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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Did Paracelsus PM you or so? Meh, I'd have bid 4 silver on the angien where he bid 3.5... Well, now I have to find you online. I'm usually at the MDP over the day, I'm sure we can arrange something. Did Paracelsus PM you or so? Meh, I'd have bid 4 silver on the angien where he bid 3.5...I wanted both, else I don't particularly want them... Well, now I have to find you online. I'm usually at the MDP over the day, I'm sure we can arrange something. Edit: If you mean his post after me, I saw his post, then edited my own to overbid him. So if you use that, he hasn't bid that much actually.
  2. Majestic Winderwild age 786 Angien age 713 Angien age 713 3sc each. Edit: Will it be a problem if I do not take the CTC's yet? If you leave, I was hoping I could use you as a storage meanwhile
  3. What's the C/O for the tutorial shade?
  4. If you mind me asking- is there any particularly low ID, or symmetric, like 342342m or 342243?
  5. Lies, where is the mead! He wouldn't run around without at least a bottle of that.
  6. Sure can work, but I wouldn't say 150AD is too much..it's half a year, and during half a year you get to know how that person acts better and it also is a sign about activity. What use is someone who gets appointed then drops in a few months anyways? One example is Elthen Airis, who got to be the key keeper, and then went inactive soon. Edit: This is a job application page though, so we shouldn't discuss here too much. If we start one, I'll move it to a new topic.
  7. Not quite, that would speed up regen.
  8. It would probably be easier to evaluate if you told people what you are willing to offer- though aged reins are way too expensive currently if you ask me.
  9. Email change.
  10. Usually I would jump at that- right now I have 2 remains and a specific 3rd ID mind, so sorry, no. It's safe to say that I'm not interested in remains, unless it has the ID 761761 (I have 671671 and 716716).
  11. Sorry, but no- so close on those two though...
  12. He does make a point with the fact that many of the older paying people have more creds than shop resets they can use them for. Maybe something new should be added, but no the credits thing. It existed once, and got shut down immediatedly? Why? Abuse.
  13. Closed this then.
  14. Bump- I also take very low IDs- possibly below 100k if it can do.
  15. Issue solved kinda, so the pressing need for this will be merged into my other WTB topic, closing this.
  16. I was to buy you hear it- a normal aramor. I'd prefer a symmetric kind of ID, like 721127, or 721721, though the first takes precedence if you ask me. If the ID is low, even better. Otherwise, just a low ID itself could work out (if possible, below 200k). Send me some offers?
  17. Issue done. If anyone still does come forth with one, I would only be able to pay with coins, but would be interested.
  18. If there's one around, toss me a message ingame or here. I'll exchange for a fresh rust with no qualms. If you want coins, name an amount and we will see. Untokened please- Might accept fully tokened (but who tokens that? lol)
  19. I am afraid I do not need either of those, chrispr. Thank you for your offer though.
  20. I was hoping I could use it for a creature bargain- if it has to be just coins, around 5-6g probably, though I might not want to sell given how low the prices can be. Might just raise an untokened rust otherwise.
  21. Vale of Oblivion. As for that- how come that you assume it is smell, without any kind of sense to confirm? And if it were, it would hardly explain the composition of the slime...you can attack, and what you find does differ from a sponge, as you suggest. Surely one may think of those- but only because angiens look like Angels, they needn't be those.
  22. 10gc- I cannot even get a reindrach for that, so please no. And yes I know, which is why I said atypical earlier.
  23. I have to admit that's atypical to those people who sell SWs usually- but I think at least 4-5g. So a minimum of 4g....it's too useful against people who grind stats till death, though a second one usually can prove to be death for yourself.
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