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Everything posted by apophys

  1. I love the new UP aura. The pope currently sucks about 1/3 of the opponent's vitality. This is perfect for people like me trying to avoid stat loss from repeated hits by the superpowers. Weak people can now come out of hiding from sanctuaries. Thank you, Mur.
  2. I don't vote anymore; the temp bonuses aren't worth my time, and the action is more mind-numbing than GGG training.
  3. [quote name='Aysun' timestamp='1285717900' post='69312'] Some of the cultures that are currently used on the calendar are: •Ancient Egyptian •Greek •Roman •Celtic •Islam •Ancient Persian •Aztec •Native American •Japanese (If anyone remembers any others, please post them and I can add them to the list.) [/quote] Also, Nordic. I remember noticing (back when I was mp3) a mention of Freya which should have been Frigga; I don't know if it was fixed.
  4. Illinois. Specifically in the city named for wild onion. You can figure it out.
  5. [url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000WD9UVU?ie=UTF8&tag=ounainhi-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B000WD9UVU"]A book that may be relevant.[/url] [url="http://www.linkpendium.com/genealogy/USA/sur/surc-F/surc-Fil/sur-Filipovic/"]Bunch of links.[/url] [url="http://www.surnamedb.com/Surname/Filipovic"]1st link[/url] says: "It derives from the word 'philippos', a compound made up of two elements 'philein' meaning 'to love', and 'hippos', a horse, hence ' lover of horses'." Unfortunately, the scroll image at the bottom of the page of this link is useless. It's a generated image; I can get Testing to show on it as a name. [url="http://www.worldcat.org/search?qt=hot_subject&q=su%3AFilipovic"]3rd link[/url] of the bunch has a list of books written by Filipovic members. Zlata Filipovic's diary [url="http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0oG76fPYZxMEN0AiuZXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTBzcDZoMGhnBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNDUEY29sbwNhYzIEdnRpZAM-/SIG=143jtccj4/EXP=1285403471/**http%3a//www.morgan.k12.ga.us/MCHS/teachers/katie.anderson/Microsoft%2520Word%2520-%2520Class%2520Assignments.pdf"]seems to be required reading[/url] in a school somewhere. [url="http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/ancestorsearchresults.asp?standardize=N&last_name=Filipovic"]7th link[/url] has a bunch of Filipovics; one of which is Ivan Filipovic, born June 24, 1823 in Velika Kopanica, a place about 30 miles from Brcko, across the border in Croatia. Family unknown or not listed. There are other Filipovics farther away, including a second Ivan born in 1931 who had no kids. [url="http://go.footnote.com/results.php?kbid=1308&s_surname=Filipovic"]10th link[/url] leads to 2 pages of holocaust-era German reports with a mention of Ivan Filipovic. Obviously the #2 guy, a young teen at the time. Maybe he had no kids because he died... There are also a [url="http://www.footnote.com/search.php?kbid=1308&s_surname=Filipovic&nav=4276520300&id=231979309"]bunch of captured documents[/url] with camp inmate records, containing several other Filipovics. A Croatian camp system, [url="http://www.krajinaforce.com/dokumenti/jasenovac_revision.html"]Jasenovac, was for a time, run by Fr. Filipovic-Majstorovic, a Catholic priest who admitted to killing “40,000 Serbs with his own hands.”[/url] About 700, 000 people were killed there. Incidentally, Google Maps tells me that Donja Skakava is in Finland. ___________________________________ Anyway, I have found [b]3[/b] different relevant crests. [url="http://www.croatians.com/family%20heraldry%20page%202.html"]Here is a link[/url] for a Croatian Filipovic crest. Unfortunately you can only see the thumbnail. This is probably the one you are looking for. [img]http://www.croatians.com/filipovic_small.jpg[/img] Here's [url="http://www.houseofnames.com/Filipovich-family-crest"]the crest for Filipovich of Italian origin[/url]: [img]http://www.houseofnames.com/i/family-crest/coas/zoom/5075-family-crest-Italian.gif[/img] (ignore the helmet and flourish; that's standard. The important part is just the shield and the feathers above the helmet.) Now here is the [url="http://www.heraldry.ws/f/index3.html"]Polish crest for Filipowicz[/url]: [img]http://www.heraldry.ws/jpg/pobog.jpg[/img] big size: [url]http://www.heraldry.ws/html/filipowicz-poland.html[/url] [url="http://www.4crests.com/name-family-crest-coat-arms-f.html"]This site[/url] claims to have the Filipowicz and Filipov coats of arms, but does not show them. It does, however, show the Italian one [url="http://www.4crests.com/filippo-family-crest-coat-arms.html"]for Filippo and similar names[/url]: [media]http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/4crests_2121_1659513073[/media] There seems to be an alternate design up for [url="http://www.4crests.com/filippi-family-crest-coat-arms.html"]Filippi[/url], though it is really the same crest: [media]http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/4crests_2121_1658991111[/media] [url="http://search.swyrich.com/searchresults.asp?licensee=8605&Surname=Filipovich&text2.x=0&text2.y=0&searchType=coa"]This site[/url] supports the Italian one. And [url="http://www.freecoatsofarms.com/coatsofarms/catalogdata/471.html"]this site[/url] supports the Polish one. [img]http://www.freecoatsofarms.com/coatsofarms/Filipowicz.jpg[/img] [url="http://www.heraldry.co.uk/nametemplate.php?showname=Filipovic&regionsearch=Croatia%20/%20Serbia"]This site[/url] claims to have your coat of arms; it also links the name to Serbia and Croatia. [url="http://www.guitarmasterclass.net/guitar_forum/index.php?showtopic=18452&st=0&p=241017&#entry241017"]4crests warns[/url] someone: "Some websites will make one up that looks generic from a region that your name is from and claim it to be your name." (There's a mention of an Emir Filipovic [url="http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/ba-yu.html"]here[/url], faculty at the University of Sarajevo, studying coats of arms, in fact... Is he anybody you know? ) In my search, I found an unknown coat of arms that kind of freaked me out: [url]http://akromer.republika.pl/samson.gif[/url] Also, [url="http://www.houseofnames.com/Mur-family-crest/?sId=856E6843-9B1B-4D88-8809-D7DEE7B3E400"][size="5"]MUR FAMILY CREST[/size][/url]. They're French, traced to Leonor de Mur, 1566. Alternate surnames include: Lemur.
  6. I support the proposition. Currently, the only benefit of having a protector for non-newbs is loyalty for heat sacrifice. The position of protector is functionally reduced to "newb protector." Maybe higher heal levels could heal 4k plus some percent of the recipient's max VE (or better yet, max VE minus current VE), in order to prevent giving newbs too much by accident?...
  7. [quote name='Esmerelda' timestamp='1283897888' post='68001'] From what I've learnt, to train efficiently in mp5, one needs stats or ve or tokens or all the three. I have none. [/quote] I find my stats and ve (59k, stats mostly from heads win) sufficient to train with (tokenless). Of course, always being out of VE is something to learn to live with. Max angiens are very useful, even with only ~50k max vit. A high-combo rit, even without any personal ve (let alone a burst), will reliably beat up a lot of things in the low-mid mp5 range. [quote] Even drachorns and angiens need stats, ve or tokens to work efficiently.Considering the present situation, I'll be needing trees to raise my ve. To train trees, i'll be needing slots first. Ok.. So i finally sac a few of the creatures i've spent so much time training and get myself a few slots. Now i attack a few strong mp5s and lose. Why? OH Wait! I hardly have any stats to get wins on trees! Then it strikes my mind that i should attack weak or noob mp5s to train my trees. Where are they? In sanctuaries. How wonderful. [/quote] Fear of skilldamage. But this has been stated already by others more eloquent than I. It sucks to be weak nowadays. Skilldamage is causing a very different effect than originally intended; I expect Mur will do something about it eventually. Until a straw breaks the camel's back again.
  8. Birch/Stag The first 3 sentences are my exact opposite. I'm lazy, I don't follow through on things, and I stretch away from light. (IMHO, astrology is best when [url='http://www.theonion.com/articles/your-horoscopes-week-of-september-7-2010,18043/']completely fabricated[/url].)
  9. [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1283618047' post='67669'] (The second idea was to scale the exp loss down, so it would be 10% from the percentage loss on mp5... So it would be scaled two times, to fit mp4 exp cap + multiply it by 0.05 or 0.10 Uh... Not sure if I can frase this correctly without explaining detailed... doesn't matter anyway... ) [/quote] If any xp loss had been implemented at mp4, I personally would never have risen to mp5, because it's somewhat more convenient to stay low, even given a 20-fold increase in regen ritual use. So, I say no to the idea; it would be bad for MD, limiting new mp5 members. I do support removing skilldamage, because it keeps people running from the strong players. But something should be done to prevent abuse of extra XP, the reason skilldamage was instituted in the first place. I propose that, when over 1000 losses under balance, counting extra xp would count as if the player were at exactly 1000 under, effectively capping the extra xp.
