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Everything posted by apophys

  1. I would recommend looking at new experimental treatments, such as taking a sample and making a sort of vaccine against the tumor. Eat shiitake mushrooms (cooked, of course). They contain AHCC (active hexose correlated compound), which boosts your immune system. I'm sure you can tip the scales that the 15% will become your favor. Don't ever give up. You are in control of yourself, not some destiny, or God. Good luck.
  2. Well, if the battle log was posted, that would make things a lot simpler to analyze, without speculation... Note: if someone encounters this, please post the log.
  3. Never be afraid to ask questions. Read combat logs. The rest is common sense or a derivative of it. You can't teach common sense or touch on every situation it may apply in.
  4. [quote name='Orlando Gardiner' date='17 January 2010 - 07:10 AM' timestamp='1263733834' post='52882'] angels sang out, in a miracelous chorse, down from the heavens, decended chuck norris.. he is awsum^^ [/quote] You misquote. In an "immaculate" chorus. (I'm surprised the song is so popular. ) Charles Nelson Reilly has Chuck Norris' head on his trophy wall. See for yourself. Top left corner, 0:51. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLnapb-30hA (song: "CNR" by Weird Al Yankovic)
  5. ^ Well, you could just tell all new arrivals other than VIPs like Grido to move to the end of the hall... Then there is no end to the number of people you can take in. Of course, eventually they'll get tired of walking and will sleep in the hallway... but this infringes on the practicalities of an infinite hotel, so I won't speak further.
  6. Unfortunately, DST's answer seems to have a slight problem: it would require cooperation of infinite guests (and as stated, it would take infinite time to complete). What if everyone except for a finite few refused to move? A simpler way to solve the problem would be to tell one stupid guest to move to a room situated at the end of the hall. Since there is no end, he'd never get there. So a room is free. I think this is proper to quote here: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
  7. I knew you through our mutual friend, Eggs. Unfortunately, he isn't around anymore (idk when you left, so you might not have been aware of this). He might poke in once every couple months, but not more. Welcome back. If you need a refresher on the battle system come see me at the Sparring Grounds (new form of the Dojo); I'm still mp4.
  8. [quote name='Burns' date='19 February 2010 - 02:01 AM' timestamp='1266566469' post='54746'] Your xp increase in very very tiny ammounts, almost neglectable, unless you plan to stay on mp3 for a pretty long time after reaching cap... [/quote] I noticed my personal xp (at mp4) is now perfectly stationary; I haven't gained even 1 xp since I capped about a week ago. This was not the case last time I was capped, back when it was 2.2 mil. I had like 350k over the cap by the time it was raised.
  9. Give the guy a break, Laz. Curiosity is a good thing.

  10. [quote name='Jester' date='21 February 2010 - 01:23 AM' timestamp='1266737022' post='54874'] GGG was much different back when it was a secret. The way it is now with everyone using it, it lost all of its meaning to me. [/quote] Hmmm... so secrets are good... Mur made a nice post 2 days ago about dividing the lands... I think I may start a mercenary guild. Not an official alliance, but an undercover organization... *plots* ....
