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Everything posted by Yrthilian

  1. umm just want to point out. It seems my free credits got reset I am not complaining just pointing it out
  2. Nope not intregrated. WP's are given by me
  3. Hi Elthen, The CCG was in place for some time for playing with it is how we tested and developed the current system but until the issue with the clickable can be fixed or worked with the contest will not run. I don't think we will do a test round for players to be honest. But this should not be an issue as this contest is planed to be run monthly and those what win cannot win again just like the HC. So even if you don't manage to win first time round you can still think of it as a practice run
  4. umm dont know if it helps but i use the new layout #Add (locations 1_-4x-1_2) this worked for me as you may see i use the lab for testing my scripts first
  5. Ban news all I am sorry to have to say that the contest is canceled until further notice. Reason is the new changes to the clickables is going to be making some things difficult to run. so until the new changed are finished the contest is on hold Sorry for the inconvenience. Yrth
  6. Jut as Yoshi said NO it is not allowed and has been an established rule for some time. No excuse this time
  7. You wont see me playing I excluded myself and Cutler from this contest If we were to win then we could be accused of cheating and getting a WP for our selfs
  8. [quote name='dst' date='31 March 2010 - 08:19 AM' timestamp='1270019966' post='57211'] One quick question: the score is based on who plays the most? As in:if I am the only one at my mp level with 100 wins I win? Or is there a limited number of games someone has to play? [/quote] Hi DST yes there is a limit 100 MAX 40 MIN if you win all 100 and no one else does then yes you are automatically the top place winner I believe it is very difficult to win all 100. But if 2 players do win all 100 games. We will have to look at who got all 100 first to be marked as the winner. Hope this helps Yrth
  9. Yes my apoligies to the mods I made an assumption and was wrog.
  10. Yrthilian


    yes you need to be specific in this realm to get the answer you may be looking for it is something you learn over time.
  11. Yrthilian


    Yes and no I am king of Golemus But the leadewrs of the GG allaince are Meatel Bunny, Burns and Grido. Leader of the Order is Akasha leader of the MR's well i dont know as they dont seem to really have one
  12. OK this is anoying me now. Why was that topic closed? just because there is mention of this helpfull info already posted I will point out that it is NOT a sticky so is hard to find If you are going to close a topic then say you are and not just close it. AS mods you are suppose to stick to rules and nat flaunder your powers all over the forums. This is really starting to anoy me (incert a stronger word here). So pleadse if you are going to close a topic say you have done so and if you are refering to a topic made a long time ago make it a sticky if you fell it is good enough. People post what they think as they cant find if anyone else has said it.
  13. Yrthilian


    well it depends on what leaders you wish to contact. and what allainces. The 4 main lands have there kings then there are the leaders of each allaince (there beeing 2 - 4 allainces between the 4 main land) then you have the nutral allainces. There is a large dept to each land. I would suggest that you first speak with as many people of each land and build your information form there. I will be honest you will find that so people are harder to contact then others. Good luck with what you wish to do here. Dont be shy to ask anyone as much as you can some will reply some wont but dont let that stop you.
  14. OK i may have put this in the wrong section but i don't know But i am a bit annoyed at the moment so please forgive me on this Now i dont care what rules the kingship use to reward WP's or how the WP's must be awarded I dont make any such rules myself but we all have our was of doing things. So yeah i was a bit annoyed when i have people coming to me to resolve the issue as those rules were not mentioned in the quest. SO i am making this topic to point out that if you are given the WP codes from a kingship person and have agreed to the terms the stick to them. If you don't like it don't accept the WP codes. This issue can also be resolve by making sure you mention this in your quest and prize lists. I don't want to have to be forced into giving out WP codes for some miss understanding or because someone suddenly decided they didnt like the arangment between them and a kingship person. This is the only time i will do it for the sake of keeping the peace and WILL NOT do it again. Just make sure to include what ever special rules you have agreed to in your quest details. I am at this point still angered at the whole situation and will stop here or i will end up on a really big rant.
  15. LOL more talk of taking a land Well i can tell you this much just because a land in neutral does not mean it is there for the taking. for example in RL Ireland is a neutral country but you cant just walking in and take it as your own. Neutrality just mean being neutral not taking sides. That land still is owned by the people of it and i am sure they will defend it well if anyone tried to take them over. I do NOT see any need to take a land and those land can manage them self well enough i am sure. If they want changes made the can work together to have them made. That is there advantage at the end of the day.
