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Everything posted by apophys

  1. apophys

    A funeral

    A funeral pyre is a great deal bigger than a little campfire, and even campfires are usually done in clearings, so the wind doesn't blow embers on a nearby tree. I agree that Ash Arch is a very bad place for this. If it must be in Loreroot, only Wasp's Totem has a large enough clearing (and nearby water to put out fire). I still would prefer to see it at the GoE though.
  2. I didn't get to properly understand all of it yet, but I would like to ask what steps are taken to prevent a ruling oligarchy developing. Also, there is no mention of the method by which legislation would be passed. Is this intentional? E.g. the legislative branch could make every proposed law into a referendum to all citizens for ratification by majority vote. And I would like to mention that one should have a right to a fair PUBLIC trial. Might be a good idea to add an article where a petition directly signed by the majority of the citizenry would become law, in case of everything having gone to hell. (Or some other failsafe to this effect.)
  3. I have never been a CotE member, nor do I have any affiliation with Loreroot, but, unlike with other alliances, I am very saddened to see this one be disbanded. I support this effort.
  4. Evidently my bid of 10 silver for each sharpie was misunderstood as 10 silver for the pack of two. But I guess I'll go with the flow. So, new bids: marksman #1 - 8 silver marksman #2 - 8 silver
  5. [quote name='stavaroiu' timestamp='1338897857' post='113456'] Its gotten to the point that i mute all sounds from my computer when i spend my time in non-sanctuary places, and i usually very much like to hear music when i play. [/quote] I mute my Firefox process, so I can still hear my VLC media player going. To do this, right-click the speaker in your tray, open volume mixer, and hit the mute button under the Firefox logo. Still, it would be much more convenient to use an option within MD. And that would be a VERY easy thing to code.
  6. 10 silver each for marksmen 1 & 2
  7. A very easy and minor change, but one that would help me a lot, and I'm sure others as well: Option on the options page to mute all MD sounds.
  8. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1338847522' post='113393'] Most creatures you can't upgrade nowadays you practically couldn't reach back then, either. [/quote] The rest of your post I agree with, but this I very strongly disagree with. I had about a dozen maxed creatures (not aramors, but trees, elems, birds, a water daimon) by the time the mp4 heat limit was increased, and most of the increase I put into my 3 angies, which I grew to one level before max. In mp4. Without any exploits (I don't consider GGG-style training an exploit, and I already had a max elem and at least one max dark archer by the time I discovered it.) That can't be done anymore.
  9. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1338724381' post='113333'] So the scoring shoudl be simple - whichever team does BETTER, X or Y, on Z's first quest, gets -- one point. Forget checkpoints and difficulty factors. Only problem then is the tie-breaker if everybody wins 3 times. [/quote] Define "better". More solvers, more people reach 75% solved, more solvers as a percentage of the total group... ? If it is defined as more solvers, then one solver from one team with no other participants from his team would get the point over the entire other team getting to 90%. Obviously this isn't "better" so you'd have to find a better definition. I think the current system kind of tries to fairly and objectively determine which team does better.
  10. I like this. If the implementation can be combined with a way to disable the attack notification sound, that would be amazing.
  11. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1338566363' post='113302'] whats the reasoning behind 3 teams? having this number makes it much harder to balance the teams. [/quote] This was my idea. 2 reasons: - Last time this kind of thing was done, there were 2 teams. Do something else for variety. Why not. - Team members get to do more quests; they can do 2/3 of the quests, because 1/3 are theirs. If 2 teams, they'd only get to do 1/2 the quests. It should be more fun this way.
  12. apophys