  11. Why all this animosity? Can't people just get along? Anyway, all I see are mp5s responding, about their own level, projecting their conclusions on ALL of MD. The poll in this thread refers to the ENTIRE GGG, with almost entirely mp5s deciding. Mp3/4s don't go to the GGG for the same reason as mp5. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='20 February 2010 - 11:33 AM' timestamp='1266687221' post='54837'] I remember when you couldn't walk through willows shop without being attacked. No one ever idles anymore. Why? Because of the honour system. No one wants to take a loss. Why? Because of the honour system. No one ever wanders out of "safe" zones. Why? Because of the honour system. Does anyone else see a pattern here? No one will leave a safe place because they can't win. Not anymore. MD is like a scale. Before, everything was generally balanced. But several additions come by, and totally made everything whacky. People thought it would be balanced soon again. But honestly, it has been over 6 months. Tokens are still here, the Honour system still makes people afraid. [/quote] Ah, yes, the good old days, eh? I remember as a fresh mp4 being so afraid of passing through Willow's to Wind's (it was so active) that I started using the Press as my heal space, and after a while I got bored. This lasted until Awiiya invited me to the Cellar Door, the predecessor of the GGG. This "secret" revitalized my interest in MD. I only stayed there to get the required wins on my creatures, and then I went on rampages around MD (dojo idlers especially) for XP. This became a cycle. Soon I could hold my ground at Willow's, and even at the GoE around last Christmas. The GGG does temporarily take people away from other parts of MD, but it allows for harder fights at mp3/4 with stronger, more upgraded creatures. For mp4, the GGG is priceless. The honor system is so easy to work around, it's laughable. Just set some trees and farm losses, then spam victories, and your honor is max. I've never had any unwanted loss of honor, except, oddly, at the GGG. But maybe this is due to my low mp level. For your information, I idle most of the time I'm online. I either have a single tree or a nearly unbeatable (to mp4) tokenless defense. If you're having problems at mp5, try playing an alt at a lower MP, and see how truly nice it is. I don't know how the situation looks like at mp5, but down here, it's pretty good (except for tokens, which are kind of rare here). The problem is that MD's OVERALL population seems to be stagnating or shrinking, even at mp4. They're definitely not leaving because they can take advantage of the wondrous GGG. I would even venture to say that the only mp4s who quit are those unaware of the GGG. Speaking for all the mp3s and mp4s who don't use the forum: Don't fix what isn't broken. Incidentally, if the GGG were to move from its current location, closer to the rest of activity, it would only be even MORE popular. Which would probably be a good thing... alright, now I'm incoherent.
  12. Since you say your def was an elem, I'm going to assume it's the newly-hatched one that weakens. If it was higher targeting dying, then it's your own fault. If you put some % vit in your def, then maybe it was some angiens plus 1-2 UP's and maybe a healer (it would be spoilery to explain why this would give you xp) ... that could result in a loss for you, btw. This is a major GGG violation and should be treated so. However, I doubt the perpetrator can be found and identified with certainty.
  13. The activity level in MD is low. People have very little to do beyond training in the GGG or SG. When people are bored [i]en masse[/i] and have nothing better to do, things can get ugly. Bread and circuses keep the masses content. Our "bread" is a good economy, conditions for RP, and a generally stable system. The economy seems fine to me. Unbeatable rituals are a bad thing for the system, though the imbalance on the community as a whole is lessened by the health of RP, as far as I can tell. That leaves us with circuses. My temporary (maybe permanent) solution is: giving temporary quest pages for free (with LHO approval; this is to prevent questless quest pages), for the duration of a quest only (maybe have a gray "Q" icon instead of gold?). The permanent page would still be unlocked as it currently is. This would give people something to occupy themselves with, and would give a nice big boost to the growth of MD.
  14. Get AVG antivirus free, if you don't already have antivirals. If you destroyed all copies, it should be gone, as long as it didn't spread or something.
  15. apophys


    Napoleon Bonaparte - when asked how he could abandon his flank to starve and freeze to death in Russia - answered, "I never worry about human life, it is the only thing that takes care of itself." It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. - Abraham Lincoln This statement is false. (neither true nor false) This statement is true. (both true and false) Light a man a fire, and he's warm for an hour. Light a man on fire, and he's warm for the rest of his life. Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas. Half of the people in the world are below average. Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else. Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.
  16. I think this would be a good idea for certain quests, with a few predetermined NPCs (specifically thinking of Burns' Apricot quest). But definitely not as a regular aspect of the game. A. It is easy to farm B. It detracts from one of the best things in MD: All the combat is PvP.
  17. A katana is made from two types of steel: high-carbon and low-carbon. Low-carbon steel is hard, sharp, and durable, but brittle. High-carbon steel (or, to the extreme, superplastic steel) is very resistant to fracture, but will not keep a sharp point, and bends easily. The solution is to work the low-carbon steel around a backbone of high-carbon steel. The curve of the katana is made by rapid cooling in water; the two different steels have different contraction rates. As the bar is pure, the hard work of pounding out impurities is done. I have the required knowledge to create a working sword that will neither break when it tries to cut a block of wood, nor become bent. Of course, I cannot do it myself, as I have no access to a forge. I would also need a source of carbon: coal, or ash from burned wood. Any wood plank would do to burn. I'm not asking for the bar. I'm offering to try to do better than you have. Without access to a forge and wood to burn, I don't want the bar; it'd just be a weight in my pack.
