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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. It happened as well with Ledah back then..I think what he got confiscated with his alt abuse was only bits, he bought some creatures using the silver he hoarded by using the 5 credit gift. Still...I assume Rhaegar would pay the refunds?
  2. Well, in response to some pictures that were seen on the net: Where is the border when a copied picture is original again? I noticed a really similiar part in some avatars..similiar enough to almost say it's almost tracing in some bits. I'd like to ask the community, is that okay for our avatars, or is it not? If you scroll down you'll see some rough overlaps done by me..which are close to be identical in some parts, and the two original pictures. One was from a cool blog, and one is actually the Venus painted by Boticelli. (blog:http://madaunt.blogspot.com/) (Venus di Milo (might be known differntly..by Boticelli): A very famous classical picture) I agree that artists get influenced. They train using certain pictures. But is that really original? Also, please take a look at this: http://marvel.com/universe/Absorbing_Man There's another avatar uploaded that looks...similiar. If you haven't noticed, the artworks are all by Sir Kamil. From the way he commented in his other thread, I understood it that he fully claims that his pictures are all fully original, and not stolen from anywhere. To me this isn't acceptable, what are your thoughts? [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='04 October 2009 - 12:44 PM' timestamp='1254653055' post='43664'] Ok, i just received an other info of an existing (already uploaded) avy being an exact match with an other picture from the web. I am so so sorry that i have to work sometimes with this kind of (crap) artists. Unfortunately i can't check all the drawings for avies myself. Now I am even more angry on the "artisans guild". I assure you that from now on i will pay much more attention to all suspect drawings and not allow representations of known characters anymore, regardless if they are copied or not. [/quote] [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='07 October 2009 - 01:49 AM' timestamp='1254872984' post='43872'] An other thing, for ALL artists reading this. When you copy a character, do you have to copy it in the exact same positio as you find an image on the net? Are you not capable or creative enough to change something about it, or is it so much easyer to be a human scaner? From now on i will not accept art that represents known characters anyway. [/quote]
  3. Let me revoice the above in a more diplomatic way: Simple: 1. We moderators help you with your topics, and any issues regarding things that normal users cannot attend to like closing topics, removing spam, etc. 2. What we do is a service, not something you paid for. If you do pay me every month 30$ I'll listen a little bit more to what you rant about. (Note: A little refers to an amount I decide.) 3. A moderator as such has more powers, but still is one of the players attending MD. As such, unless there specifically is written "As my authority of being a moderator etc" (or anything like that) assume it's the player, not the moderator talking. 4. If you fail to accept the statements above you may talk to us. However be reminded that the way I voiced it is _very_ clear. 5. Always remember that blatant disregard for rules will obviously lead to punishment, be it in forms of warn or other things.
  4. For safety- Yes, you need to explain this is satire. Often enough people can read it as it is meant to, often enough not. This post above to me is one where I thought that was meant serious. If you truly wish to show irony, at least write a PS saying so or anything. Because the way you wrote it makes no sense in teh way you suggest just now. Even so, alt use for mains? How _low_ has MD fallen? Little groups and now this? Just because it helps the GGG farmers alts should be encouraged?.... Isn't it also the GGG farmers mainly profiting them, aside from the occasional appearance of someone else.
  5. Well, I personally think that's a trigger..like a bool, true or false witht he restriction. And logout doesn't check for that to be returned, if i'm correct. A fix would be appreciated.
  6. Jonn..was an interesting one. But alas, I'm not saying much more, mainly since not too many seem to remember him anymore, after Grido took over.
  7. As for Z..that's one I think might be possible, i'd suggest talking to him about it first though, just curious what he says about playing a little around here and there. Peace- although it's true she herself said she "won't change much anymore" ingame, I'd wait a bit longer in order to know what happens. Marv, Princ- I'd give them more time to show off their inactivity.
  8. Might do something little.
  9. Actually, I'm not to sure. With the current setup of creats, lifesteal from all would probably be less than the damage received...I don't want to name exactly figures, but yeah..
  10. Odd. After you opened them, did you see the whole explanatory text? If you look, you may have not triggered the golemuspaper spell on you...if you still have them, try to test?
  11. This is an annoying one though, I'd love to see it get fixed..combat ingame got it, so why not on profiles as well?
  12. Since you said around..9 silver. Want to get rid of my uneven amounts.
  13. It also has to do with how you drew it..shade, alas grey, is only "black" with less concentration..so if you had drawn some enough for the scanner to recognize it should show up, as sparse as it may be. I'd suggest using a pencil to scrape over ti gently somehow..to add the shadow.
  14. They don't really increase anything..2% is a laughable amount of like 2 or 1 initiative.
  15. Still, that would massively unboost many rits..and unbalance it all to angiens, so it's not exactly a solution either. Drach rits are still supposed to be stronger than angiens, if you compare them valuewise..one requires some expeensive creats some are free..
  16. 5? Make it 10 or so I think.. I remember one particular rit that had over 2.5m ve in it, total.. M as in MILLION.
  17. If you refer to wind mutation MRG, that is Braiton. GG-> Wind. Dream mutation, as in the color one, is available in wishshop..need 5 wp total I think, 4 spent to unlock it.
  18. I remember the short reward list, but I want to be sure, since I can't access it anymore after having signed up.. It was 20 skilldamage, a morph, a rare item? Edit: And while someone is at it..mind copying the content of the sign up page before it vanishes here? And..anything else about it remains undisclosed now, or is scoring system the same etc? Vic still required, or just a brutal win?
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