  16. [quote name='Kafuuka' date='16 March 2010 - 02:31 PM' timestamp='1268749878' post='56499'] Not necessarily true. I'm certain some people who applied for citizenship are still being processed... although that kind of bureaucratic problem is very real life like. And there's also lands without kings. If one chose to be allied to such a land/guild/alliance before this issue arose, do you consider it wrong for them to stick to that decision? If I were king I would not want people to join my land solely for opportunistic reasons. [/quote] The issue with citizenship is another issue all together. But in regards to applying for citizenship. don't use the system! as it is not working and the kings don't get to see it at all as it is not complete. This i believe was already announced in the updates. Now with regards to the WP codes and giving WP's I do agree this needs to be separated. The WP codes are ownership of the kings and it is there choice and rule that governs those codes. As regards who those WP go to after the code is given. Well that is another matter. I for one don't limit the quest creators to land only or 1 forced to a land only player. but that is a personal thing. I cannot speak for the other kings as that is there choice on what they do with there codes. Paying for things useing WP's I will 100% admit i have done this and i have no qualms about doing it. I do it for very good reasons and i don't have to justify them here. Only Mur can ask that of me if he feels i have abused the WP codes. Now i agree on one matter of the WP's but then this comes down to each quest creator and how the wish to award the WP/code. I have given the codes to each persion i have sponcered and let them use it there way. This i believe is fair. But why should they just use the code its self and award the WP. Why not just reward the code after wards. It is just a suggestion of how to look at rewards. Making quests to gain codes is just another option in its self. Since this matter has been brought up about non land people not getting codes. I have been working on an idea as mentioned above. I will explain it when i have cleard up a few things first and then will anounce it. You may not like it then again you might but we will see. But i think for now we are happy to say this WP codes are the kings to do as they wish. assign as they please. It is what is done with the wish point after wards that is now the main issue. Am i correct in this? I want to be sure we are all on the same page so to speak
  17. Ok let me get this clear. The issue is that people who are non land associated are upset they don't get WP's as easy as someone who is. This is what seems to be the basic moan on the whole matter from what i read that is. Well let me see. From RL and non RL this is going to happen. I cant go to England and demand the payed there social welfare because i am there and have not got a job. I have to wait 6 months before that may happens as this shows to them i intend to stay in the country. Technically this means i am becoming a member of there land. [b](note this is just an example)[/b] So applying that logic to in game there is no difference. It is though luck. you CHOOSE to be non allained to a land that is a choice [b]you[/b] made. Now so far i have not been asked by a non land member to sponsor there quest. I have a very open policy on the matter for those that are non members. So to me i don't think you have a valid argument in this. Unless you can prove the no king would back a quest. Now in saying that i do have an idea that might work but will talk with the kings first before i say anything here. There are many minor issues you all have with the use of the WP's kings have. Some can be validated for there use some may need explaining more but that is up to each king to decide if he.she should have to. As we are kings and there is only one person that can ask us to validate a choice we made in regard to the WP's.
  18. Sorry jester i have to disagree with you on the WP beeing mur's. As a kingship persion we are told to make our rules and distribute as we see fit. Now i dont agree with just giving them out willy nilly. They must be earned in one way or another. Now looking at what is seen in the log i wil say this the first 5 lact any detail for the reason of giving the WP. mentoring is a good reason but it would have to be givin more detail that what is there in my opinion. I have given WP for non quest related thinks. But i beleve they were given for good reasons. I also make sure to add details for such. DST no offence but to me this last few toppics just seem like you are out to HUNT LR to death Now many dont agree with your methods and yes you have recived abuse from players. But 2 wrongs DONT make a right. This agin is just my opinion of what i have seen over the last many months. This all seem very persional between you and LR It is dissapointing to see such behaviour from you in this way. Sorry i am starting t get more annoyed and all this childish behaviour as of late. No wonder MD is loosing more and more players when this kind of Bull is going on.
