentioned that in the message - please check "04 September 2011 - 01:12 AM" if you can still view the message, as you deleted it). Following this, on his return I attempted to contact him on multiple occasions to conclude our discussion to little avail, Mur rarely shows online on yim, and also tends to be very busy regardless of online visibility - so you might imagine how difficult it can be to get hold of him. The reason why I didn't contact the Council myself was because of the initial conversation with Mur, we had discussed various options in that initial talk. As for not giving you the council email address, as has been previously stated, it is listed in a number of various places, including the forum if you use the [.council.] bb tag (without the full-stops). The incident was not straight forward due to the involvement of a player's alts, hence no immediate action and such a discussion needing to take place. If Poe doesn't mind me naming the other player involved, my delayed action would probably make a lot more sense. If people wish, I can make a list of every action I make as an LHO Manager (so no personal things like random trades et al). If there a desire for this?
  23. I echo Yrth's statement, and also ask the mystery person how they intend to "collect" the ITC's if they never leave Golemus? You need to be at an Item Collecting location, and if memory serves the majority of players can only access one such location, and that's not on Golemus.
  24. updated spell stone stock
  25. Or; http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7260-english/ Like it says in Chew's link, some are hard-coded, those that are not (I don't think I missed much) are in an interface I have access to. I made a list in the thread I linked of some of the places I cannot access to edit, but am aware of spelling errors in, if the words you've noticed are not in anywhere on that list, please tell me where you've seen them.
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