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Everything posted by Yrthilian
ok so am i to take it that people what to see the libs come out and train? if so i am sure i can have that arranged. But if this is to happen i want to hear NO complaints about alt abuse as this is what was said before when they were out and had to be put back in the fort
The libs were created a long time ago back before the rules agenst alts. I believe it was because of the lib army the alt rules came in but i could be wrong there too. As no one kindly points out the libs sat in Golemus fort and were prepairing them selfs. and No one got his info worng too though as the public idea was a developent in work for some time. Yes Lifeline was there training the with them as the alt finder stoped them from training on their own. Since lifelines starts are all over the place as it is he was the best candit for the job. When the issue was raid of persional training the training got put on hold untill a new way was found. You will also find if anyone else tries to create the same amount of libs that the system will not let you. Now as i said make suggestions to a better way and i will happly use another way. But i will also say if this system cant be use then the same can be said for the GGG as everyone keeps saying they are the same. nless you want to go back to the rules again on how something is allowed untill it is found and so on and so on.
Ok i agree my approach on this subject was completly wrong so in turn i am willing to try and find a better way. he libs need to train. So if anyone is willing to put a better way for them to do it please by all meens put it forward. I am open to suggestions always am. I am following a request to get the libs trainined up and to try and have them carry out what they were created for remember the libs are an army and an army has to train in one form or another. I understand i may be wrong to create the training ground for them so i ask you for another way to train them. Currently under the Alt abuse rules what i was creating is not alt abuse. or at lest from my understanding of the rules. unless you can show me other wise. I am not afraid to admit when i am wrong. but please just show the rules and how it is beeing broken and i will do all i an to make sure it is not.
you know i did write a long post but i removed it I though it too insulting and done in anger. So i will write another in a less angered tone to explain what is ment of this training ground. It will be something though that will go ahead. in one way or another. So instead of saying this is how it is going to be i am open to suggestion. All i can say is the libs will get trained.
As stated above it is by invite only and Golemus people are automaticaly invited. It will be keept to 5 people at a time so it will be kept private as it will be in a non public location too. When i have the forst 5 request i will then start the GTG. I will also extend invites to the kingship people. if they wish to use the GTG. Yes some people will get special invites as per my whim to do so as this is my GTG. this will also be done on a rota basis. (Edit to remove invites to kingship)
[quote name='Chewett' date='20 June 2010 - 10:27 AM' timestamp='1277026028' post='62313'] So, GGG was banned from having alts, wheras a king is making something so similar... With even more alts... Nice equality [/quote] yes i am making something similar as part of a solution. you dont like it well that is your problem. The libs have a legacy to follow and they will follow it If you have a problem with that well i dont care. This is a solution that works without proper abuse. as i personaly dont gain from them. So i am not abuse the alt system as per the rules. I have already spoken with thoes that needed to know and this is going ahead. BTW this is only Phase one of the plan so you may not like what i do with phase 2. but well you will see.
[center][color="#FF0000"]Basic Training Rules in Golemus[/color] - Only by invite will you be allowed to use the training ground. (note: all Golemus people automatically get an invite). - attacking rituals must deal no damage or lifesteal to single creatures or all creatures, or heal/regen your own creatures; - as part of the invite process only 5 players at a time will be allowed into the training grounds this will be done on a rota bases. - If you leave the training ground during training you will not be let back in until it is your turn again. -This will be done on a rota basis so all Golemus people will get a chance to use the GTG. The roat will be for 5 days worth of training then you have to wait untill the others have had their training. then the rota will start agan. [u]This is a test for the first run of the Golemus Training Grounds more rules may be added as time goes on.[/u] [b]The purpose is to gain wins for your creatures without hurting the lib[/b] [b]The Lib’s will also change from just wins to proper training as per there requirements as this is to also help the Lib’s in their legacy.[/b] [/center] (Edit to add new rule of rota system)
ok if we are going to vote can we please turn this into a poll much easer to vote that way.
