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Everything posted by apophys

  1. ^ Jester says he's okay with it.
  2. 2 gold and 1 silver for the SW
  3. mp3 and mp4 have a purpose, and they function effectively in their roles: mp3 is a tutorial, and mp4 is an opportunity to gather a varied army, in order to be able to withstand mp5. [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1293681431' post='76332'] Or we can try to make the "every noob can beat any veteran with the right rit" part of MD come back again. [/quote] QFT We are getting closer to this goal; the fixing of the UP auras make mp5 no longer quite as menacing. Now we need a counter against high initiative, IMHO.
  4. 10 silver each
  5. ID of the pimp is 696995, and I bought it on Christmas day. Any offer 3 sc or above gets it.
  6. Since only 2 people have been accepted, and one more application of unknown result, I assume there are still openings. playername: apophys active days: 527 (out of 924 total) land: Necrovion tag: (Jail) Although my activity isn't stellar, I can easily be contacted during periods of inactivity via forum PM, which comes to my e-mail, which I regularly check. I'm one of those people who quickly forgive; I don't hold grudges. There are no people whom I could name as my enemies. I don't hold any position of importance in my land (so Jester will surely grant permission if I am selected) and have no current responsibilities in MD. My only current "role" is that of a passive observer. I am a "reliable trader" and a "good guy"; just check my player log for these quotes. But would you trust an ex-con to manage the wealth distribution system? xD [b]Mur: before i consider your application pls check with jester if he is ok with it, don't simply assume.[/b]
  7. I sang to a box of toys in Wal-Mart, because I was drinking tequila, again, and I think I need some serious help. *lies wasted outside of a Wal-Mart*
  8. apophys

    Dec 21, 2010 lunar eclipse

    A total lunar eclipse on the winter solstice.
  9. Nobody wants an ancient angien for more than 2 silver? O.o I certainly didn't expect bids to be so low as they are...
  10. For sale: pimp age 332 (320k range ID; it was traded twice) - highest bid: 4s pimp age 596 - highest bid: 3s angien age 388 TS age 371 - highest bid: 3s* TS age 371 TS age 370 UP age 390 - highest bid: 3s* * = override by combo bid combo bids: 1g for the 3 TSs & UP - will be preferred over current single bids No tokens on anything. Bid in this thread. Auction will end in 7 days, or 24 hours from the last bid, whichever is later. For bidding purposes, 1 credit is valued at 2 silver. I also wish to trade a rusty - age 162, no tokens - for a GG. I can add up to 50 silver depending on the GG offered.
  11. Another odd thing: skillvamipre giving negative stats? O.o I haven't seen that before.
  12. I have an inclination to play devil's advocate - give him some form of power (though maybe not quite full kingship) and see what happens. The world has become too static. Kittiness was a playful gal when I first met her and SilverHearts in the Underground during a certain heads contest. But she seemed to have lost her playfulness upon becoming Khalazdad's wife, completely devoting herself to him. It will be interesting to see how her son turns out.
  13. Happy birthday, Grapefruit.
  14. [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1286506407' post='69898'] if everyone uses theirs to make an item. [/quote] This is doubtful if alts don't get WPs, and they shouldn't.
  15. Transfer of credits between players was removed a LONG time ago, specifically to stop alt abuse. @Z - I did similarly; when I voted, I opened the free creds link in a new window, started by voting for the one with the timer, then went on to click all the other links (each into a new tab), and then voted for all of those. I did this so I didn't have to wait for pages to load. The entire process took about 7 minutes, after which I closed the window, which had accumulated 24 tabs. I didn't vote often... they really weren't worth my time to get less than a quarter of value (the side effects are pretty useless to me at this point). I don't really miss them, but I do miss the $2.70 I had saved up there. I had actually intended to reach $3 and never use the links again. I've sent a PM to pipster telling him that free creds can be substituted in effects, without spoiling. He's an mp5; he should know better.
  16. Now, what about that bull creature in story mode that is called a land guard? He's the one who says to come back with an army. I would like to be able to beat him up for suggesting that pre-max angiens were not an army, at the beginning of mp5. I suppose he's a land guard of No Man's Land, but I can't be sure... which seems to suggest that every land has one. Just not implemented yet. I suppose you'd give him pimps, imps, and a hollow, but I hear there's a rare bull creature. Maybe that's connected somehow.
  17. 60 silver for rusty. Not higher than last bid, but as you say, you have 2 rusts.
  18. Happy birthday, MudgaRD.
  19. The root cause of the problem was that weak mp5s unalterably had their win/loss balance in free fall. The new aura fix makes it easy to keep a win/loss difference constant, so you can go low if you need to without much worry (if you have the needed creatures). Study battle mechanics and you should be able to figure it out. Since you can now reliably get honor by dropping your balance and re-winning, the honor system has been stabilized. The fix has been too recent to see results in the general population already; be patient. I personally am 500 under balance, and rising toward balance. No honor issues.
  20. Since the task is directed toward newbies, an appropriate reward could be LR creatures or unholy priests.
  21. and all others
  22. One problem seems to be that 1 per year is too much in the long run, but not enough to keep on newbies. So, put a shorter interval that lengthens over time. There are lots of options for this. How about assigning the number of active days for the next WP according to the Fibonacci series? Like 30 * (+1, +1, +2, +3, +5, +8, +13, +21, etc.) 30, 60, 120, 210, 360, 600, 990, 1620, etc. Or a geometric progression. 30 * 3^x 30, 90, 270, 810, 2430, etc Or, something else. 30 * x^2: 30, 120, 270, 480, 750, 1080, 1470, ... 10 * x^3: 10, 80, 270, 640, 1250, ... 30 * x! : 30, 60, 180, 720, 3600, ... If 666 is a nice age for a WP (it's a point that is noticed quite a lot, so it makes sense), then several possibilities include: 8 x^4 + 2 x^2 : 10, 136, [b]666[/b], 2080, ... 24 x^3 + 2 x^2: 26, 200, [b]666[/b], 1568, ... 37x^2 *(x+1)/2: 37, 222, [b]666[/b], 1480, ... for a 3rd WP 10 x^3 +x^2+2x+2: 15, 90, 287, [b]666[/b], 1287, ... 10 x^3 + 2x + 18: 30, 102, 294, [b]666[/b], 1278, ... for a 4th WP
  23. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1285874994' post='69423'] [Tipu knows a hairy goon from Chicago for hire that specializes in making trouble for specific people.] [/quote] Except for "goon" and the specialization (although this could be a reference to being a Necrovian), this is true. Seriously. I was freaked out when reading it. XD
  24. apophys


    Idea: publicly visible karma value on every player. Every time a fight ends in a victory, the winner's karma rises by 1 and the loser's rises by 2. Every time a fight ends in a loss count, the winner's karma falls by 2 and the loser's karma falls by 1. Reasoning: I give people vics - I'm good, I force people losses - I'm bad. The pursuit of neutral karma would be a factor pushing the realm into overall balance, not just individual balance. What do you think?
  25. 35) The errors that pop up periodically are your computer's feeble attempt to rouse you from the trance that MD puts you in.
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