    Heat Orb

    +1 [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1338210782' post='113054'] another vote for a smaller "refresh" [/quote]
  13. Vitality is not an issue, because it has very effective counters already (UPs & elems). If, hypothetically speaking, stats were irrelevant, rituals dealing with vitality would have a rock-paper-scissors system: high-vit damage rit < UPs & elems < low-vit damage rit < high-vit damage rit What any fix to the system needs to deal with is a massive smash before any counter is possible. I.e. the issue at hand is monster stats (by tokens or by %influence), to which there is no counter. ____________________________ @Rannel - If you only fix personal stats, then tokens would be absurdly overpowered. In my personal opinion, tokens are currently fine with respect to personal stats; they both need to be scaled down equally. And by a lot. ____________________________ @Udgard - That's a very useful link. [quote name='Rendril'][b]c[/b][b]reature's stat in the battle = creature's stat[/b][b] * (your personal stat / 100 [u]+ 1[/u])[/b][/quote] It looks like my concept is simply a better scaling version of Rendril's. Times have changed - in that thread, high stats were quoted as being about 3000. It strikes me how similar our equations are, though. ____________________________ @Menhir - Your idea of an opposition stat does not change the fundamental problem that huge stats on creatures cannot be defeated, or the lesser problem that creatures with more targets make others of their kind obsolete.
  14. [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1337777709' post='112683'] Glad to see you back in action, apophys Still, the problem with unsatisfied players, who worked hard for those millions of stats would remain... [/quote] Certainly they should be taken into consideration, but honestly, for them the best system is the current one. However the system gets changed, they will likely be unsatisfied. I think my suggestion is the best compromise so far. It still gives some kind of real combat benefit to increasing your stats.
  15. How about leaving stat gains and most things alone, and just scale down how increased stats affect a creature's strength? This would then fix tokens as well, while doing no harm to people who spent tons of effort to raise their stats. For example: If <total increase in a stat by tokens/influence/skillvampire> is not negative, <creature's stat> = <creature's base stat> * ln (<stat increase> + e) This way, even with a billion attack, you'd only multiply the creature's attack by 20. And with only 150 attack, it would be multiplied by 5. There would be no limit to how high you could increase a creature's attack, but the effect of further training your stats would be absolutely miniscule at the high end. With 0 stat increase, the stat would stay as it is. Logarithms are very simple and useful. You could use a similar equation for negative stat increases, just making sure that the two halves of the piecewise function are continuous at 0. EDIT: Woot, 500th post. EDIT2: I just realized that this type of change would make creature initiative matter again. For example, a newbie's aramor would always attack before a veteran's grasan.
  16. After one year, a bump. Threadmancy ftw.
  17. How to reproduce: - Use an item. - Without closing the notification in the trigger box, refresh the page. This was found with Cup of Aromatic Tea, but I think it works with all items. Browser: Firefox 12.0 OS: Windows 7 If the item had only one use left and thus cannot be used again, this error is given in the trigger box: [b][color=#CC0000]There was a problem in using this item[/color][/b] #This is not your item. You may not use it. #This item doesn't have an associated script. [url="http://magicduel.com/ui/marketitems/ifrm.marketitems.php?section=listing&action=none"]< Back to items[/url] If you click "back to items" you will get an error 404 on the main frame.
  18. I support this, and will join when I can. If this idea gets popular, it could become so that the GoE grindfest would be mobile on weekends.
  19. [quote name='Metal Bunny' timestamp='1309293350' post='86855'] I decided to just remove the battle stuff, because, eh, I = lazy. [/quote] Meh, the reenactions were my favorite part. :/
  20. @Fyrd - that position looks more aggressive; it doesn't fit with the purpose of the drawing. There exist many inhuman avatars, so I don't think the problem is that it isn't humanoid. The problem is probably that it isn't personified. I.e. make the bird more of a personality than an object, as what it now looks like. To achieve this, I agree with the other posts in that you should make better use of canvas space (whatever solution you use to this effect). My personal suggestion would be to frame it better: draw it from a viewpoint somewhat off to the left and above of where it is (i.e. nearer to the axis along the wings), showing feet & tail, and clipping the upper wing slightly in the final product. As I see it, the upper wing should be nearly tangent with the upper border, and the body should be above the center point, leaving some empty space below the picture for character (to make it appear to soar). But if you don't want to put effort to redraw it, you can try to cut half the wing in each direction and center on the body (it's probably not detailed enough for this to look good, however).
  21. I would like to point this out: my AdBlock Plus addon for Firefox blocked all of these banners except the two wider ones. AdBlock Plus is a very commonly used addon. EDIT: it seems to block all images that are 160x600. Just checking if I disabled it correctly: are there 7 banners in the post, or is it still blocking something? Well-made banners, btw.
  22. Nim offering escort services? O_o H_H Bid on: Nimrodel Offer: 1 silver Playername: apophys
  23. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1308832864' post='86629'] It doesn't go offline. It's still there but not showing in the players' list. [/quote] Either way, it's a bug to be fixed...
  24. 7 silver for each sharpie.
  25. I'm offering 10 silver per $5 credit pack, up to 40 silver for $20 credits. PM if interested.
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