[quote] haha I do think it is a very good idea though, it would stop mountains being made of molehills [/quote] well that was the idea this is what a 3/4 page issue for something that really should not be an issue
Make a list/poll and we can all vote Mind you this vote does not meen that player gets the keys He aked us to vote to see whom we would choose But i still think a coin box or npc is a good idea but then again i would.
hmm how about no player gets it Could it be coded in that you pat 1 silver to a NPC/coin box and you recive the key item for say 2 hours. Once the time is up the key goes back to the box. This takes away for the need of getting a player to take care of the keys and have them beeing online all the time. This would also cover the issue of diffrent time zones and people not beeing online when someone in a diffrent time zone wants the key? Just something to put in there. I think it would be an easer way to resolve this who should we pick. Or Mur just pick the player you were going to pick and be done with this
Hmm well it would seem people dont understand the system at all do they "LR got beaten down for heating" There was proff given so this cannot be false. there were alts used in that TC at that time to help you win. end of. Now back to the fact the Golemus keeps winning How do we keep winning? well we take part and with the current game setup anyone can do it. As to the neg point they dont really cont anyways but yes will make it mor difficult Chew accuses Golemus of making them in the neg. Sorry chew but i can say for sure that was not us. UD is easer to keep defended. Golemus well we are far way from most lands LR got the smack down from the TC long ago and well have been more or less left alone Necro well they are closer to one land than the rest Comon people look at the system look at how it can be done without CHEATING it is not hard and Golemus has shown this to be true with only a few taking part. Why dont you just try playing fair an see what happens. How about this I challange you all to do better and find the way to win
[quote] Yrth, that's plain bs . According to your logic (and phantasm as well) I should get the item phantasm had/has for running the GGG. Why? Because the players are sent into UG which according to both your logic is MY territory. Or at least I should have as many rights over it as a player who is affiliated to MDA. In this case nor phantasm nor Chewett would be entitled to the item. [/quote] Regards the item well no you would be wrong in that as MDA is not really a land per say. It is there and well mostly empty. Just because an item send someone to a place does not meen that it is an item of that place. The GGG is a completly diffrent issue to be honest and one i wont get into from here. As UG has no real ruller unless you wish to become queen then you have no claim to any item and as the item is not a land based item you have less of a claim to be honest. i am only goign by the logic you put forward here for the argument over the GGG item but to point out also i didnt know there was one [quote] Oh and I have another nomination if you want: Yoshi. [/quote] Yoshi would be a good choise. The idea of this nominated list is for people to be nominated i agreed that i would lean more towards players from the location that is involved in this dispute. If you wish Make a list of players and i meen a proper list one that can be seen without having to go through all the pages of the topic or even start a new clean topic and have people vote.
Umm this argument is starting to turn into an attack on not having guilds again. Can we please keep this on topic The fact is an event was planed. a murder was commited but since some people were not informed of this chaos eroupted. The fact is the people involved relied on the TC to fix something they did. Now the fact is if TC was not run Mya would still be dead. as the people involve had NO other way of reviving Mya. it is only chance that the TC is still working that mya could come back if TC was changed then what. Thoes people that organised the even would have destroyed a player. Ok now the issue of informing people. The person involved AS THIS WAS A QUEST should have been asked about this. I dont care what? why? or how? the fact remains that they should have. It is only common curtisy for an in game event. You cannot compair EVERY thing in MD to RL. GET over it people MD is NOT RL and some thing that happen should be concidered. This stupid back and forth fighting and people trying to bring in other argument that have no INVOLVMENT in this particular argument. We all know the king done know everything that is going on in their realms but i am sure if you wish them to that there is a way but then every one would moan that the kingship is hunting players down and punishing them. Get over that fact. Also time is an issue with event beeing run. Most of this particular even was run in a diffrent time zone ans we know the pain that causes. So first stop acting like children and have a decent discussion about the even in question and stop trying to stab at the other issue already in discussion. If you are anoyed that you RL friend or even in game friend got punished for crap then use the topic involved in that. right now that is my rant over for now so peopel have a proper discussion in the topic and STAY on topic.
you know i would have to agree with phan on this one. It does not matter how or why the room ended up in tribunal the fact of the matter is it is in tribunal lands So yes i would agree with phan that someone from tribunal should have the keys so to add to phan nomination, i would also like to suggest that Sephirah be the next key holder
well just adding something yes the item is allowed it was scripted by Mur. If you look at the item is shows it is not scriptable and shows it cannot be traded As far as i know and yes i know i can be wrong you cannot script an item to make it untradeable. the scripting of items cannot so far as i know be done from a normal players point. again i could be wrong but i dont think the ablity is there to make a weapon be killable. I will how ever admint even i was angered by the sudden death of a player but over time and after talking with many i see this as a good/bad thing Items should be respected for what they can do and how they do it.
