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Everything posted by Grido

  1. Grido


    Just to point out (even if this was written in a joking way) if people do intentionally do stuff to "visit" jail, there is also a permanent ban that could be done instead - so don't try it.
  2. May as well start it off, 10sc each
  3. definitely change it's use, rather than remove them, they've been traded for nice sums of coin in the past, a number of people would feel cheated
  4. Also, artist friend must realise that he would no longer own the rights to the image that is uploaded - another reason why it's better the artist themselves uploads the image.
  5. Have you done anything at all related to avatars around the time it went missing?
  6. [CODE] <?php //adapted to md world $instr['title'] = "Tea"; //the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe //be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they wont be identical words with the steps defined below $instr['description'] = " Firstly, you need to boil the water. Whilst it's boiling put the leaves into the teapot, covering the base with them. You then need to pour some water over the leaves, filling the teapot. After three minutes of waiting, the tea is then ready to be served. "; //what words you want to use to start the preparing the recipe $instr['startline'] = array( "Let's brew some ".$instr['title'] => $instr['title'], "Let's prepare some ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'], "I want to make some ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'], ); //what words you want to use to stop the process $instr['endline'] = array( "Stop the brewing!" => 'end_failed', "Enough...!" => 'end_failed', $instr['title']." is served." => 'end_success', "This is going nowhere..." => 'end_frustration', "Oops..." => 'end_crazy', ); //what are the texts for different steps or events $instr['step_replies'] = array( "start" => 'starts brewing the tea', "stop" => 'gives up brewing the tea', "current" => 'is currently preparing the '.$instr['title'], "device" => 'is brewing some tea using the '.$item['name'], "end_success" => 'could smell the fragrant aroma wafting through the air.', "end_frustration" => 'burnt themselves on the pot and stopped the brewing.', "end_failed" => 'sighs and gives up.', "end_crazy" => 'spilled the contents of the teapot by "accident".', "ingredients" => 'To prepare this special tea, you will need; %s ', "ingredients_status" => 'We are currently preparing %s. We still need; %s. (Already provided; %s)', "steps_status" => 'We are already done with these steps; %s. We still need perform; %s. ', "1" => 'boils the water.', "2" => 'covers the base of the teapot with tea leaves.', "3" => 'pours the hot water into the teapot.', "4" => 'waits for three minutes.', "5" => 'pours the tea into a teacup.', "random" => 'ignores you.', "random numbers" => 'calls out: '.rand(1,99), "description" => $item['name'].': '.$item['description'], "provide_teardropleaf" => "%s provides the tear leaves.", "provide_water" => "%s offers some water.", "provide_rainwater" => "%s provides the water.", "provide_undefined_item" => "%s tries to offer something but it is not clear as to what (%s)", "provide_otherway_item" => "%s tries to offer something the wrong way (%s)", "provide_existing_item" => "%s tries to offer something (%s) that is already provided", "provide_insufficient_item" => "%s tries to offer %s but doesn't have enough. They only have %s.", ); //what phrases will it recognize and what step will it run (from above values) //the more variations the better, think what people could say //always use first person, not "RP" blue text third person line please $instr['step_lines'] = array( "What are you up to?" => 'current', "Something smells good..." => 'current', "What are you using?" => 'device', "Tell me a random number" => 'random numbers', "Describe the ".$item['name'] => 'description', //step 1 "Boil the water" => '1', "Prepare some boiled water" => '1', "Time to boil the water" => '1', "Boil some hot water" => '1', //step 2 "Spread the leaves over the teapot's base" => '2', "Cover the base of the teapot with the leaves" => '2', "Put the leaves in the teapot and cover the base with them" => '2', "Fill the bottom of the teapot with leaves" => '2', //step 3 "Pour the hot water into the teapot" => '3', "Add in the hot water" => '3', "Fill the teapot with hot water" => '3', "Pour in the boiled water" => '3', "Add in the boiled water" => '3', //step 4 "Wait for three minutes" => '4', "Wait for the tea to be ready" => '4', "Lets wait for it" => '4', //step 5 "Serve up the tea" => '5', "The tea is ready" => '5', "Pour some tea into a cup" => '5', //step 11 "Serve me tea" => 'random', "I am awesome" => 'random', "Look! It is a pink elephant!" =>'random', "Can you hurry up?" => 'random', "Ew!" => 'random', "I hate waiting" => 'random', ); //NOT IN USE YET $instr['step_actions'] = array( "1" => 'start='.$instr['title'], "2" => '', "3" => '', "4" => '', "5" => '', "6" => '', ); //what lines should be used by participants to offer their resources for the preparation //each line also has the target resources it will work on //for example you could pour water, but install mechanisms $instr['provide_ingredients'] = array( "/I will provide the (.*)/is" => 'Tea leaves,Water', "/I will bring the (.*)/is" => 'Tea leaves,Water', "/Here is some (.*)/is" => 'Water', "/Here is the (.*)/is" => 'Water', ); //what ingredients does this recipe require //feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new //as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device $instr['ingredients'] = " Tea leaves=3 Water=2 "; $instr['effect'] = "tea"; ?> [/CODE] Changed a few bits and pieces; Title to just "Tea" Rearranged preparation instructions to make more sense. Changed a few of the sentences to sound better Replaced colon ( : ) in ingredients list to a semi-colon ( ; ) There's a number of textual edits I made, have a read through
  7. Can you rename the product Earl Grey? (Yes this is kinda spam, also serious - I'm a brit, Tea is my right )
  8. I would like to point out that aside from Mur saying it's not (And I've heard his reasoning on it, spoke at length) that it ~should~ be alt abuse...just isn't. 5sc on elemental
  9. I think you misread Mur's post, he's saying that it's [b]not[/b] alt abuse - so long as the sale of creatures goes to the alts. Alts are allowed to transfer coins to same owner accounts.
  10. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7444-item-swapping/page__view__findpost__p__64913
  11. 3sc each elemental and chaos archer
  12. Thank you for reiterating, but yes I was aware, I referenced Mur's post regarding it in my initial one, and Lone Wolf has also pointed it out in this thread. Thanks for the thought though.
  13. LHO pre-requisite is nice, but possibly unnecessary for this, some of the features of the individuals should match though, such as patience and understanding et al. What dst/BFH says is true, there are unwritten rules, even banable ones, so an updated list would be nice - perhaps ones the Law Advisor's have the ability to edit and keep up to date? The use of the individuals is then for understanding of the rules, rather than necessarily finding them out at all. People tend to ask me legality things anyway, though of course in a less formal manor than what is being proposed. So [b]I hereby apply as a Law Advisor[/b], I would not charge for this for the same reason Chewie states, advice is free. If I did become one, I would not leave Golemus under any circumstance.
  14. With the ctc-mdc, you don't need to store all the info, if you just bring up the creature id and level, and match it against that of a bird, storing the creature id in a variable. Then for stage 2, check the creature id is the same as used previously by matching against the stored variable, and check that they have the creature id and level of a hatched bird. etc etc So only need to look at crit id, level, ID and that's it.
  15. if you don't want them having to type in the CTC-MDC (which would kinda work perfectly for this, just awkward), at least for the first part (rather un-elegantly) you could check if they've been to Wind's Crossing (where the eggs are) and if they have, take it as they have the egg?
  16. correct horse battery staple