  10. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1283532108' post='67625'] So what about the item "Wookie Slippers"? Do you feel that that should have a shelf life similar to a Glowing Flower or 20kg of raw marble? It seems crazy for people to spend Wishpoints on personal and then have to "give" it away in case they lose it (if anyone is wondering, Liberty and several others got these slippers for me from Mur) [/quote] My point was realistic - flowers decay, stone does not. So shelf-life makes no sense as a distinguishing factor to make a flower timer-less. What, then, distinguishes them? After all, any item can be utilized as a raw material from which to create another item. A book can be burned for heat just as a stick can. It's wasteful, yes, but there is no technical restriction. What I see is Mur's stash having been collected as an event. That distinguishes these items from other ones to me. The Glowing Flower specifically is not in Mur's possession. So I do not advocate it being timed. Likewise with your slippers. An item that you spent a wishpoint gaining, and that is important to you, you would not freely sell to Mur. So what's the problem with putting a timer on those that have been sold? As I have stated already, it was never my intention to have ALL items with a timer, only those currently in Mur's possession that he wishes to deal out fairly. It is also not my intention to have all future items have a timer. Wishpoint-created items, for example, should not, and everyone agrees on this. Wishpoint items being created with a timer would make no sense; it would be a waste of a wishpoint, and it would be unfair with respect to past WP-items. But Mur's current stash can be considered not to have any connection to specific people; these items were traded willingly for coins or for other items; their owners sold the rights to the items. Pretending otherwise I see as simply being greedy.
  11. (I really don't understand the apparent distinction between rare items and raw mats with respect to a timer. I find it more understandable, for example, for a glowing flower to have a shelf-life, than for 20kg of raw marble to have one.) Think of the timer more as accidentally dropping an item than as having a shelf-life. The more items you have, the more likely it is for you to drop & lose one. It is true that timed items would be wanted less than non-timed items, but they would not be trash, especially if they are usable (so trading would not be killed). People who got one would be more willing to part with it if they know they probably can get a replacement, and there would be a lot of such people. Also, people who have several items would be more willing to sell one when the top one of the stack has a shortened timer. Supply on the market would increase and demand would fall; therefore the price of items getting timed would fall a lot. But considering the current going prices of items (~7 gold?!), a low price is a very good thing; more people will be able to participate in trading. Someone who is active and has only one item, and it's timed, will normally keep it. When the timer comes and he loses it; he is likely the most active person without an item, so he gets it back. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1283440526' post='67571'] One thing about apophys' idea: I have no items (I don't like them so I shift them to poor No one) but I have a pretty big number in active days. This means that I will definitely get an item. I get the item and I, again, move it to No one. I am itemless but still with lots of active days. Unless you add some sort of counter, condition, whatever I will always get items. [/quote] If No One is considered to be your alt by the system, you wouldn't get anything. However, if he isn't, yes, it would work, but once No One has 8 items, the 8th would disappear in half a day (assuming a 2-month initial countdown). If he wants to hold 9, he would have to shift the top item to someone every 6 hours. Possible, but extremely stressful and thus highly improbable. There is no hard cap, but the most that can be practically held long-term is 7; nobody will shuffle items with friends every single day without missing one. The system would put a practical maximum to how many items can be extorted out of it in this way; about 7 or 8 among 2 close friends, or about 13 among 3 close friends (3 or 4 items per person). There's a limit to how many distinct friends you have to abuse the system with, how well-coordinated they can be, and how much time they are willing to spend shifting items around without risking loss of an item. Any more items No One will not possibly be able to hold. So, you give away your item to No One, you might get a new one, No One loses it and it goes to the most active itemless person. Repeat. In this way, you can shuffle items until you get one you like, but depending on how many items No One has, you might get the same one back many times over before getting a new one. Large hoarding prevention by my proposition is pretty effective. If Shape Shifter or an alt of his were to buy one of these items, at his current item count, he'd lose it within 40 seconds. xD (could the person who gave me neg rep please tell me what I said wrong, so that I can improve myself in future posts?)
  12. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1283433027' post='67564'] Seeing as people pay WPs to have custom items created and such, I really don't see an automated timer on all items as an option. In fact that seems abhorrent to me. [/quote] Of course, not every item needs to have a timer. Custom items should not; I agree. But it seems fair that items given automatically, for free, can have timers on them. In hindsight I see I did not make it clear that timers should only be added to free-given items.
  13. To be honest, I'm not pleased with any of the 3 suggestions, though given a choice I'd pick #1, followed in preference by #2. I like Udgard's idea, but I would modify it: Suggestion: The loser of a fight cannot get more XP than the winner. Player XP & creature xp get scaled down proportionally. (if crit xp didn't get scaled down, it would be exploitable) (Could be limited to mp3, but doesn't really have to be...)
