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Everything posted by Grido

  1. Not exactly on topic anymore, but meh There's also a spell which can cause youtube sound tracks to be played to everyone in the same scene (unless you have the music disabled ofc), can't remember if anyone that's stil around has the spell though. [Message an LHO if you want to ask about spells, please] As for your original post, the idea is unlikely to happen, due to what's already in game I'd find it unlikely that there'd be global music. --Forum Mod & LHO Boss
  2. [s]They're also invisible until there's at least one approved picture in it. Mods go through and approve pictures regularly.[/s] This infomation is now incorrect
  3. There are limitations on all docs (Notepad included) and it is incredibly high, if you want anything more accurate than "big" find IaB and ask him, he hit it a couple times I believe Check what time you save it, pretty sure there's issues if you save it after hour end
  4. Advertising has gone up from today (or tomorrow, or yesterday....) please be sure to keep an eye out and be at your posts to help the mass of newbies thanks also i'm not around for many hours over this weekend, so please keep me posted on it!
  5. value on UP's? also, Shem seems to have added 5sc onto the SW value for the age and XP, is this up to us to push that extra value on them, or you? I'm not trying particularly to get you to change the values (I don't have spare ones to trade) but Santa's and Nutty's tend to go for around 4/5 GC, however this thread is about what YOU value them as rather than the actual value of the creature, just thought I'd point it out to you though.
  6. How much would you value the gg at? I can beat the bid, but i'd like to know creature valued conversion before i do, thanks.
  7. I was pretty sure it did in fact say that you can chose one additional per MP level, I'll have a look though and say if otherwise About going to MP6, haven't / can't remember spoken to anyone with the story route open for mp6, but unless you fit into that rare category, then there is no option to gain further principles that route. LE: yup, pop-up I believe;[quote]You entered story mode. During story mode you can only access the quest page. Each part of the story allows you to learn new skills and principles. The skills are received automaticaly but you have to choose the principles. [color="#ff0000"][b]You may only choose one principle type for each mindpower point you have[/b].[/color] The principles you have choosen will determine how your character will learn spells later in the game and how your personal profile will evolve. Click on 'info' to view more details about a principle and click its name to choose it.[/quote]
  8. What I didn't mention in the first post, which I should probably make clear is that I could, if I wanted, buy up all those creatures with credits if I was so inclined, I just don't, because I don't think it's right, and I try to avoid being hypocritical. I refer to Burns' posts about the difference of buying off a player and buying from shop. The restrictions on getting things from the shop are there for a reason, there is the age, the xp, the loyalty and ofc the depth of the item (probably others) @Princ, you seem to have misread that topic of Chewett's, it is not him suggesting the alteration, it is the council messaging him and him confirming about it via email to them. Also, according to your logic, a player should be able to get away with anything they like so long as they plow money into the game - my experience with Mur would lead me to believe that this would be incorrect. You may not be able to stop every instance, to prevent it from possibly happening, but there is a lot of power of deterrence in something being stated as against the rules, and where it is found, can be punished still. It also restricts how a player can go about doing it, for instance, it would no longer be able to take place publicly, which would reduce the number of occasions a sale might happen.
  9. Currently, with the way it is, you can buy creatures (et al.) with credits sent to other players, this means that if a person is quite well off monetarily in real life, they can get any creature (et al.) that they want, they just have to put a price on it, they don't have to put any effort into it, just click a few buttons on paypal (or such). Now, this strikes me as unfair, in a system where spending money in the shop shouldn't give you an unfair advantage over those that don't, why should giving credits to other players, getting an unfair advantage in that capacity be allowed? This may sound like me whining about me not getting creatures, it should, I am, there's a Rein and a GG on sale currently, stated specifically "credits only" which I won't do. But it's also true what I say. I understand that such credit trades mean the game gets more money to it to manage costs, that might not have been given otherwise, don't get me wrong on that, and I want to be clear that I know there's a benefit of how it is, but I don't think it's a big enough benefit. I added a poll, just for a quantitative measure, it's not entirely an accurate measure, less so than the posted responses at any rate, but it's a useful tool nonetheless. Clearly I'd like it stopped/banned, else I wouldn't have made this thread, but I hope that I've managed to state both sides of the coin anyway. Thoughts? Agree? Disagree? Discuss?
  10. Please think about it before reporting a bug next time Thank you, closed and moved.
  11. If players can sell their creatures for credits, then the rich get all the good stuff?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Pipstickz


      Chewett, re-read your own comment. Conversations go both ways.

      In any case, the problem here is that Rhaegar misread or doesn't quite remember what he's talking about.

    3. TTLexceeded


      I like the idea Grido

    4. Jubaris


      eh... I was talking about this:

      The problem there was that RL money was going away from MD when people sold their creatures for RL money (not credits in game).

      By forbidding giving credits as trade measure, you will also pull money away from MD.

  12. Approximately how long before those 6 purchases did you buy something previously? I figure not, but to confirm (you didn't answer Seig), no images uploaded to items?
  13. Grido


    +1SC on all current bids, not for Angien though Could you please message me their Crit IDs? Also, got an ET on bidding end?
  14. The difference between TTL and the paperclip guy (there's several other similar stories actually, I quite like the idea, someone's started with 1p in the UK recently) is that TTL is swapping for an increment in the same thing, the idea of the swap is that you swap for a dissimilar thing, that is worth more than what you use for the trade. i.e. 1p > rubber/eraser > pencil > pen > small notepad > post-its > etc etc In MD terms, use the sc to buy a weak creature, swap up for a better one, swap back to coin, then into an item or something, that's good trading, how do you think I have so many coins? because I think I've only got one from the shop btw, I don't find the efforts offensive or anything, I just don't think he's putting too much effort into it
  15. when you drive past; [img]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3582/3766474811_8bd60056eb.jpg[/img] and wonder if there's a paper cabin somewhere nearby Genuine signpost.
  16. Variety is good, I like to see deeper meaning though, not just taking the top layer, but thinking about what's below it as well (metaphorically speaking). As such I appreciate the thought into why there's no water at the bottom of the well, but would push you to think of alternatives as well, don't just come up with a singular idea, think of other options, be they right or wrong (or more commonly unknown either way), it gives a better perspective on matters.
  17. Just to be semantic here, assuming that it's a traditional planetary system, and that the sun is larger than MD, as such having a larger gravitational pull and causing orbit (of some degree). The sun doesn't move, MD does.
  18. What did you buy?
  19. Not in the least bit tempted, if I wanted to give coins away then I would (and have), without the premise of a "bad" trade. Good luck in your endeavour though.
  20. To clarify, in the case of the first trade, you gave the trader 1SC, and they gave you 2SC, or the other way round?
  21. Grido


    Santa 10SC Or as many fresh TS's as you want, but figure you might like age and/or tokens on them
  22. And to confirm with Luc there, had 3, now have 4
  23. Grido

    New achivment

    [quote] [color="#cccccc"][2010-12-04 23:05:41 - Stage 10][/color] When transferring an "unmarked" coin, it will be imprinted with the land of the person sending it. [color="#cccccc"][2010-12-04 22:35:48 - Stage 10][/color] ... whatever land you belong to when you purchase the coin from the shop is the land that will be considered as the origin of its minting.[/quote]
  24. It'll soon be christmas again...

    1. nadrolski


      Advance Merry Christmas, Boss Grido

    2. Hedge Munos

      Hedge Munos


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