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Everything posted by apophys

  1. There is a hypothesis by some that global warming is not caused mainly by carbon dioxide, but by an increase in the energy released by the sun. But back on topic... Let me translate the explanation into string theory. A Big Bang just beyond the scope of our universe. If we are on a giant 4-dimensional membrane, a collision with another membrane could cause a Big Bang. There is of course no reason to believe our Big Bang was unique, and another can happen anywhere, anytime. The other, colliding membrane would be a parallel universe. If this is the case, there may be other such universes around, greatly increasing the chance of other intelligent life existing. We'd better pick up the pace of technology development and start space colonization, or risk being overrun one day. String theory has an alternate explanation for this phenomenon: Gravity from a parallel universe. If there turns out to be nothing there in the place the universe is moving towards, this would be the reason. According to the theory, only gravity is free to pass through from one membrane to another. So there could be a super-massive "parallel universe" nearby in the 5th or higher dimension. I.e. there is another membrane nearby, possibly the one that caused our Big Bang. I.e. we may see another Bang. [quote name='xPo']Now they think that a very big part of the universe, that we cannot see (they are calling it a parallel universe), has a huge volume of mass on it, and the rest of the universe is accelerating around it... like our solar system, where the planets spin around the sun???[/quote] No, we are moving toward it. Like if the Earth stopped spinning around the sun and started falling towards it (on a collision course) instead. Except this is complicated a bit because the universe is expanding as well as sliding toward something.
  2. When a burst is activated while viewing your creatures, the vitality boost does not apply. Stats boost, heat, and removal of battles apply normally. I made sure to refresh the page and have a sizable time margin before activating the burst. This happened to me several times before I realized the bug. I needed the vit.
  3. I would like to join the expedition. My knowledge of flora and fauna may be useful. My strengths are in science and logic, and I may help the party keep their sanity. As for battle, I am at my best against swarms of weaklings, against which many powerful warriors would eventually fall.
  4. I'll proofread/edit the game dev column. I can also help with the strategy guide. I recommend directly typing raw stories somewhere in the forums, but if not, .rtf is my preferred format; I do not have MS Word atm. Another possible column to write about (not by me) would be RL events that may have impact on MD, such as a new scientific discovery. Can we get paid for our work? In shop credits?
  5. [url="http://www.wrzuta.pl/aud/file/pvrMQ2Q4n8/1.mp3"]Peter Cincotti - On the Moon[/url] Edit: It ends abruptly partway through when played directly from the link, but it is, in fact, whole. The problem is probably caused by the slow download speed. This is the only copy I found. Edit 2: Shadow, the song on your list does not match this song. It does not mention the moon, either.
  6. Found a copy: [url="http://www.bluemoonbar.com/Frank%20Sinatra%20-%20Fly%20Me%20to%20the%20Moon.mp3"]Frank Sinatra - Fly Me to the Moon [/url]
  7. I will try to attend, but will most probably have nothing to say... >.< Anyway, a few songs you may want to add to the playlist: [url="http://www.jonathancoulton.com/mp3/Always%20the%20Moon.mp3"]Jonathan Coulton - Always the Moon[/url] [url="http://www.jonathancoulton.com/mp3/I%27m%20Your%20Moon.mp3"]Jonathan Coulton - I'm Your Moon[/url] [url="http://www.jonathancoulton.com/mp3/Space%20Doggity.mp3"]Jonathan Coulton - Space Doggity[/url] [url="http://www.cowswithguns.com/mp3/hi/dancing_dirt.mp3"]Dana Lyons - Dancing in the Dirt[/url] [url="http://www.cowswithguns.com/mp3/hi/mermaid.mp3"]Dana Lyons - Mermaid[/url] [url="http://www.cowswithguns.com/mp3/hi/music_moonlight.mp3"]Dana Lyons - Music Off the Moonlight[/url] [url="http://www.paulandstorm.com/sounds/newstuff/CruelCruelMoon.mp3"]Paul & Storm - Cruel, Cruel Moon[/url]
  8. As I understand it, this is not a philosophical problem, but an astronomical problem. [quote name='awiiya' post='23440' date='Jan 7 2009, 12:44 PM']As for solar systems, currently I think it is irrelevant to discuss what kind of solar system exactly we are in. That is an investigation for another time and place, and something we might never know, seeing as the motions of our celestial bodies are not repetitive.[/quote] I only assume that the planet of MD orbits a single sun, and the moon orbits the planet. Everything else is irrelevant, yes. Upon further thought, I can see a scenario in which the sun is actually stationary to viewers on the ground. The axis of rotation is perpendicular to the direction to the sun, and the rotation of the planet is just enough so that the same side faces the sun at all points in its orbit (kind of like the Moon to Earth). Viewers would see the sun in different places in the sky depending on their location on the planet. The moon could be hidden from view by being in geosynchronous orbit, somewhere at the back of the planet. Hmmm... kinda similar to MD... Edit: Now that I reread the first post, I think this may in fact be the case of MD. The measurements are the altitudes of the sun, which are the same in concentric circles around a central point on the equator.
