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Everything posted by apophys

  1. apophys


    I'll bid a slightly better sharpie (claw I, firedrop tokens) for your sharpie. I personally prefer untokened, and I can't use the firedrop anyway due to principles.
  2. *sigh* How about this: I'll ask the protectors how many adepts each have, and I will only accept up to a maximum of X - 35 from each responding protector. Sound good? That should unequivocally dispel your fears. EDIT: Preliminary results are not looking good. Will get back to this once I've heard from all the active protectors. Curi, ask the newbies. It is a roundabout of the system, nothing more; they should understand the difference between a legitimate mp6 and an mp6-for-a-day, between goodwill and a paid tour. Mur stated that mp6 is something to visit for a day or week, so I didn't start this. It will never be a problem that people stay with a client. They want silver, so they will go to the next client. A client will not overstay his welcome at mp6, guaranteed.
  3. Peace is back, but last I heard she wasn't interested in going mp6 again. Of course you can choose not to get paid, TTL. And you aren't forced to adept to someone you don't want to adept to, either.
  4. [quote name='Shemhazaj' timestamp='1304494947' post='83875'] [font="Book Antiqua"][color="#696969"]by minimize you mean make them drop to MP5, lose all worshipers and then asking them to come back before next "job" kicks them out again?[/color][/font] [/quote] I'm sure there is an available buffer in MD of 30 adeptable people, the losing of which will not drop any mp6 down to 5. I'm aiming for that. There wouldn't be more than one client at once, so no more than 30 adepts could be taken at once. As long as this union is not functional, there will be mp5s who try to gather adepts separately, and long-term, making a much larger overall adept drain. I'm simultaneously trying to make some people who are not currently adepts of an mp6 to become so, if only intermittently.
  5. [quote name='Amoran Kalamanira Kol' timestamp='1304492828' post='83869'] There are many in the realm who ARE selfish, and that is unfortunately a quality that this current change will bring out in many players, especially those who wish to gain an achievement, or wish to max their creatures just to have them maxed. I feel that this sort of thing will hurt the few mp6 who have chosen to stay in that mind power for a reason. [/quote] Having been made aware of the potential problem of adept siphoning, I have implemented a rule that members of the HAU be adepted to an existing protector mp6 while between clients, to try to minimize the impact on mp6s. Do you have any suggestions on what else could be done?
  6. [quote name='Mood panel'] [b]*Shadowseeker*[/b] - [i]Should I abuse alts instead? Anyone who is willing to help for a day? [url="topic/9632-active-adepts/"][img]http://magicduel.com/img/skin/default/link.jpg[/img][/url][/i] [/quote] I find this statement appalling. Would you really do that?
  7. Further applicants: please state the protector you will be adepted to in between clients.
  8. If a majority of members supported it, you could, I suppose... It's better to have 30 or fewer people at a time adepted to one mp6-for-a-day, instead of having many more siphoned off by multiple mp5s who want to go mp6-for-a-day but don't have the required number of adepts yet. The mp6-for-a-day thing is going to happen anyway; this way at least the general adept pool is less stressed. EDIT: I just got an idea. I'll make adepthood to an existing mp6 a requirement for all members in between jobs. So the union would be more or less carbon neutral, so to speak. EDIT2: Chewy, you can't really expect 35+ adeptable people to run an effective organization out of the goodness of their hearts. Silver is needed as an incentive for it to run smoothly enough to be useful.
  9. The creation of this group is in response to the abandonment of the [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9182-wandering-adepts-association/"]Wandering Adepts Association[/url]. This group, unlike the other, is not created as a joke. The upcoming BHC creates a pressing need for a way to become mp6 for a day or two. The HAU will aim to fill the need, and will hopefully continue to exist permanently afterward, while trying to minimize effect on existing mp6s. Any motion can be put to a vote by 2 members or by the chairman, and if agreed to by a majority of responding members within a week, will be implemented. Chairman can implement motions instantly if there are no objections. For example, members can vote to limit membership, vote to depose a chairman, elect a new one, etc. [b]Members not adepted to a current client should become adepted to an existing mp6. This is to try to avoid overall draining adepts from current mp6s.[/b] Current price: Flat rate of 30 silver Operating procedure: - Client contacts chairman (forum or in-game) to arrange a meeting - Client meets chairman in-game to give payment and to tell how many adepts he has (call this number X) - Chairman posts in thread verifying client - Members post in thread that they have become adept of client - First (32 - X, or 30 if X=0,1,2) members to become client's adept get paid 1 silver by chairman - When client is finished (maximum 1 day at mp6), this gets posted in the thread so members can return to regular mentor - Extra silver collected will be placed in the treasury, to be dealt with by member consensus. E.g. quest sponsorship, or redistribution among members. Treasury: 0 silver Chairman: apophys Members: (8) apophys duxie TTL The Warrior Manda Laphers xrieg Lone Wolf <members needed!> SIGN UP IN THIS THREAD, PLEASE. Applicants: please state the mentor you will be adepted to in between clients. 100 active days required. Any alts caught signing up will have all accounts removed from the list and will have prices doubled for any service.
  10. Note to general market for judging prices - this sharpie has been bought for 10 silver.
  11. Regular prices for a rein go around 12 gold.
  12. Necrovion - red/black Loreroot - light blue/dark green Marind Bell - light brown/dark blue Golemus - silvery/golden Tribunal - dark brown/light yellow
  13. I last saw the elephant on skates worn by Ledah, after Gargant dropped it. Ledah doesn't currently wear it, though; it may have moved to a new owner.
  14. I have a 2.9 mil xp remains I could sell for 3 silver. It'll probably hit 3 mil by the time you respond. EDIT: already hit 3.1 mil. Price is still 3 silver. EDIT2: sale complete.
  15. I suspect the figure is WRITING the (probably unfinished) book, or holding onto a first draft written by another.
  16. Age 627, untokened, 1.7 mil stored heat. Your offer?
  17. apophys


    You might want to lower the min bid for the sharpie.
  18. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1304152692' post='83625'] i am thinking to make this in place of the registration form .. or mp level advancement requirement or so. It tells so much about someone. [/quote] I would really like to see how you would fill it out. ;D
  19. I won against Clock Master, both fights. EDIT: I won against Darry Dabby, both fights. I'm on a roll.
  20. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1303834820' post='83449'] <insert relatively rude word> Yeah i really like that one [/quote] Improved quality version that I just noticed: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVIJgUb3mTc[/media] <3 <3 <3 <3
  21. 7 silver for sharpie
  22. [quote name='LadyDawn' timestamp='1303268181' post='83085'] Wont go in all gory details of it... [/quote] Actually the gory details interest me... but if you don't feel comfortable divulging them, I understand. Anyway, here's hoping that you won't develop more growths. Glad to have you back.
  23. [quote name='MRWander' timestamp='1303882935' post='83486'] Note this has nothing to do with me for those old enough to remember my old name... [/quote] Thanks for clearing that up.
  24. Issue has been resolved.
  25. 5 silver for sharpie.
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