  19. Well that depends on the log you refer to DST I know i have keept track of all code i have givin out for all quests and for what they were for. now that is up to mur to ask for it and make public if he chooses but i dont think it will be intresting reading
  20. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='12 March 2010 - 04:35 PM' timestamp='1268411716' post='56273'] but imagine a quest, like MasterBs race. How many took part? 7? [/quote] That is the quest i refer to. Master did want t open it to all players. I said no not for this race as i wanted to reward a Golemus player with a Golemus creature this was why his race was a Golemus race only and i already new this would limit the number of players For that particular quest i feel just in how it was handled. The quest WP's that were rewarded was just additional to the main pries. Now yes you are entitled to state how you feel I am not one to stop people for saying what is on their mind but i would like to see it be more constructive rather than just blame. If i picked it up wrong then sorry but that is how this topic came across. I know from my point i have always welcomed people to make quests even those out side the realm of Golemus I even used my own personal WP's to make sure i didn't over step the boundary of what is understood by the kingship as the base rules. I will say this though i do apologize if you felt attacked by me in this topic personally it was a reaction and i normally wait to respond for a later time but i was angered by what i had seen and just make a response. I am as always open to any one with ideas and suggestions as this is how to move forward and to make the realm more responsive as a community.
  21. I also wanted to point out the WP are from the lands treasury so to be giving them to non land people is well like telling the USA to give Ireland its funding. As Mur has said. There are independent people that do good quests and i for one agree they do deserve WP's at time and i have been one to sponsor this and have done so in the past
  22. OK this is starting to annoy me. Sorry Shadow but are you trying to stur the pot? So you have made an accusation that WP's from kings are not given fairly the ALL kings have done this in quest creation. Hmm please give example so we can pick at them. Kamisha not once have you spoke with me in regards to WP's so your statement is only that a statement with out fact! For you to presume what you have of ALL kingship people is just crazy since you never checked or asked ALL kingship people. Now a bit of FACT Mur spoke with all the kingship people and what they were and were not allowed to do. the following is part of what was said as i will not post the full details. [i]Use these codes to reward capable quest creators, activate part of them for yourself so that you can give wishpoints to those that deserve. [b]ONLY [/b]use these rewards for people of [b]your land, never for an outsider[/b]. If a player belonging to an other land realy deserves such a reward but his king or queen ignores him, let it be so, [b]its not your business what happens in other lands. [/b] [u]You should create your own rules on how you give those out[/u], get people [b]FROM YOUR LAND ONLY[/b] to investigate other people quests and reward them codes, or do it yourself. The codes should remain within the land so to speak.[/i] Now i may get into trouble for putting that info in here but it just ticks me off when people assume things and have not even bothered to ask. Shadow you NEVER came to me to ask about WP Codes or anything relating to them. If you had done so you would know the details above. The worst thing is someone make a stupid statement and does not back it up. As you can see it is up to each kingship person to decide there rules and how the code were to be used we have even broken the rules we were given to try and get a better interest in making and doing quests. I will also admit i sponsored 1 quest that was for Golemus only and it was not the WP's that made me do this it was the other pries i was giving out. The i made the quest be Golemus ONLY. As a king i am entitled to do this as is ANY other quest creator. What is it you hope to achieve here? You want to try and make the kingship look bad? sorry but i am getting more annoyed as i go on so i will stop here
  23. I did not say AL didnt have history. It does have history and a lot of it. I didnt just say history of OLD lore for no reason. The land weapons the LAND they them self have history we dont know of OLD history we were told is not allowed to be used anymore. Now i have plenty of history of my own. The AL has a lot of history but mainly focused around Golemus and Necro. very little on the other lands. I am not saying it has none but very little. Players have got history and yes lots of it. I was saying that a lot of new people look for information and cant find it or dont know were to look. As jester has pointed out there are very few the RP and yes it is understood he does not like to RP but we can forgive him for that I have created my own history from since the AL started as many would have noticed IF they read my papers. What i am saying is other history would be good. Now history was not my only point in this topic and you are entitled to your opinion and as i said i welcome it.
  24. [quote name='Chewett' date='10 March 2010 - 04:47 PM' timestamp='1268239639' post='56172'] Unless you completely ignored the AL from before you came, There is a LONG section about GG and the Wizard... Now i cant believe that you are saying there is little to do with the land there, From the one AL you can learn a lot. [/quote] Before i came????? Ehh i think you need to check your info. That AL was after i came to MD. There was NO AL when i arrived.
