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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Hm. 20 silver. Guess I won't pay more.
  2. Uh..so do I need to appear or not? I've had quite a draining exam today, so..
  3. I cannot promise to be there, as I have an exam. So keep that in mind please, but I would say something like 19:00 23rd.
  4. Nevertheless, we cannot take away something he paid for.. That is like saying: Hey guys, MRD paid several hundreds of $, now lets take his drachorns caus we wants rusts! And so on. Of course it limits other people greatly, because prices are going up of the hoarders and so on..but what do you want to do other than either paying their prices, getting it faster than them or persuading them?
  5. He has quite some coins..like 75 silver and 3 gold if I remember or so. It's..loads, and he paid cash for it, credits at times.
  6. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='20 February 2010 - 08:59 PM' timestamp='1266695982' post='54846'] I was the one that brought it to attention, you were the one who had the clought to [size="7"]do[/size] it. [/quote] You say that the roof had to be fixed. And it was me who did it after noticing, took the materials and went through building it. Now you come to say you built it? I'm not sure if you have read your own sentence, it already implies it was me who did it. Other than that, I can only say..It is your choice to stay in or leave a game.If you think it is that way, go ahead. I don't think so yet.
  7. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='20 February 2010 - 06:33 PM' timestamp='1266687221' post='54837'] You guys think I find MD boring? Umm... no? I changed the Dojo so that MP5s could attack other MP5s. Why? Because everyone hid there. Now, everyone is hiding in GGG training to become stronger. Why? Because it's easier. It requires little effort. I rarely ever train there, and yet, I can defeat most non token rituals without thinking to hard. I don't have amazing stats, and I don't have amazing creatures. But, I played MD before it became so lame. I remember when you couldn't walk through willows shop without being attacked. [/quote] Fenrir, don't take credit what you HAVE NOT DONE. I was the one who did it, and after several weeks you asked to be staff, but I never saw you there. Then, I took you off the list, and you didn't bother ever again. So can you explain this to me perhaps?
  8. Then what is N in that case? Curious, since common maths won't give a solution to that.
  9. Huh..seeing as people can enter, that means the spell is working..Try asking another LHO to enter, if he cannot as well its the **- otherwise it may be something else.
  10. Also for a comparison: There was a relatively long time of 2 months? (or so, don't remember for sure) where I just had a plain old tree on me. Surprise: I think I can count the total of attacks against me with my fingers, and most of them were AFTER I told people I have a tree. Kind of discouraging. because the fighting has reached a status where people will not attack you, simply because they know you can beat the cr** out of them. And..sitting at the GGG won't help against those people, it will only work vs the other GGGers. If you truly want to have a good chance to beat people like me, dst, etc...then GGG is wasted time. Sorry, but it is that way. I however voted no: If people want to waste their time on an imho inefficient way of training, let them. As for how to beat drach rits permanently..Given the amount of farm some people invested, people might actually be able to kill some rits already. had they trained differently.
  11. If you want to be rich: 1.Trade (Amass things to buy things) 2.Trade (Amass knowledge as to what sells for how much and who wants it, what is a good price, who sells it) 3.Trade (Amass contacts just in case you miss some info) Otherwise.. Game? Play? Have fun.
  12. [quote name='Czez' date='15 February 2010 - 07:51 PM' timestamp='1266259907' post='54548'] are not for you to count. You are not entitled to these items. I don't keep them for market value. If you want more items, do more interesting RP because that is where most of them are generated, though even with that sincere effort, which too few people make, it is rare. [/quote] Well, just to point out something: Leaving out the sextant and charts, tar and pine you just named, and even the eggs. (which I see as raw) Oh, and the horseshoe. Which makes..6/14 which i just leave out in this case study. Makes 8 more to go. Hm..interesting no? And even if you say they are not mine to count, I count them merely by looking at the item owners list. That's not me stalking you to find out every item you possess, it's just the plain old list. Perhaps you don't keep them for market value, perhaps for RP, but to many it looks as if you keep them for the list, or the fact in itself that you have items. And..I hope that last sentence of yours isn't a challenge to me, but more pointed at the majority of hoarders. Who that includes..I leave up to everyone to decide. Because if you think that way..perhaps I should go trying to trade a bit more, just to see how many I can get. Then again, what is the use with too many items? It just shows off on a list, and little more.
  13. Just curious, that is one item of..14. And could it possibly be that this particular item was given regardless of your previous quest? From what i heard the raw materials were randomly distributed, and not in accordance to previous quests or anything. Well, can't say much here since I slowly tend to turn into an item hoarder, with me getting items (back) unexpectedly and getting pass papers...
  14. It's been..more than a month already. Could we perhaps at least hear who would hold the highest bid, so that the others can think of what they want to do with the things they bid with? I personally am holding on to all, which limits the funding I have greatly.
  15. Just to know, when will it end? You say highest offer, but I suggest you say a deadline..or you specify that you are waiting until the price is what you expect of it.
  16. Well, even if you split it like that Gremlin...just replace the numbers in my post, it essentially stays the same. Those who donate get 50% back- inefficient for a donation if you ask me. The quests again, who makes them, who rates them? And..only 25% as quest rewards. I'm no fan of this, but I don't think making one will work either..well, good luck if you still want to try, I personally think it won't go well.
  17. Not to mention I don't think Kragel ever made that list which was requested after everyone made a fuss....But that's another thing, another grudge of mine. But well, since this does bother me a bit, a full analysis: As for average prices you say...that is a list I really would love to look over. I personally once wanted to make a list of creatures, including token modifiers and more, but just stopped, because it would have meant that [b]every 2 or 3 months[/b] I would have to do it again. If your list is somewhat correct, I won't object. And I doubt I myself can appraise properly, most likely only [b]about 80%[/b]. But...will the list really satify me or the others? Everyone was talking about how prices were not entirely correct. Now, the way you do it sounds like this: Everyone is asked to voluntarily be sold, and that even with a price they may not agree with. They get 1/3 together with those who..buy them? Sorry? So why not say it directly: Doesn't this [b]just mean they donate, and get a lower refund?[/b]. Well, not for slaves, but [b]selling yourself off even if for an "act" is also questionnable, seeing as you also gain.[/b] Then, [b]1/3 goes to those organising this, making the quests[/b]...I don't mind them grabbing a few coins, but here again the issue is: Essentially the organisers are there to provide a selling platform and so on: Which is not worth [b]that much.[/b] Questmakers..I can understand if you reward them, but essentially, [b]who rates the quest and how, and how is the funding of them decided? [/b] And last, quest rewards. Fine, nice idea. [b][u]But..you take 100%, and ONLY pour [font="Impact"][size="4"]33% or LESS[/size][/font] into this? This surely sounds ineffective.[/u][/b]
  18. It's normal, because of the way it's stored. So make sure to save it before the timer expires
  19. Well, if it's not fights..do you remember what happened before you noticed it?
  20. I dedicate the first post to you for trying to do that. Though I'm not sure it'll help. (But I'm a bit pessimistic anyways, so...)
  21. For curiosity, what was your entry in hers?
  22. Not exactly. I'd accept a fee of like 1 gold for the organisator, according to WHAT he does. But the way you just split it sounds like each gets one third. And, I'm not sure I'd accept the prices you set for creatures. It's hard to come by a good one imo, since prices can vary greatly within months. S
  23. Do you guys also get this? Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: User gtop100_default already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/gtop100/public_html/in.php on line 105 Database connection error! Win7, Firefox btw. To me, it seems broken, that link.
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