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Everything posted by apophys

  1. apophys


    While looking for tomato songs, I found a set of 12: [url]http://www.bozos.com/sf/fights/tomato[/url] and 3 versions of a Japanese song: The Delicious Tomato Song [url="http://dc166.4shared.com/img/151040837/63d3809b/dlink__2Fdownload_2F151040837_2F63d3809b_3Ftsid_3D20100614-194549-cf5c6ed1/preview.mp3"]original[/url] [url="http://dc147.4shared.com/img/151095327/b9d36ab8/dlink__2Fdownload_2F151095327_2Fb9d36ab8_3Ftsid_3D20100614-182315-1ac1c039/preview.mp3"]robotic[/url] [url="http://dc171.4shared.com/img/152272962/fe85e3ab/dlink__2Fdownload_2F152272962_2Ffe85e3ab_3Ftsid_3D20100614-182919-26e410b0/preview.mp3"]discordant[/url] (this will blow your mind, but listen to the other 2 first for best effect. > )
  2. apophys

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='Poppitz Resurrection' date='13 June 2010 - 08:25 PM' timestamp='1276478721' post='61850'] if u try to worked out with ur style above, then theres a chance for u to get a Victorious win [/quote] If done correctly, no... and the defender wouldn't get a sheath balance, either. I've done it for my TS pair and my imp, at the GGG in fact. I trained my angiens with them. It really wasn't much different from regular GGG training. The idea would only be effective at limiting multi-thousand win grinding. But for that, Kyphis' idea is better (capping stat gain from sacrifice), for the reasons Pip stated.
  3. apophys

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='Pipstickz' date='13 June 2010 - 07:46 PM' timestamp='1276476396' post='61845'] You might assume that GGG is against the rules, from my statement, but I didn't say that, did I? [/quote] You implied it; otherwise there's no point to your post. [quote name='Poppitz Resurrection' date='13 June 2010 - 07:46 PM' timestamp='1276476411' post='61846'] Yes Apo, theres always a chance to easily worked out for something, but for that case..even u win a fight with just deal 1 damage, as mp3/mp4..u still will be capped someday...And what are u going to train with 1-15 damage btw? is it worthy enough? Well.. Atleast with that "obstacle" u cant train ur trees,stealers and angiens .. which are the most valuable creatures to grind extremely .. [/quote] Let me give an example of what I meant: [spoiler]An attack rit could consist of 5 remains @ martir dying and a heretic archer @ damage random. The defense rit is a single non-damage creature at/near 100% slider. You can replace the remains by anything else targeting multiple or dying. Xp gain would be negligible.[/spoiler]
  4. apophys

    Stop Ggg

    That's an interesting idea, Poppi, but it would be easily worked around. People would add a damager to their rituals for around 15 xp per attack instead of several thousand. [quote name='Burns' date='13 June 2010 - 05:31 PM' timestamp='1276468281' post='61835'] Apophys, Obviously you assume that hippie-programs are a basis of actual movement. breaking news: they aren't. [/quote] I don't get this.
  5. apophys

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='Pipstickz' date='13 June 2010 - 05:36 PM' timestamp='1276468604' post='61836'] (most) Tokens are already capped in what they can do for you. Besides, tokens and creatureboost are bonuses that are gotten through supporting the game with the MDShop. How does GGG help the game? The answer is that it doesn't. It only makes it easier, which is the same thing spoilers do. Spoilers are against the rules, are they not? [/quote] A is a subset of C (spoilers make things easier) B is a subset of C (GGG makes things easier) A is a subset of D (spoilers are against the rules) From this, you suggest B is a subset of D (GGG is against the rules). This is a fallacy, Pippy. By your logic, I could argue to reset your account to make thing less easy for you. Name me one player who is too powerful because of the GGG; I am unaware of any. If people want to waste their time on stats in the GGG, let them. The only problems I see that the GGG could pose are dividing the public, and suppressing RP. This is easily solved by moving it to a more central location, and encouraging RP within the GGG.
  6. apophys

    Stop Ggg

    Let's return to the original post, shall we? [quote name='No one' date='03 June 2010 - 03:54 PM' timestamp='1275598475' post='60910'] You all say that some players are overpowered, some creatures do too much damage. YES, you allowed some to over (ab)use this GGG to achieve all that. [/quote] Some players are indeed way overpowered, but they did not use the GGG to get to that state. They used tokens, especially on creatureboost creatures. Protest this, please. [quote name='No one' date='03 June 2010 - 03:54 PM' timestamp='1275598475' post='60910'] All of the players should be attack-able at all available locations with whatever anyone desires. That should be the first rule. [/quote] You technically may do so, but you must accept the social stigma, spells, and item casts when you do. So, this is already in place. [quote name='No one' date='03 June 2010 - 03:54 PM' timestamp='1275598475' post='60910'] Also, any use of spells to send someone away because they don't like the attacks is an aberration and should be punished. That should be as a second rule. [/quote] Similarly as with attacks, spells can be cast freely, but the caster must accept backlash. It's a battle of wills, basically. So, this will not be implemented. [quote name='No one' date='03 June 2010 - 03:54 PM' timestamp='1275598475' post='60910'] Any gathering for "ggg kind of reasons" within closed location should be forbidden. (This cannot be achieved at this time but it should be enforced) [/quote] It is technically within the rules, as is your protest, so it will not be forbidden. [quote name='No one' date='03 June 2010 - 03:54 PM' timestamp='1275598475' post='60910'] I hate ggg grinders that gained HUGE amounts of stats for nothing, no effort what so ever. [/quote] Stats without knowledge how to use them are pointless. So why do you care? And now with the GGG shrunk, this is less likely to occur. Conclusion: The protest has no goals left to gain. So why is it not officially over yet?
  7. Reuploaded and approved. Thanks, Mur. Topic can be closed, I suppose.
  8. apophys