  25. Well i get into work today to find messages complaining again about RP issues. I have to admit i was very angry to find out what had happened. So i decided i would wait a few hours and see what may be done IF anything. Since i gave myself the time to think and to work out a few things i have now decided to post a topic. First of all THIS is NOT an attack on any one person or group of people. I am going to do my best not to point the finger or point the blame. I will say first that it really annoys me when things like this happen. As MD is suppose to be a Multiplayer online role playing Game. Correct me if i am wrong in this but that means people with use RP methods withing the system. So i have decide i will list some topics here and try my best to keep on the topics i list 1. What is RP? 2. What tools are used for RP? 3. Who has the right? 4. How should this be resolved. Ok so the first point [b]1. What is RP?[/b] Well RP is done different in everyone's eyes. So we need to find the common ground for what RP is in MD and what its place is. So FROM MY POINT, RP is the gathering of people to act out what there character is and what they believe. This is an interactions of personalities and traits a player has developed for there character and how this character interacts with others. To me RP is the FUN PART of interacting and keeping to what you have set for your character. It is an investment of time from a player to a game system be it online or offline. This character becomes an extension of ones personality. So RP is how one would use that personality to interact with another personality and much can be learned from this. Now that is my point of View on what RP is. This is taken from Wiki (got to love wiki) Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behavior to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role. While the Oxford English Dictionary defines role-playing as "the changing of one's behavior to fulfill a social role", the term is used more loosely in three senses: * To refer to the playing of roles generally such as in a theater, or educational setting; * To refer to a wide range of games including computer role-playing games, play-by-mail games and more; * To refer specifically to role-playing games. So there is 2 different opinions on what Role-playing is. [b]2. What tools are used for RP?[/b] Well there are many way to RP. MD has multiple way of doing this through chat or PM. When i first started playing in MD there was no *Blue Text* it was just text and useing brackets to show an action was used. Now after a while the chat got overhauled and we now have several features. We have the (gray text used to speak out of character) we have *the Blue text used to show an action has been taken* both of the mentions features are extremely handy to use and help to keep people focused on what is happening in the chat. BUT... So people don't agree that this is a role-playing tool. I don't know why as it is an easy way to tell if someone meant something in game or not or when someone is doing an action. Yes there are other tools too like when someone uses a spell it is in yellow/orange and uses the text by that play for there spell. This also brings more Role-play to the chat as some players are creative with the text used and shows as different type of action. I am sure there are other features i have not mentioned but the ones above are the ones i use most often. So what is the point of having those features for RP if they are not RP. They were not there before and when they were put in place they were used very quickly and adapted to and now almost everyone know what is meant by the different text and how to use it to express them self's in a better way. I for one think of this as proper RP using those actions and OOC functions help a lot in role-playing. I am sure other will have different opinions on this matter but that to me is the basic underling functions of what the chat was made into so why waste such features. [b]3. Who has the right?[/b] Well in my mind only ONE pension has the right. That is the Games creator. Now it is up to that person to state who he give that right to and then there is no misunderstanding. In a system such a MD there are MANY diffrent locations that cannot be monitored by any ONE person. So yes other may be give the responsibility of doing this job. It is still a very difficult job to do but this job needs to be handeled with care and yes required one to be strick in a sense. The issue is that people are now too afraid to try doing proper RP, why? well because so far any attempt at it has be quashed and the people involved are ether moved or attacked and told off very publicly. We have been told we cannot use The OLD Lore. ok i have to agree to this in most of what had been done in the past. BUT what LORE can we use? We have our players history but that does not have anything to do with the lands and there history and stories. I have used very little of the OLD Lore and any part i have used has been the very obscure parts. Something has to be usable or it turns people away. So who has the RIGHT to say what RP is and is NOT. Well like is said the game creator. The people he has SAID have the right. But also the people have a right too. but to express it in the forums is fine. But to public berate someone in chat in front of any new players that to be is not acceptable in ANY way as this just creates a bad taste in ones mouth and turns potential new player away for good. [b]4. How should this be resolved.[/b] Well i believe there are many ways to resolve this. (1) create some proper history for the realm to use. It does not have to be great it does not have to be 100% true. No 1 story is 100% true there is always someone else side to a story and people have a tendency to embellish facts. This is what makes stories interesting. (2) Give some people facts about the realm and let them find the truth with friends by there side. (3) as Mentioned by me before create the PAL (Player AL) have this controlled by the archives. This allows them to do there job like they are suppose to be able to. The 3 point i have made there are easy to implement and would make the MD world rich with new players and old that can then develop there stories with more fun and have there RP mentioned withing the system. I still think the PAL would be great as this then allows RP to be vetted properly and would even bring some new stories to the Realm. This could also serve as a base for Mur to grab story ideas and possible put them in the MD AL Ok i have to stop or i will go off topic. I hope i have managed to keep to no finger pointing and that my point is made. I know many will have opinions and please do make them. I just want us to all STOP pointing the finger and just Get on with getting things going again and have fun like it was back in the old days. Yrth
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