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Everything posted by Grido

  1. [quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1298401472' post='79339'] I forget but it was either peace or DST that portrayed her or himself as a male in the beginning and changed orientation to female[/quote] The dst account was originally created (and played) by the person who now uses the No one account, who is male, the person who now plays it is female. During the switch over period, the female dst pretended to still be male dst. As for the topic itself Other than what has already been mentioned, there would also then have to be a whole set of female armour drawn up to match the existing set, but with female attributes to it. As you might imagine this would be a lot of work.
  2. Did you ever think that those "bugs" as you put it, are intentional? and have reasons behind them? I mean aaront already pointed out about the FC's
  3. When I said uncounterable, I was referring to the action of roping him up in the first place, rather than him being able to escape. Headstone wise, have you tried lobbing one? Does explain, thank ye. And you're better at rp than others I've seen, so you're onto a good start
  4. Aren't actions acted on a player that aren't counterable, considered...godmodding? I know it's not illegal or anything, but it's definitely frowned upon by various people... I don't know your characters' background Brulant, so I'll ignore how strong you'd have to be to pick up a headstone and "lob" it over the side. But taking actions, such as tying a rope around someone who is clearly not there (idle or just afk), when in reality they would very quickly wake up and stop you from doing it? That isn't to take away from the actions, just think it could've been done better *shrugs*
  5. I have the toolbar, I've had it for a while, but pretty sure I didn't customise it at all. I don't see a [MagicDuel] button, I see an [MD Links] drop down, that what you mean? or am i being blind?
  6. Kinda feels like MDNP is highjacking this thread now... from the perspective of Chief, I'd have no issue with a story from SN in the paper, but it is a NEWS paper, so it wouldn't dominate it in any way
  7. Might've been spoken to, really can't remember, meh But yeah, like BFH says I have the access to the MDNP page, also the background image (not that it's hard to steal from the previous editions, that's where I got it) also set up on publisher Also like BFH has said (and a few others I think) it's not the formatting / editing that's a problem, hell give me a few hours and I can edit the most badly written piece into good shape (I'd prefer not to have to, but I ~can~) It's the writers, the ones that want to write, get busy, and so don't have the time to write for it, find consistent people, or get material consistently produced, and the paper is able to run, it works alright over as people are on holiday, but it needs to be able to survive year-through. btw, I'd enjoy being chief of staff, I kinda became it when Garg left, but if someone else wants the role, then I don't have particular issues with that either, so long as they actually do it properly
  8. Advertisers is also in Tribs now SotiS is doubled on the list, gotta figure it belongs in Tribs nowadays, with Mur being the head demony bloke Mur added as leader of Tribs Lifeline no longer king of MB
  9. The money was donated to the artisans, so I feel that it would be wrong to, in essence, choose for them where they might have wanted the money to go otherwise. Now I suggest no solution to this, as someone already said, ideally the money should be given back to those that donated, we can see a partial list, so I'm pretty sure there's a full list available, but not entirely sure how...possible(?) that is to happen, or the likelihood, for whatever reason. I cannot recall what the artisan treasury was for either, because I'm pretty sure (and please correct me if I'm wrong) they got given credits (doubt rl money, but possible) that were not a part of that treasury for the work that they did. Like I say, I offer no solution here, and as I very much doubt the guild being reformed, as players can upload their own avatars now, the need is reduced for it, and as the guild isn't likely to reform, there isn't much need of a treasury for it, so something should happen with it, the question is just, what? With regard to BFH's funding problem, he could request an advertiser's treasury?
  10. http://www.ehow.com/facts_5655183_love-chemical-imbalance_.html I believe the "O" you were thinking of is Oxytocin according to the article
  11. I'll match DR there, 5GC on either
  12. 4gc 3sc for untokened
  13. Sale ended, find me in game (Currently hanging out at [s]Tranquil Plains, left of GoE. If not there, try[/s] Paper Cabin) to make the trade Thank you all for bidding!
  14. Just to state, as far as I see Mur's opinion on the matter, Active days of a player will never be increased or decreased, aside from logging in daily to gain one each day Having a month/quarterly thing sounds good though, if only for an arbitrary prize, rather than a "real" one
  15. If you had the choice between living in the fantasy, or reality, which would you pick?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Sharazhad


      @ No-one, there are somethings that you can do in a fantasy that are simply not possible in real life.

    3. aaront222


      Fantasy, maybe i'd get to be a hero in green tight that gets stalked by a princess!

    4. Blackthorn


      I think that most people would say fantasy...although, those who do live in their fantasy are considered insane.

  16. only 1 day left of bidding
  17. Only a few days left!
  18. Bumpy, week left of auction
  19. 4GC for "the other" one? since rider hasn't been specific, I'll ask about the claw one, but I really don't mind which
  20. Splitting the "spent creds" shop into say 3 parts might be good, idk...Gold, Silver, Bronze or somesuch, where you have a few great things, for a high spent require in the gold, and you have lots of lesser (but still good obv) for a lower spent require in the bronze, silver being somewhere in the middle. @Kyphis, Illusions could be fun (I'd know)...but hard to get to work right...possibly one-time illusion of your choice, main benefit to players who don't fight, your creatures aren't usable whilst in an illusion Not sure the one time access locations would be useful to anyone who's been around a length, and they're the ones who've probably (note: exceptions) got more spent creds to use Replacing WP require would require a rework of the system as I know it, but not sure what I think about the association between credits and WPs anyway... Having an option to reinstate one-time MD-shop products might be good, puts the heat orbs, friends list, reindrach (at Christmas), etc back into the shop once you've bought it already...perhaps have it activate upon shop reset though, to save abusing in any way. Or pick and choose which items get renewed on the reset. LE: Actually yeah, better to pick and choose, there are some which would be pointless to re-add, like "unbind all inactive rituals" you don't need/want it twice in the shop
  21. Grido

    Event Calendar

    Yeah, right at the top; MagicDuel Browser Game | Forums | Members | [b]CALENDER [/b]| Picture Gallery You've got a personal one, and a public one, the public one displays all the member birthdays as well, user-added events (I believe) have to get approved by mods, so tell one of us if you add something, and appears alongside the birthdays when the date comes up
  22. @Xrieg, Minimum price I'd like to accept would be 1sc per token (+compensation for age), it's negotiable, but i may as well just hold onto them for 1sc, I have the space, will just sell them later @Princ/Junior, I changed my mind, decided Jun's marksmen+gc bid was higher than your previous bid Princ
  23. Grido

    Event Calendar

    Or there's always the forum calender? That requires very little effort, presuming of course it's about things clashing, rather than advertising as well (which I be no issue with) Otherwise, yeah, what Kyphis said
  24. If you can find people willing to write consistently, then send them my way (as a technicality I'm in charge of MDNP, for lack of a better option) @Chew, people ~have~ tried to pick it back up, just hasn't worked without the people writing @Curi, from what I read you mean more of the newsletter thing that the Archivists started doing a while back, people clicked what they wanted to see etc, and it got emailed, totally optional, again, you have the issue of getting people to write the different parts Find the writers, and it can be done, if you can't it won't, because unless you're extremely dedicated, and don't do too much else (other than paper/newsletter) with your time, you can't write it all yourself.
  25. Found an edited bid my Manda, which was lucky. If I don't see the bid it doesn't count, I don't mind people re-posting, or messaging me to update bids, but I need to know Has nobody noticed the nice ID'd Pimp? 481000? And there's a number of low ID creatures going really cheap there
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