    Many years ago, I stripped twist-ties of their paper and crafted little "jewelry" of the wires. Unfortunately, none of this looks really good enough for anyone to wear. I also collected used staples around the house and linked them together in loops (with needlenose pliers) for necklace and bracelet chains. About 50 staples make a necklace, and 19 a bracelet. Interestingly enough, staple chains look pretty good. I used one such necklace, with a yin-yang symbol pendant on it, as a prop in a student film. A minor project of mine was to fix a broken coral necklace of my mom's, whose string was old and withered, by stringing a piece of dental floss through the corals.
  9. We could put stats & effects on some of the existing useless armor in the Necrovion shop. I'm all for new ideas for effects here. For example, I'd propose that a certain shield increases the targets of your creatures using the Defend ability to All.
  10. Chaos ftw. Act II was awesome, the most fun I've had since boss heads. Thank you for organizing this, Tarquinus.
  11. 53 silver coins for one. All I've got.
  12. I have sent the original scan via email, before digital manipulation. EDIT: ninja'd by chewie. EDIT2: Mur, do you also want the original scan for what nadrolski uploaded, before I expanded my drawing?
  13. "Part of this avy was submited by nadrolski. please one of you send full high resolution scan on art@magicduel.com for verification." I was hired by nadrolski to make an avatar for him. The first avatar was a close-up armpit. I gave it to him to upload, he did, you rejected it for being a close-up. Now, I added on to the drawing, making a full avatar. This time I uploaded it. Sorry for that. Mur, if you check my file uploads on MD file manager, the high-res is there. I gave the link to Nadrolski to put in his papers. :PPPP EDIT: I have emailed the original scan, before adding contrast, etc. The original was in 2 pieces; I digitally combined them. nadrolski, please verify.
  14. [quote name='Blackwoodforest' date='10 June 2010 - 02:29 AM' timestamp='1276154999' post='61544'] [b]I wanted it to be big without clicking on it![/b] [/quote] Upload to an image hosting site, (like imageshack.us) and link it here. That should do it.
  15. Wiz asked Mur on the mood panel for a 4-5 month ban, with a link to this thread. I have no idea why.
  16. apophys


    [quote name='Sasha Lilias' date='09 June 2010 - 03:37 PM' timestamp='1276115843' post='61507'] Why are you in jail? Oo [/quote] A sad turn of events. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7231-decree-of-the-king-regarding-rhaegar/
  17. [quote] Background transparency color should be (RGB = 241.239.214, Hex #F1EFD6) [/quote] This is found on the "Upload avatar" link.
  18. ^ steps I would add: - Image -> Mode -> Grayscale (to remove colors; a scanned image is often a little blue) - Image -> Mode -> RGB (to allow coloring) - Colors -> colorify -> custom color - html notation F1EFD6 (noted by Mur on the "Upload avatar" page) This goes just before Select -> by color in your list.
  19. I've noticed it has been on Tuesdays so far. I have a class I need to leave for during that time period, so I haven't been able to attend. Could you maybe schedule it for any day other than Tuesday? I suspect Friday or Saturday (not being school nights) would be best for people in various time zones.
  20. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' date='08 June 2010 - 08:09 AM' timestamp='1276002542' post='61358'] the quest is over so no new players may start the quest [/quote] Wow, that was fast... I didn't notice the quest until just now.
  21. apophys

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='aaront222' date='04 June 2010 - 03:11 PM' timestamp='1275682287' post='61033'] I recently went to the GGG to do leginimite training. I said this exactly (punctuation may vary)- NOT SET!!! I was teled to GoC withing 5 seconds. [/quote] You have a long record of breaking rits in the GGG. You are no longer trusted to abide by the rules.
  22. I hear people with the Ghost spell can communicate with her.
  23. I will gladly sign up as a mercenary, as it does not matter to me who I fight, or who I fight for. I have no tokens or drachorns, yet won heads in 1st place. Currently I am at the mp4 cap, so I am available to fight with total disregard to XP. I intend to rise to mp5 soon, but if an mp4 mercenary is needed, I will delay this.
  24. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='31 May 2010 - 07:06 PM' timestamp='1275350785' post='60722']It seems with a few words it is possible to say a lot more than with a lot of words.[/quote] Thus, the haiku stands Brevity at the extreme Without lack of depth. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='31 May 2010 - 01:58 PM' timestamp='1275332281' post='60712']i am curious what could possibly make you reply in rhymes? ..because if i were to reply in rhymes to all the poems i liked or disliked on the net , i would write a poetry book by now. [/quote] Why speak with poems? It isn't overly hard. So, why not? It's fun.
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