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Everything posted by Grido

  1. I don't use twitter, but out of curiosity, would it be doing stuff on twitter, or like real time quest directions from your twitter feed for stuff in game?
  2. When I spoke to her before she said she thought it was likely to be a virus and that her brother was going to have a look at it I think, definitely sounds like it to me, anyway, that or a wire break in the LAN She tried IE and FF, if not others as well, so not a browser thing
  3. I'm pretty certain you could've thought that yourself, but regardless. Just for my sort of foggy clarity, out of the...I think it's 6 or 7 Facebook groups/pages that currently exist, NONE of them are official. And unless Mur/Council states it as such, none of them will be, no matter how determined you (general) might be, actually it's probably classed as copyright infringement if you don't have permission, not that you'd get sued or anything for promoting a game, just saying.
  4. Bump
  5. If you look at my comments on self paper in game (trace of me at Tranquil Plains), is that the sort of thing you want? There isn't any button for it on the papers that I know of, it's hand-coded. It's not too short, dst had 3 letters to her name (before her LHO *'s), as for the change though, you'd have to email a request, generally name changes don't happen often
  6. No not of me, topic is on behalf of Peace; She's having trouble with her computer currently, none of the browsers she tried let her get onto the net properly. Can't be here herself in any way currently but she will work a way to do so eventually. She sends apologies to adepts, worshippers and Necrovians. If needed, people can find her on yim only since it is the only thing she can use to contact the world currently. "I NEED MY LAPTOP BAAAAACK!"
  7. I like to study people, I don't mean that in a dodgy way, but I just like to understand how peoples minds work, and the relationship between answers is a fairly nice one. I'll give an arbitrary sum of 2SC (rounds the amount of silver i have to a nice amount) to whoever's answers I think are the "best"....or better....most honest (after period of week/whenever(I will answer myself then), people can still say things after that ofc). Try to keep answers less than 4/5 lines (for readability), but you can write as little as one word if you want, sometimes short answers hold more depth. Answers may be repeated, but originality is preferred. What is good? What is your best physical attribute? What is your best non-physical attribute? What do you value most? What is 2 + 2? What do you know?
  8. Curiosity killed the cat, lucky they have 9 lives. I'll help out -PM me if you want my yim
  9. No, alts are to be used independently of other accounts played by the same person. The less interaction, of any sort, between same owner accounts the better, and is so advised (That includes knowledge sharing). Take some time to ask the person, or ask around those you know, before you come to rash assumptions next time. Nobody likes being accused of something they're innocent of. (As a note, even when a person is guilty, you should still ask around first)
  10. I had actually completely forgotten about that wish...hmm I was writing a thing about how RJ wasn't drach master when I got the egg, but I realised something else. Drachorns weren't released when I got my ~Aramor~ (to the best of my memory), so if there are older ID GG Drachs/Windy's out there, then they'll belong to either Mur or possibly Summoned Army (And those might actually surprise me), unless I'm mistaken in my thinking ofc
  11. Bumpy grindy bump!
  12. I don't have a particular feeling either way for this, I have my own way of avoiding being attacked*, but as you quoted the rule; "that reason should be discussed with a moderator and if that moderator is unable to solve the issue then put up for voting on the forum." Did you actually discuss this with a Moderator (another name for an LHO, if you didn't know)? So that they might try to "solve" it, like that rule states? LE: *So I haven't really experienced Eons attacks
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwj2dzBsF5M&NR Happy Birthday Bunbun Check 1:35 in
  14. Bumpity Bump
  15. @HeHelpedMe, that's why people open topics for players they know, rather than random people they see on the list Whilst I've probably seen Voldon around, I don't really know him, so in one hand I do wish you a happy birthday, on the other, well I don;t know you (also why I tend to not reply to birthday threads)
  16. [council] would be the email to use methinks (plus i wanted to try the bb code)
  17. I have the full set on the shelf above my head (along with many, many other films) I would kind of prefer not to have to suffer physically like they do in the films...
  18. updated, bump
  19. what creatures ~are~ you interested in?
  20. congratulations California, you no longer have the terminator in charge

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grido
    3. Czez


      Aye :] And Welcome Back, Gov. Moonbeam.

    4. Junior


      Boo just when he was going to Terminate The Californian Republic

  21. It would appear to be page 3, rather than 2, but yeah....picture doesn't appear to be on the site any more for some reason Not an issue with the bookshelves in MDA btw, but with the article itself
  22. Could you be a little more specific? What do you mean by the pictures? The shelves themselves load fine for me, which is why I ask
  23. Something is worth however much someone is willing to pay for it. As for pricing art, it depends on a few factors, nowadays ego tends to be one of them. But the minimum value you might put on it would be; (Canvas cost + Paint Set cost(full set) + Brushes Cost + Hourly Rate)*2 I say full set of paint, and brushes (which get reused) so that you don't lose out ~at all~ with the minimum price The amount you add on top of that would depend on the other factors, - Artists name / ego - More well known means higher price. - How much you care about the piece - The more you feel that the new owner cares for the painting, the lower you might put the price. - Subject matter - more meaning to someone = more value - Quality of work - better = worth more
  24. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1293878330' post='76571'] Waking up in the new year does feel good.. Happy New Year! [/quote] Not if you have a hangover...which I don't - just to point out, just saying Happy New year, to one and all
  25. current bids edited into first post eigger, I'm presuming that your bid doesn't include a windy (which is required when bidding for mine), if I'm wrong, please correct me LE: Junior, What's the ID of the Marksman?
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