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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. It's not drachorn specific, I tried with Clock, he just lost his Sharptear aura.. Best guess is defender loses one (random?) aura.
  2. Alright, here's a bug that I reproduced, I'm not sure exactly how it works, I'm guessing too many auras screw it up. Applying 50% of CrazyMike's energetic influence Applying 10% of Shadowseeker's energetic influence Influences for CrazyMike ###### Madhorn: antifreeze Tamed Reindrach: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare Tamed Reindrach: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare Influences for Shadowseeker ###### Bloodclaw: antifreeze Santa II: morale Rubytalon: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare Greg The Snowman: doublefreeze First case, above, I got attacked. Applying 10% of Shadowseeker's energetic influence Applying 50% of CrazyMike's energetic influence Influences for Shadowseeker ###### Bloodclaw: antifreeze Santa II: morale Rubytalon: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare Tremortail: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare Greg The Snowman: doublefreeze Influences for CrazyMike ###### Tamed Reindrach: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare 2nd I attack. Same rits everywhere. The influences should look like this, no? Influences for Shadowseeker ###### Bloodclaw: antifreeze Santa II: morale Rubytalon: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare Tremortail: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare Greg The Snowman: doublefreeze Influences for CrazyMike ###### Madhorn: antifreeze Tamed Reindrach: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare Tamed Reindrach: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare As it is, that exaplains a lot as to why my defense rits keep failing so much.
  3. Just realised, why is this in roles and legends? Moved. edit: Also, is it done, so it can be closed? Or is there a need for more artists.
  4. This is..his first topic of the like though, at least I can't seem to find another of this sorts.. Obviously, this does look random, but he says hello, so, I still find it okay (for now).
  5. Alright, closing this then, since its solved.
  6. Closed.
  7. Try quarantining it again, and use this: https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/1865/ OR https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/722/ I use the 2nd, but its more annoying to configure.
  8. Er..you realise that thing called winhost is most likely created from a trojan?
  9. I suggest trying to update your flash, if that doesn't work, reinstall it.. After that, still failing, make a check on your system load when you play MD..how much of teh cpu is running? It might be your specs. I just tested myself, it's not the code, it's most likely you having issue with the max heat picture...a.k.a. flash screwing up.
  10. As mentioned already, yes, it is not avatars..if I recall, it is a feature called avatar level. You could buy 2 of those, the 2nd being for gold avatars, of which the shop currently has none in stock.
  11. Closed on request.
  12. I find it more surprising there was even a stir from Glor... Nevertheless, I cannot resist to drop a few lines. Only foolish people try to fight a war they cannot win, and even more of a fool is the one not trying. As for the smart ones...hm? A mere challenge without visible backup? We shall see how it ends.
  13. Shadowseeker


    [quote name='alazzah' timestamp='1287261301' post='70452']3rd Do you think these game is free will lets see when game offer wish point for some real money is that freee .... [/quote] If you have encountered someone doing that, and can prove it, that person will get a HUGE penalty. WP are not to be boughtl. Credits etc can be traded for, but not WP.
  14. Shadowseeker


    As it happens he's not the only one of the magical people who thinks that. You may be used to some kind of gift in the generic mmorpg's where many others play (yes i played some before), but it would be VERY unusual for MD. For heavens sake, it's an announced alpha? stage I think, or beta. That#s unlike any other games which claim that they are fully working, and if then something breaks it's common to give something for not holding up the promise..nobody forces you to play a game that has not been finished. If you ask me a clear no. If you want more feedback than just a vote, we can enable it easily, as stated.
  15. I'm actually reading the forums!? (sarcasm ) Other than that, im currently doing what I usually do, and whenever i do alt tab, use my bookmarks i realise too late MD is down and cant be loaded.
  16. Closed then.
  17. How can you click change and save, if you cannot access the page? Some more details, perhaps screens even please?
  18. Hm.. An auction certificate, and a 30 silver coupon for the santa? Amusing to bid two items.
  19. Sidenote: If this does degrade into pointlessness, Rask can request a cleanup, and the offenders will receive warnings/warn levels accordingly. Just a mod addition to what chew said.
  20. Actually..we don't even need a friend's list, it's called PM system. As you pointed out adi, you can PM them. Sure, a PM is more bothersome than a chat, but you could use the labels for each and every adept you have Pming you..until people mix labels up you have your chat.
  21. If you ask me I'd also include a tag of new, or aged egg. Age, and also tokens, make a lot of difference. Since you didn't mention tokens, I assume you mean no tokens. I'm guessing aged? Because otherwise the things you wrote don't make that much sense.
  22. Closing this then since it seems solved.
  23. Sorry, but you keep rambling on about fixed authorities, and kings in one sentence. Kings CAN be overthrown..nobody has bothered to do so yet, but it is very possible. So far we only saw a line of consentual passing of generations, but this doesn't have to be. Staged in the proper way, with the proper support of land people (which are mainly with the king though, that is the idea of it) anyone could become king. As an example..you have the support of CoE, GotR and a few other vets from other lands, and decide to overthrow Firs..you'd get it most likely, if you had the support of the land. When you tried to rebel, did you have it? No. Did it fail? Yes. To me it very much sounds like a grudge born from the fact that you were exiled..... And if you looked, you'd realise a ruler is nothing without the base of supporters.
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