  9. If MD is in a solar system like ours, THE SUN DOES NOT MOVE. The sun APPEARS to move. The Pillars seem to control one or more of the following: the rotational speed of the planet around its axis, the inclination of the axis toward the sun, the wobble of the axis around itself, or their appearance to the folks on the ground (possibly bending light around the planet). I propose a hypothesis: the setting of the pillars was changed, and they were broken to lock us into that setting.
  10. It seems Kala brought them to the Accursed Growth by the principle of imagination. So Amoran should use the same principle to bring them back to the Oak Fort, and at the same time soothe Kala's rage.
  11. Solitude (or something similar) could be the opposite of Balance.
  12. I think it would be better to require about 200 BATTLES rather than 100 WINS. Btw, it would promote a balanced profile by punishing people who farm losses, as they wouldn't be able to upgrade their creatures as much.
  13. Assuming Willow is an angien, the city of the angiens should be at the bottom of the lake. "Willow walks, although he's dead, nightly on his little LAKE BED." So the angiens are exposing their city by drying up the water.
  14. RE: HHD's post So if you ate, for example, beef, but you wanted to stay human in your next life, you'd have to become a cannibal? And what branch of Buddhism is that?
  15. I have 39 heads. What does this mean?
  16. Glaistig, I love them.
  17. Would it be possible to learn the identity of the attack by being the victim of it or by using Imagination? If so, I'm definitely picking this principle for mp4.
  18. Sorry for double-post, but I just reread the principle info and this seems too important to bunch in with the rest of my ideas. So if an identity is associated with every action, how about the action of using a basic principle? Then, since transposition gives you knowledge of it, you can use ANY principle, and thus any spell through a medley of transpositions. Please tell me I'm wrong.
  19. I meant using time to close the interval between "first" and "after". Then cyclicity multiplies the darkness as well as the opponent's attack, effectively doing nothing (assuming that the darkness is used to counter this attack). But I now see a hole in my argument. The opponent does not need to cycle your darkness when he cycles his attack. Unless you have Transposition... maybe I'm thinking too vaguely...
  20. Is it history? And re: bunny riddle, does he bring his own white stone and fake pulling it from the container?
  21. This is your profile change for today, This profile resets once a day at 00:00 server time. Current server time is: 08:02 initiative --3.8 defence +0.112 power --3.8 Anyone fallen farther in 1 day? :lol: Also, I went idle at the Willow Shop and accrued 26 extra losses overnight. fall.bmp
  22. RE: Element + Cyclicity + Time = Life add Transposition and you get Toy Story, Night of the Living Dead, as well as fast self-healing or even immortality. Then just add Imagination and you have custom creatures. Unrelated, Light + Darkness + Cyclicity = cyclic transfer of energy, an energy link. Transpose part of it into an object and you have a Horcrux. You cannot die while it exists unharmed. Then turn another player into a Horcrux and your lives are intertwined.
  23. "... temporary invincibility techniques." umm... add the time principle?
  24. This is from the Lord of the Rings series: It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, ends life, kills laughter. Answer: darkness. So, "comes first and follows after"... darkness + time nullifies cyclicity. Edit: darkness + time + transposition nullifies opponent's cyclicity.
  25. hmm... what if... darkness + transposition + light (or light + transposition + darkness) = reflecting an attack back on the user (nullify, copy, eject) And, since it gives you knowledge of identities, transposition + light + darkness (in correct proportion to match net energy output/input) = any attack or spell you can think of? Also, if you did an attack perfectly once, you can forever do it perfectly by just adding transposition to your usual concoction of principles. ... transpose entropy into your opponent... watch his flesh rot off...
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