Items needed:
An item which stores and releases one's own energy.
Several lights which give off constant light
A grinded powder which gives off light
First of all the shadow has to be attracted. By having phantasm seemingly growing weak by storing energy into the item, he will attempt to control him, and reach the item for more power.
Emotionally phantasm has to try to become angry, and feel hatred. That is what his shadow was born out of, so it will feel this, and also grow stronger.
This is a risky move, because if it goes wrong phantasm will be devoured, and the shadow gain full power. As such I would suggest that he holds the item close, and when the shadow appears hands it to someone trustworthy in order to keep it safe until after the ritual. He also draws upon it before handing it over in order to gain some sudden strength. Still, he should focus on clearing his mind ASAP when the shade draws nearer.
Weakened, the shade will try to devour phantasm. that's where the lights will be lit. Constant lights, so no flickers will allow the shade to flee. Now you use the powder to draw a circle around you in order to prevent the shadow from escaping. If phantasm is unable to, a helper has to do it.
Now, since phantasm is in the middle of the circle, and that is exactly where the shadow is, it is as if they are one...but it's not entirely the same. As long as this state exists, there will be a fight against each other.
At this point, the darkness principle comes into play. By using that principle, phantasm and his shadow are "erased". The ritual may turn off the lights at this point for the symbolical effect.
Now we have a huge instable sphere of darkness, which we stabilize using the principle of time. We regard the process of the whole ritual as one, and thus stabilize this momentary darkness.
Imagination is needed. Imagination of the whole identity of phantasm, and the outcome a new, reattached shadow. Combining the ideas together, but the rest has to be done by phantasm's mindpower himself. Embracing the shadow once more..he fuses, if everything goes right. The old one vanishes, the new one appears.
Once the ritual is over, phantasm will have to be order to know whether it is him, or his shadow. This can only be done by a person who fully understands and knows him. If it is the shadow, then the quest goes in, trapping him, and trying to release him once more. If he isn't, he shall regain his strength, or some after gaining the first item back.
All this should only be attempted while he feels to be at the peak of his condition. Favourite clothing and all should be used in order to have the best mentality when doing this.
by Shadowseeker