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maebius


      Agreed, and I am aways surprised how MANY people use some weird variant of "Password, Pa55w0rd, pr such, as their passwrod where I work. (I am in IT desktop support).

    3. Grido


      Spoke to an IT department of where I worked(not in IT), they explained that someone had actually had the conversation with them; Noob:"My computer won't turn on, it's broken", IT:"Is it plugged in?" N:"Of course it's plugged in! I'm not that stu...Thanks, bye"

    4. Dragual


      Lol really? Hahaha!

  17. @Vic, I don't want to argue a moot point, but if you're going to bring dictionary references into it, look up the word aptitude. "2. ...[u][b]or[/b][/u] has an aptitude for study"
  18. don't feel limited to a single location, the festival can move around through the day, just keep people aware of where it's at
  19. From history people have set up their own festivals, Ailith for example did a Festival of Fun (FoF) several times, with minimal input from Mur(he gave some rewards I believe). If you want a festival, and you're willing, arrange some festivities over a period of a few days - getting help (so it's not just all on you) is recommended.
  20. Grido


    topics merged
  21. Grido


    The shape or make-up of a brain changes as we develop, it's a nature/nurture debate waiting to happen so-to-speak. The basic make-up shape of our head is defined by our skull shape, the brain (generally, not always) filling the shape of it's container, the skull in turn is defined initially by genetics and also by the upbringing, to use a rather harsh metaphor, if you keep a child's head in a jar whilst they grow up, the the head will become jar-shaped. Our memories are connections between neural synapses, the way our brain is connected, even brains which are the same shape, twins with the same upbringing for instance, will have a different pattern to their brains, they will send different connected signals, have different memories - more complicated than I can explain/know. You can have different levels of activity in different areas of the brain, it's been shown that people in murderers have an increased frontal lobe (whether that was increased before, or developed after the murdering is unable to be defined), so does the increased frontal lobe make you more predisposed to violence/murder? It can be stated that any increased area of the brain would make you predisposed to one thing or the other (hyper-emotionality for example, photographic or better memory as another). It's a common misconception that some people use more of their brain than others, each section of the brain is used for different things, some people's brains work faster than others - like a lot of things, more you use it the easier it becomes, but we all use the same proportion (provided you don't have any brain deformities (if someone has a better word, please tell me)).
  22. 3gc 1sc anni
  23. As a note; GG exit (and entrance) were both closed for a very long time before this change, and it wasn;t a long period of time the exit was open for(long long time ago now)
  24. On quick reply; [attachment=3096:forum update error 1.png] On "proper" reply page; [attachment=3095:forum update error 2.png] Circled bits, misaligned LE: oh, also hid your forum sig, so have to look for where there's a view again button, guess in options somewhere - be nice if there was a button same place as where the one to hide it was LE2: Oh yeah, latest IE, windows 7
  25. Sorry XD I (almost) promise that it'll be before 6th (so under a month from it being over ) - time has been lacking lately.
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