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Everything posted by Grido

  1. Grido

    Link-Up Poetry

    Simple rules, last line of each poem is the first line of the next one (and you have to write it ofc). Theme, Stanza length/amount, (no)rhyming scheme etc can all change. For the sake of good reading, it's preferred (by me) for the poems to be 2 stanzas or more, but that's up to you. Oh, and titles would be nice if you have one, but arent compulsory. [u][b]Night[/b][/u] Quiet little thing, Peaceful and calm, I wander about, In the place called Night. Loud and humming, Beats and a rhythm, I dance and shout, In the place called Night. Dozing and resting, Comfy and warm, I sleep in bed, In the place called Night. Light flickering, Machines are buzzing, I sit up and work, In the place called Night. Darkness falls, The moon it rises, I stare up and wonder, In the place called Night. So the next poem would start; "In the place called Night..."
  2. you lose your protector, you dont lose your mentor adepthood only changes if you change it manually
  3. Grido

    Storing Troubles

    simple solution would be to have 9 seperate varibales to store on, but it's not very pretty when it comes to echoing you could also use keys if you wanted i figure, if it's just a numbers thing then give them the key ....key_9 and then set up on the 10th clicky [code]if(mds_has_rpcq_keys('key_9')){ echo "has key 9"; }[/code]
  4. If by items you mean inventory items? You can "get rid of them" by sending them to any player you see LE: You can sell items by arranging a trade with another player, there is a market section on the forum if you want to put items up for sale.
  5. Mur is still thinking of a way to distribute the spell docs again, rest assured there ~will~ be a way, there just isnt one currently
  6. gg are worth more than rusties.....are you really hoping for a straight swap?
  7. [attachment=1939:Minus VE.png] Lowest VE?
  8. Add it into the MD Awards? Happens at the end of each year, might be a nice addition to it Think of a fitting name, suggest it when I make the thread (i set myself a reminder last year for this year )
  9. Happy Biiiiirrrrrrrtttttthhhhhhhhdddddaaayyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. you can buy in packs of 5, 20 or 30, so doing 5 twice would get you 10
  11. Grido


    If you recall with the Princ thing and Loreroot, there was the option declared that if enough of the alliance supported Princ then they could shift their land allegiance. I dont believe there would really be another situation type that would call for it, but i'm pretty certain that a request sent to Mur would be answered if it could be confirmed that the majority of alliance members wanted the change, and the recieving king accepted. Why should they not? It increases the strength of the land if the king is in direct communication with their subjects, at least in part.
  12. You can definitely run cars off ethanol, it's one of the eco car fuels, just costs a fair amount i think
  13. 1. Same Country isnt the same sort of thing, but the others being under "Top Lists" or something isnt too bad an idea 2/7. Notepad and Personal Page i dont see why they cant both go into the papers list, both in the same format after all. 3. is preferable to 2 for Spell Pages, but i dont know whether it fits on that page atm 4. better on the profile page, add the password change bit onto it as well 5. doesnt really fit there i dont think, perhaps some part on the alliance page if you're not in an ally 6. Adventure and Public Logs are both very different, it's better to categorise by type rather than similar names
  14. Any avatars in MD are claimed as 100% belonging to MD, this is why direct copying or heavily copying another artists work for submission isn't allowed as the original artist has the ownership and hasnt given permission for it to be sold to MD (i'm not saying you had bad intentions, just a legal standpoint). It is also stated on submission that you should have the owners permission to use the material you're submitting. As a harsh comparrison (i cant think of another example off hand, so i apologise for harshness of analogy, a car isnt really like a drawing at all) it's like someone stealing a car then selling it, the new owner thinks they bought a nice new car but the original owner still owns it rather than the new owner. Using an image in your personal papers is fine however as there is a copyright tag below it saying it doesnt belong to MD.
  15. Grido

    Fan Go Boom!

    Yup BF, that's close enough to what i was thinking to agree with it It also takes a lot less force for a smaller thing to enter your body than it does a bigger thing
  16. That's just mean Shantu, we don't want anyone hurting Bob today, not even no one! No exceptions! ()
  17. Coincidence or not that Zleips birthday is the same day as Mur turns 1028? hmm.... Happy Birthday man
  18. Grido

    Fan Go Boom!

    [quote name='I am Bored' date='19 August 2010 - 12:15 AM' timestamp='1282173307' post='66501'] they're way to small to matter. [/quote] That's bad logic, very bad, smaller is more dangerous because it does damage to you that you can't see
  19. Aside from that naming the max level of "Mad Thorn" would cause confusion with "Madhorn" of the Drach
  20. if i transfer all the silver (and coupons) i have into Gold, i have approx 44 Gold, though some of that isnt wedding fund it's for LHOs Not long
  21. Never forgive, Never forget

    1. nadrolski


      Reminds me of Metallica's "The Unforgiven".

    2. Sharazhad


      Nobody benefits from unforgiveness.

    3. Grido


      No, but some things can't be forgiven.

  22. i'm not colourblind, but i still struggle to read it, the colours are too similar that i can't distinguish between them and the background i take it your suggestion is that the letters are coloured and the background is greys? should make the letters stand out if that's the case, so it would be easier to read
  23. I have an issue with the new captchas on log in, that being that quite a few of them i can barely (if at all) read, I got several wrong when trying to log in earlier, and i was squinting to try and see better... I understand why they're there, to prevent prorammes from logging in for people, but when the people can't log in easily for themselves?
  24. i've got to ask...what's the power stat for on this creature? i see no point in it
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