  14. It would be nice for more of the general population to get items and play with them. However, people are greedy and won't let go easily, so here's my solution: By default, the items in Mur's holdings should be distributed based on activity (something based on active days modified by last login date) and current item count. I.e. pick the people who don't have any items yet, and give the most active of them 1 item each. Also, put a countdown timer on each of these items (like 2 or 3 months per person; alts included in the definition of "person"). When the time's up, it gets redeployed in the above fashion (to the most active person with no items). The countdown interval should be cut in half for every other item held at the moment when acquiring the specific item (preventing buildup). This would encourage a background level of trade, for people not to lose their items (the countdown timer is not reset when trading among alts, so it is real trade, even if only back and forth). Also, items disappearing on inactive people would be something not to worry about; when the time's up, they'll be back in the system automatically. And truly active people who have only one item would still get another one (or keep their current one) if the timer reaches 0. In other words, create a system that seeks uniformity and is self-sustaining, counteracting human greed. Being a hoarder (up to about 7 items) is still possible, but would require a lot of work to keep up or they'll disappear. Of course, you can do whatever starting conditions you like, sending by reasons, role, etc, but that would eventually become a drag to keep doing, so it's not sustainable permanently. I hope my suggestion has what it takes to be permanent.
  15. apophys


    I think contacting the MD community may be part of Mur finding himself, as MD is a precious thing to Mur. From what it seems to me, there is something big bothering you, Mur; something that requires an important decision, which you probably procrastinate doing. Or maybe a problem exists that you are unsure how to solve. Either way, solving your problem should dissipate the lost feeling. The problem could be related to your perceived future, MD's future, a current crisis, an old scarring experience, falling in love, etc. If the problem is uncertainty about the future, make a plan of action and control your future. Think about this and answer to yourself. It might help gain a perspective. (I've never really felt disturbingly lost myself, so I don't know how helpful this is... but I try to be helpful anyway. ) lost = chaotic mind found = peaceful mind
  16. Eggs! I still haven't forgotten about the spell doc you owe me.
  17. [quote name='Bronzometh' timestamp='1283110379' post='67313'] This is not an excuse. The fact that you and February and anyone could do that is the problem. That is a fighting system problem that must be solved. no sacrificing caps and stats caps or any other caps you could think of will ever solve this problem. The fighting system must be fixed so that NO ONE can harm other players by getting them to exp cap. [/quote] You may have overlooked my post. It doesn't completely prevent mp3s from being capped unwillingly, but it blocks accidental newbie capping. [quote name='apophys' timestamp='1283107226' post='67308'] Suggestion: When losing 100%, no player XP gained for the loser. This wouldn't prevent februaries, but it would stop newbies being capped via angiens. [/quote]
  18. I personally disagree with making a guild or item specifically for pushing people to mp5; it invites human error. Suggestion: When losing 100%, no player XP gained for the loser. This wouldn't prevent februaries, but it would stop newbies being capped via angiens. Suggestion: Cap stat gain from a sacrifice. (proposed by Kyphis in the old GGG thread) Prevents mp3s building wins before rising to mp4, and prevents mp3s with 10k attack. High-vit people with low stats are vulnerable to steallife. The problem remains of superpowered people who splurge in the MD Shop for xp lowering and for tokens.
  19. I offer an aged (261 age) TS, in exchange for an angien with 100+ age or for 3 to 4 silver.
  20. Very pretty poem. I get a vision of a praying mantis pair flying at dusk.
  21. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1282785440' post='67053'] I do not know how to empty my cache. [/quote] In the latest Firefox, there are 2 ways: 1. Tools -> Options -> Advanced tab -> Network tab -> Clear Now 2. Tools -> Clear Recent History -> under Details, select Cache -> Clear Now Alternately, you could find the folder and manually delete its contents. But I don't think MD could be causing your computer to shut off. It's possible that your computer just runs out of RAM; I've seen a computer that did so. Are you running several other programs while on MD, or have several other open firefox tabs? Do you have active antivirus software?
  22. I've got a grayscale drawing done. I'll try to color it. What do you think of it? [attachment=1925:Untitled.jpg]
  23. Gaia is overpowered as it is. Elems become obsolete in any rit with a winderwild. Take out lifesteal, add power. I propose to replace Protect (I assume you mean Martirism?...) with Defend.
  24. The best solution in such a situation is to become an adept of Muratus del Mur.
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