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Everything posted by apophys

  1. I offer a tokenless year-aged Tormented Soul for the water being.
  2. I agree that the newer incarnations of Firefox have gotten worse. But it's still my preferred browser due to my ad-blocking add-ons. Anyone tried Firefox 4 beta?
  3. If you need quality antivirus but don't want to pay, use AVG Free, like I do. Try downloading it to another computer and transferring it to the screwed one.
  4. What is good? A commonly used word with many meanings. [url="http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/good"]Too many to to bother listing.[/url] What is your best physical attribute? Mental activity. What is your best non-physical attribute? Thick skin, stemming from social ineptitude (which is my worst non-physical attribute). What do you value most? Self-preservation. What is 2 + 2? An expression. If you are asking what it is equal to, technically, as is, there is not enough information to answer the question. But assuming standard conditions (base 10 number system, not a trick question, etc.), the answer is 4. What do you know? What I have experienced over time, and what I have deduced from my experiences.
  5. [quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1294944517' post='77388'] apophys for my report to the university I will have to use your real name although in the case of the net report I submit this is something you can ask to leave out. [/quote] Alright then. I'll help out.
  6. I have a question: will you need my real name, or are you taking anonymous data? Or could I be identified as my username alone?
  7. I have 3 elementals and 2 water daimons, and since popes take up part of the function of these, while having other uses as well, I'm either going to sell or sacrifice the youngest elem and water daimon. If I don't get an offer worth my while, I will sacrifice. Elemental - age 749 This one I got for my first Christmas, two years ago. The tree gave it to me already maxed. Water daimon - age 589 I named her Love. She will steal your life. Neither have any tokens. Bids in this thread are preferred. As an aside, I can sell nearly year-aged TSs for 4 silver each, with subsequent ones by the same buyer for 3 silver each. Forum PM if you want some.
  8. Not mood panel, but public log.
  9. ^ Something tells me that's an alt. If the problem stems from alts, then why don't we just limit accounts that have alts? It'll be a nice discouragement from creating them in the first place. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1294516292' post='77135'] Kay, they are speaking about people like February, and Nadrolski* who are mp3/4 and are over powered, Including some alts that I do not know of. They basically grind, and attack younger players. *[size="1"]I am not entirely sure if the two have moved or not yet. but last I saw, Nads was mp4[/size] [/quote] Nadrolski told me that he can't see the mp5 advancement in story mode. I don't expect that to get fixed anytime soon. When I was mp4, he was not terrorizing younger players.
  10. I would like to kindly ask the mp5 population (particularly people with large vitality) to refrain from using angiens to attack me. I'm at 34 million personal xp. About 2 days ago, I was at the cap. I have not attacked since then. Overnight today, I gained 4 million xp by idling at the GoE with non-damage defenses. As you will know if you do attack me, I in fact pretty much always have a non-damaging defense ritual set up, usually one that gives xp loss. Considering this, and the fact that XP is harder to lose now with the GoS emptied, especially with my low max vit of 61k, I'm worried. If you see me, feel free to attack me with damage, lifestealing, or non-damage. But please don't use energy burn.
  11. [quote name='Kaliopy' timestamp='1294446043' post='77081'] Hello Asterdai! Four silver for your Elemental? [/quote] That is not more than Sasha's bid of a tokened SW. Edit: Asterdai, as a rule, I don't edit a post of mine to reply to something that follows it. It makes a thread harder to read.
  12. 20 silver for santa.
  13. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1294354739' post='76992'] I'd agree, and I'd go further. Some people who have MP5 accounts also don't support it. Z [/quote] I'm mp5, and I don't support the proposal. Back when I was mp4; I didn't notice any superpowered people except Nadrolski and Lazarus, neither of which were going around and terrorizing other mp4s. Don't fix what isn't broken. I personally was able to get my angiens to pre-max level at the end of mp4,btw. It felt wonderful. Don't take that away.
  14. I offer a trade for a pimped grasan.
  15. Seeing as you're good at melting down creatures, I'll bid a pimp, 4 TSs (age about a year), and 25 silver.
  16. The shade is crossed out as sold. Did I win the auction for it?
  17. My first attack after logging in (at about 16:50:00 servertime) had this error as well. The player I attacked, Gruloc, was not shown to be idle. Trying again worked. EDIT: at the park currently, I'm getting this a lot. Atrumist is unattackable.
  18. 60 silver and a gold ( = 5 gold )
  19. Then I up my bid to a rusty and a gold for the shade.
  20. 41 silver (equivalent of 2 gold 11 silver)
  21. By how much silver would I have to increase my bid for the shade?
  22. Mr Mystery, how do things stand regarding the shade? With current combo bids, which one will win, the rusty, the GG, or the rein?
  23. untokened rusty (age 177) for the shade.
  24. EDIT: noticed new text. I up my bid on the SW to 2 gold.
  25. 10 silver for SW
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