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Everything posted by apophys

  1. You say you can enter oak tower, etc and that you did not spend wishpoints to do so. I notice your mood panel post mentioning the "Field of Fear". This is a very hidden location, I've only seen a screenie of it in the forum, [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/3086-extreme-magicduel/page__view__findpost__p__47767"]here[/url]. I suspect you hit upon something that lets you go anywhere, and this let you enter the drachorn lair. Can you remember when this started? What did you do before discovering this effect? It would help to find the source and prevent further people undergoing bans. Edit: added link.
  2. 35 silver for madhorn I promise to keep its nickname if it's important to you.
  3. Last I checked, I was similarly barred from entering Berserker's Charge once I rose to mp5.
  4. To anyone who wants to liquidate assets to get more cash to bid with here, I'm willing to buy any drach for 50 silver. In order that this post is not offtopic, 11 silver for dark.
  5. 7 silver total for the 2 angiens.
  6. [quote name='Miq' date='02 August 2010 - 03:23 PM' timestamp='1280780621' post='64973'] Also 4sc for one angien [/quote] 7 silver total for the other 2 angiens.
  7. I think we have a new damage record... by a level 1 shop joker, untokened... MRD is preparing new random strategy Load apophys creatures Load MRD creatures MRD's Creature Tokens [stardust] Principles based tokens are at 69% capacity [stardust] breakes freeze. [stardust] Unholy Priest gets 100 regeneration and power, 25 luck . MRD's Creature Tokens [claw1] Principles based tokens are at 69% capacity [claw1] breakes freeze. [claw1] Pal gets 72 power based on Princiles. Influences for MRD: vampiricaura, skillvampire, skillvampire ###### Applying 50% of apophys's energetic influence Applying 31% of MRD's energetic influence MRD's Nightmare does randomdamage to random creature(s) of apophys and: - Ice receives [b]57666462[/b] random damage creature DIES! MRD's Pal cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ... MRD WINS!
  8. Earlier today, I was asked where the location of the jail is. And now I'm in it. Sweet irony.

  9. "Jail reason: you took an item i sent for test to an other player. 3 days jail." Master Hitoshi (alt of Mcvitie's shadow) accidentally pasted an ITC into the general chat of the Marble Dale Park. He made no effort to clear the chat to cover his mistake. Naturally, I rushed over to Willow's to be the first to pick it up. When I did, I noticed that it's a box of rainbow candies, and that it's usable! Oh, goody. His loss is my gain. I come back to the Park and gloat. Then I study the item more in detail. I use it - it creates another item, a rainbow candy! How cool! I gain over 300 heat in the process of creation. Next thing I see, I'm in jail. The box is gone. ... I still have the candy. :3 I didn't do anything wrong, so could I have my (Jail) tag removed? I don't care much for the ban itself (it's only 3 days), but the tag is permanent. Edit: to be clear, I only saw the announcement AFTER already being jailed.
  10. 2 silver each for the 3 angiens.
  11. IIRC, he placed with 21 points, just barely above the 19-point minimum score. In the mp3 contest it's also not very hard to get 4th place - the 5th on the board for mp3 was at the 19-point minimum. I.e. everyone who tried to win won. IMHO, there should be a limitation that only the top 3 slots on the board are eligible to win HC. So if one slot is blocked by a previous winner, there would just be one less winner.
  12. 2 silver for each angien.
  13. MD will always stay a glass half full, because as its content fills, the glass of its foreseeable potential increases in capacity.
  14. I wish I had gotten to know you better, voidseeker. It's sad to see a great man leave.
  15. Um, Darigan, you said ingame you'd pit me vs Amoran... this pairing is not on your bracket list...
  16. I hope it's OK if I use Tarquinus' version of the first 4 lines. There once was a lad named aranna who was eating a greenish banana. While to peel it was easy, he became rather queasy, and barf poured upon his bandana. [img]http://media.urbandictionary.com/image/page/barf-4043.jpg[/img] [url="http://www.paxanco.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&Itemid=95&manufacturer_id=158&lang=en"]Barf detergent website[/url] BTW, there's a nice song by the Four Postmen in which every verse is a limerick, and the chorus, too. [url="http://www.fourpostmen.com/drinking.mp3"]The Four Postmen - The Drinking Song[/url]
  17. Even if you do undergo reincarnation (which I highly doubt), you'll be a clean slate each time around (otherwise there would be a lot of people who remember past lives). What's the point of adrenaline-injecting behavior if you won't remember it in your next life? When deprived of your experiences, are you even the same person? So, even given reincarnation, I'd still "slow down", as much as possible, hoping that I can prolong my act long enough that technology will someday grant me some form of eternal consciousness (whether in this body or not). Note: assuming no reincarnation (and assuming the general populace doesn't consider the above argument), natural selection favors those who slow down. So a majority of slow-down types among the population would be consistent with a lack of reincarnation.
  18. [quote name='I am Bored' date='22 July 2010 - 03:24 PM' timestamp='1279830287' post='64379'] If marind is a ghost how can she be hugging me, and how can I be feeling her tears? [/quote] As I understand it, you're also a spirit, and MD is a trek through a collective consciousness. Seeing how people just pop up at the Cabin, it makes sense.
  19. Is it too late to join? apophys Necrovion mp5
  20. I assume it is because 1728 mindless clicks are not a very pleasant task...
  21. If several forumgoers (me included) have a hard time grasping the concept, how can you expect more of noobs? The old SG boiled down to this: Don't attack without consent. Attack idlers freely. Unless you can simplify your concept to something this brief, the project is at a large risk of failure.
  22. [quote name='Kafuuka' date='08 July 2010 - 03:55 PM' timestamp='1278622555' post='63686'] Ubuntu 10.04, amd 64bit, gnu icecat 3.6.4, flash plugin 10.0 r45 (manually "installed" from: libflashplayer- The new combat system works as good as the old one. The only problem I noticed is that if you don't wait for all the images to load before you start dragging, there can be a difference between the cursor position and the position of what you're dragging. [/quote] Windows 7, latest firefox, latest flash I've noticed that as well. The cursor position is the true one. Since I'm on Windows, it's not a Linux issue.
  23. apophys

    Stop Ggg

    At this point the only safe non-sanctuary place to idle is the Gazebo of Silence, where people idle with regen defenses, or sometimes GGG-style if they don't have effective regen.
  24. Happy birthday, Grido. First wish of the day servertime.
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