Alright, here's a bug that I reproduced, I'm not sure exactly how it works, I'm guessing too many auras screw it up.
Applying 50% of CrazyMike's energetic influence
Applying 10% of Shadowseeker's energetic influence
Influences for CrazyMike ######
Madhorn: antifreeze
Tamed Reindrach: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare
Tamed Reindrach: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare
Influences for Shadowseeker ######
Bloodclaw: antifreeze
Santa II: morale
Rubytalon: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare
Greg The Snowman: doublefreeze
First case, above, I got attacked.
Applying 10% of Shadowseeker's energetic influence
Applying 50% of CrazyMike's energetic influence
Influences for Shadowseeker ######
Bloodclaw: antifreeze
Santa II: morale
Rubytalon: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare
Tremortail: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare
Greg The Snowman: doublefreeze
Influences for CrazyMike ######
Tamed Reindrach: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare
2nd I attack. Same rits everywhere.
The influences should look like this, no?
Influences for Shadowseeker ######
Bloodclaw: antifreeze
Santa II: morale
Rubytalon: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare
Tremortail: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare
Greg The Snowman: doublefreeze
Influences for CrazyMike ######
Madhorn: antifreeze
Tamed Reindrach: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare
Tamed Reindrach: creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare
As it is, that exaplains a lot as to why my defense rits keep failing so much.