  18. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='28 January 2010 - 06:11 PM' timestamp='1264723884' post='53550'] Just have to say something on this. First off, I rarely go to GGG, and when I do, I rarely train, but I think I do alright with fighting. The reason there is dependence on GGG is because everybody THINKS there is dependence. If everyone left GGG and started to congregate at GoE, then everyone actually fights and finds challenges and sets goals. When everybody sits in GGG, everyone sits and gains stats for no real reason except, perhaps, to win heads contest. After that, what's the point of having high stats if all you do is sit in GGG? And on topic: I highly doubt that someone would quit the game because they can't beat the guards at MP3, especially if they know that they'll probably be able to do it later. [/quote] The GGG is not just there for stat gain, but for helping spread out XP among creatures, allowing you to get more and stronger creatures. Maybe this doesn't matter at mp5, but below, it's incredible. The GGG will never be dissolved. The location may change, but it's a community thing and will always exist now that the tactics are common knowledge. I remember back when I first discovered it at the Cellar Door under MDA (I was invited by Awiiya). It was a godsend. I didn't even think about stat gain at the time, and stats are still a minor reason why I'm there (mainly I train angiens). Back ontopic, Loreroot's back door is opened on every Halloween and rarely at other times of the year (I've seen it around 4-5 times total). Some newbies may be patient enough to wait until they see the trigger, or just are lucky enough to join around September. You could have 2 approaches here: 1. Try to level the playing field. Those who got in by the back have an advantage, so you might be more loose with spoilers to the rest. 2. Try to teach patience. If someone is truly stuck, he can have fun roleplaying or GGG training and wait until the backdoor opens. Personally, I'd go for #2.
  19. [quote name='Watcher' date='07 February 2010 - 10:22 PM' timestamp='1265602977' post='54046'] That statement is not entirely true, though I believe that it applies in this instance. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use While I would never rely on wikipedia as a single, creditable source, it is a decent place to begin. A common misconception about the use of copyrighted material and the concept of fair use: "[i]If you're selling for profit, it's not fair use.[/i] While commercial copying for profit work may make it harder to qualify as fair use, it does not make it impossible. For instance, in the 2 Live Crew—Oh, Pretty Woman case, it was ruled that commercial parody can be fair use." While MagicDuel does not use the music as a parody, there is at least one instance where a group who did not own the rights to specific materials was still able to profit from it. I'm sure there are many other examples out there. [/quote] Works under Creative Commons licenses are different, depending on which specific license it is. Much less restrictive. The text of wikipedia itself is under one of these, as you can see at the bottom of the page. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons_licenses
  20. In a popup: Error: SyntaxError Err description: undefined Err number: undefined Err message: invalid regular expression flag v Ajax response: <br /> <b>Warning</b>: mysql_pconnect() [<a href='function.mysql-pconnect'>function.mysql-pconnect</a>]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in <b>/home/magicdue/public_html/lib/mysqldb/class.mysqldb.php</b> on line <b>91</b><br /> [ERROR] No Db Handlererolin.SetVariable("heat","0");[ERROR] No Db Handler //debug sound //var sounds = document.getElementById('sounds'); //sounds.TGotoLabel('_level0','chatmsg'); try{ parent.textArray = new Array; //alert('test'); }catch(err){ var errtxt = "Error: "+err.name + "\nErr description: " + err.description+ "\nErr number: " + err.number+ "\nErr message: " + err.message; alert(errtxt); } And this on the page: Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/mysqldb/class.mysqldb.php on line 91 [ERROR] No Db Handler[ERROR] No Db Handler User-class Error: 1===User not found L: EDIT: MD is back up.
  21. ^ and cannot be countered. If there were a creature with an aura that canceled all other auras, that would be a nice counter. MP level: 4 Ally: no Serious fight: it's been a long time since I had one, but around 5 rounds. Long fight: Around 15. 40 is max; I've tested. I love mp4 because strategy is very much alive as long as no tokens are present. Tokens are for mp4 what rusties are for mp5.
  22. I think everyone should have for himself a note on the calendar of their own account's birthday, but nobody else's. And double bonus for the day. Minor MD events have the changelog for that. No need to put them in the calendar. A few major things that don't change, like the anniversary of MD itself, need to be remembered, IMHO. Otherwise, the calendar's good as it is (just needs finishing).
  23. The solution is to fix regen. Simple. Make another way for mp5 to lose xp.
  24. There's a site devoted to this: www.playlist.com Make a playlist from the database or add your own from the URL. Registration is free. Then it'll give you the HTML code to embed it. Example: the playlist on my profile.
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