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Everything posted by Grido

  1. A wise man once said........nothing at all

    1. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      Wise men do tend to keep quiet and listen to the wind. Which is why i am so loud.

    2. Sharazhad


      other men should follow his example!!

  2. fixed so closed
  3. Grido


    <br> As person of informative knowledge; If you ask for a gift, then it is no longer a gift, a gift should be spontaneous or unasked for. Noun [url="http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Gift"]Gift[/url] n. (genitive Gifts or Giftes, plural Gifte) poison oh, wait.... Noun [url="http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gift"]gift[/url] (plural gifts) Something given to another voluntarily, without charge. Also because you are new, there is something you are likely not aware of yet, this game isn't like other games, the game is designed, in part, to be able to be played without spending any money on it, and suffer little to no disadvantage because of it. There will never be a $ for WP trade, the WPs are there to reward for in game things, not who has the most money, that's why there's more than the one "shop", WP one and $ one. I welcome any questions if you have them, I've been around a while, send me a message or three if you want.
  4. When reporting bugs, please give it 5+ minutes of happening before reporting, it tends to be the case that the code is being worked on and gets fixed before you know it. Leaving it 5 minutes allows for this, and if it persists after then it may be unknown and then worth reporting. That's 5 mins of it happening, rather than 5 mins since it happened btw. Waiting to confirm it was a one-time thing, then closing thread, presuming that's the case.
  5. Time...I see it not, it hazes at the edge of memory, like a long forgotton friend. Time makes me forget, it makes me recollect the age of youth. Time....I miss thee.

  6. And to continue along the same theme; idea has in fact been brought up before, and subsequently turned down rather quickly (i believe). Unless it got deleted at some point or other in the past...2(?) years, you should be able to find it, happy hunting. This is a role play game, if you want to talk to someone, go find them, don't be lazy
  7. WP id and full name? There are three edit script Wishes, and whilst i believe you mean inventory item one, clarity is nice
  8. Grido


    Please read the post indicated before listing more things to edit, if you find new areas, tell me, otherwise i know these need fixing [quote name='Grido(polis)' timestamp='1284156787' post='68174'] If you can find any that are NOT in these areas please email me; .. Any of the links along the top of the screen (exceptions of LHO Treasury and MDNP page) ... [/quote]
  9. unfortunate timing, been having bad internet issues lately, i'll stay in Paper Cabin whenever i'm around though

  10. Grido


    It is the sort of thing, but.. [quote name='Grido(polis)' timestamp='1284156787' post='68174'] If you can find any that are NOT in these areas please email me; ... Combat Interface ... [/quote]
  11. I see death, rising up like a serpent ready to strike

  12. You may anytime you see me :)

  13. well we don't get alerted to them closed
  14. - Unholy Pope receives [b]2.8420557E+8[/b] energy burn(luck: double effect) (attacking creature consumes 47367648 Ve and remains with -46579894 Ve) creature DIES! nice energy burn
  15. [removed] And got given the same card repeatedly, but don't know if that's intentional or not
  16. There is logic to it, although i know at least one person who managed to do it by random clicking
  17. Actually i don't know about Canada, and i don't agree with it, but England/UK is most commonly described as the 51st state or vaguely wrong, but this part is what i refer to; [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/51st_state#United_Kingdom"]http://en.wikipedia....#United_Kingdom[/url]
  18. I would say that it's not, but i think I said such once, and Mur hasn't said anything against it (or for it) (that i recall)
  19. Happy Birthdaaaaay!!!!!!!! Hope you have a good one If anyone would like to take this opportunity to donate to the wedding fund, it'd be most appreciated
  20. Just to be clear, when you say server reset, you mean at midnight server time?
  21. it might be "worth" more than 6 Gold, but i dont think i've ever seen one sold for that much before
  22. Happy birthday Chewbacca! Even if it is possibly a fake date He's 3 today, so everyone wish him a good experience with starting preschool
  23. Have to agree with Awii on that one, it really grabs me, bit of a varied response on my part i am mAd crazy they say, quite angry i write to speak, my lyrical inSanity my brain fires sHots, the man is deAd, stabbed himself five times with a knife in the heaD the duck iS dead, the quAcks and quicks were playing on my mind, like a little football ditch i dreAm of pretty pictures, rainBows with the clouds, the rain hitting down afAr like a big old car running down the gRounds my obSession with perfection and nothing perfect rhymes everyThing i say is wrong noThing ever lie except me, and them, and you, and i, in case you wonder why i state it is beCause i cannot hate explain i cannot, should not, do i type so write, i typ so rong do not commeant i can not think read not what you canNot see i cannot see but you or me i am happy, fear me run from my smiling fist gaze upon my visAge and despair i am a comic book wham, poof, kaplook i trick you into seeing what you want to see the truth my lie i spy wIth my little eye someThing beginning with r trap doors, trip wires too i set them up to watch them blow my mind, too much infonation i think a lot of toffee in the morning self destruct 5 4 3 2 1 bang, kaboom i am deAd i see your head in the basket aLong with a magazine talk to me and you shall see how crazy you might truly be bzZzz for the honey bzzzZ off do not disturb i'm not tired any more a nugget of gold 13 pieces of silver i canNot be sold nor bought for a giraffe leave now, forEver hold your piece i am not here any more i am gone the next room is so far away like a ship over the horizon
  24. no it doesnt talk to me on yim
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