[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='17 June 2010 - 10:31 AM' timestamp='1276767116' post='62046'] can your one post ever be non-political Yrthilian? [/quote] sorry this is off topic but umm... What? I am not beeing political in my last post it is how i see it. i dont get what you meen by beeing non-political? please clarify. send me a PM to keep this from going completly off topic. [b]Edit to add last line[/b]
there are only a few i would think fit this job and yes DST is high on that list Out of the people i know in game I see the likes of Fir's DST Akasha Grido Yes i know this is a very select few but they are the only ones i know online a lot and are well known in game. Grido and DST are proably the most seen and are in NML the most and easy to find or contact. SO yes i would think DST would be best suted for the task as i am sure grido will try and get bribs (only messing G) As much as people may dislike DST she is also fair in many of her dealing and as mentioned she would not care for what is going on in that room as it is private and DST i am sure will respect that. Yes i also think it would be good for it to go to someone from the east lands but to find a truly nutral player well that is like looking for a needel in a hay stack.
umm i dont know if i had that one mur this is what i have for tomattos [url="http://www.pantheonpc.com/sla/killer.jpg"]Killer 1[/url] [url="http://www.pantheonpc.com/sla/killer2.jpg"]Killer2[/url] [url="http://www.pantheonpc.com/sla/funny-pictures-tomato-is-shaped-like-bunny.jpg"]Bunny[/url] and the one in my sig.
Well as you may have guessed yes i know it is a matter of getting prof and of catching people in the act the main aim o this post was to establish the fact that yes it is alt abuse. In having had this establised in a topic discussion this meens that any one tryign to claim but there is no rule agenst it crap. As i know that there is someone about to try and pull this action off this post serves as a warning too. As people will be watching and waiting for such actions and waiting to pounce on the fact the action is taken place. So as you can see this topic has 2 actions. 1. to make a point of the fact it IS alt abuse 2. To try and come up with some sort of solution to stop it from happining now i know option 2 is that hard part and yes i have to admit i have no way that i can think of to stop this from happining even if it was hard coded to stop trading between alts. there is still a way around it this i know. I also know there is a much ease way to trade between alts but the samples about were just that samples. I know we could list all doffrent ways but i didnt want to spend my entire lunch typing Anywas i dont have a soluton to option 2 but at least a discussion has started and well you never know a solution might present its self. (looks at dst only joking )
Ok i have to ask the comunity this This is a theory and has so far as i know not happened yet. After some chatting with some player regards land items and in general game items we became concerned with a posable alt abuse system that may not have been concidered as of yet. I will try to explain as best i can this idea and want to find it i am right in thinking it is alt abuse. Player A (Main) Player B (alt 1) (note this could be done with many alts but only thies 2 account will be for the example) 1. ALT1 has an item but will only trade such an item for a rare creature but request the the creature be given to MAIN. Is this alt abuse as it would be useing an item from ALT to gain a rare creater for the MAIN? 2. ALT1 trade item for rare creature uses a proxy player to trade creature to main. Is this alt abuse as it would be useing an item from ALT to gain a rare creater and useing a proxy player to gove the MAIN a rare creature? Now i am sure there are many other ways to do this and create a long trail. But i find i am getting more anoyed with the whole items getten given to player alts and hidden away from the realm. Esp land items. Now i am all up for trading to get item back but players are asking for far to much like rare creatures or credit in order to do this and this in MY opinion is going way to far. So what do you think are the outlined theroies above concidered alt abuse? is there even a way to track this sort of abuse? Thanks for you opinions Yrthilian Golemus King Golemus technomage
yes he says if you get into the military branch. that is you have to get prometed first. so unless you are promoted you dont get paid. so in essence you are not beeing offer payment to join the allaince it does help IF you read the details and how they are put in the post.
well it didnt take long for this to be asked. No the King will not use there ablities for such things as the GGG the King powers are for there land ONLY. This tool is not for non land issues. The GGG needs to find its own way to survive in the realm if it does not then it only meens its time has come. I am sorry but i for one will never use a King given ablity to support non Golemus land issues. I am sure the other kings would agree with me on that to. (NOTE: i think this is not an LR land topic and should proably be moved to no mans land.)
Well you all remember the day i decreed the banning of Grido from Golemus and removed his Access to the land. Through this action hostilities were born and much changed within the land of Golemus. The people were devided, The land became devided. I still stand by the action i took back then and would do it again. But now i think it time to rebuild Golemus and unite it people again and work through the issues of the past. In starting this process I am granting Grido his LAND access It is my hope that with this we can all work together to build a better Golemus and with that a stronger Golemus. Yrthilian King Of Golemus Golemus Technomage