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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Well, currently there is a way for one person to get 5, the auction. No idea about the future.
  2. The way he said it it did sound as if Fenrir was going to buy credits though (and fenrirs posts seem to prove that).. Of course, you don't get bonus credits if you purchase for another person, and I guess Fenrir was hoping he'd get those and let Mur transfer some of it as well.
  3. Highly agree. I'd love to infuse my silvery sphere (ID 12) or my Crimson Cross (ID:953) with some (inner) magic. Would be fun to have the holder of the cross display the knight flag as well. (Not give the wearer the knightpromotion spell..unless I request it later.) As for my silvery sphere..I'd enjoy imbuing it with circle of flames (which I happen to have a complete set of). I have..ideas, but it'll be hard to realise, not to mention the spell in mention, fireball, probably would not be given out. Still, there could be a weaker version of it, or just a nomulti spell. Edit: It might be interesting to see something similiar happen to equipment, as in real equipment. And special types of them, unique by themselves transferable to others, giving more stats, or spells, etc. S
  4. Mm no, this shouldn't be considered as one. I think the old announce even says so.
  5. Mm.. just a sidenote, aside from all this, a somewhat logical mistake in your theory. Last guardian: Do you mean to say GG has nothing else _BUT_ you anymore, or do you mean to say it all ends with you? It's...not exactly the best method if you ask me, writing something when a land is nowhere near destruction. Even though you say it's because you are the last of your people..this very title claims that every other GG person existing here and now is nothing but a mere impostor. At least that is what I'd read out of it.
  6. Well, if you can make people bother to look out for stats/fighting and the mechanics I'd partially encourage it if you don't post too many spoilers here please. Seems fine so far, since vics were always officially announced etc. Still, I find it interesting that nobody says much..because I'm sure the vets know how to vic farm, if they bother to spend the time. There's several ways, and one is what you suggested: I prefer using my creatures (No not drachs) to farm vics up. Perhaps you'll find it as well one day, or have found it already but not put to use.
  7. Well, as long as the movement gets people following, vet or not, it'll survive. That's the best proof if you have support or not, but it wouldn't work that well if you can only run this off alts..well, it would be semi-illegal.
  8. You can trade it..before morphing that is.
  9. You can give them preset papers to tell them to put in..but well, I wouldn't suggest ally leader modding but more some helper or so, official one.
  10. 3 powers huh? Ability to end or restore any life, including your own. (restore as in heal, not revive, also including modding yourself) Ability to foresee future events within a certain scale that doesn't overload your mind Ability to walk into other dimensions without getting lost or losing yourself (to hide, to relax, to see other events) Why so? That way you can end immortality if you wish to, and the other two provide me with enough amusement.
  11. There once was even an announcement asking for this..paper shaper or so? I don't remember too clear anymore. Might be interesting to give some people the ability to edit, best would be those really versed in coding and wanting to help others.
  12. Well, see it like this: The MR's, (at least wander) agreed to help out a bit when it started, if it was needed..but I never called for them, simply because..it's two different things. One project should not rely on another if you ask me.
  13. Moved to offtopic due to the nature of the topic.
  14. Actually possible..what you see on Burns was 2 casts, and in total I have 20.
  15. Er..weird, for some reason I just read into my mind that you were asking for the access to the torches to be limited somehow. my bad.
  16. Question, is this quest still running?
  17. Hm..still, if one were to seriously use it, it would just require leaving the alliance to pick up a torch, no? Wouldn't that more require one to be in an alliance of that land to pick up that torch?
  18. Mm..firs. As I said, the stronger rit..I even pointed out the ritual that actually does work. I tested it. Guaranteed, it's winning chances are lower than 50% often enough, but still provides a decent chance. The BP version also isn't bad either. Or imperials. Given, they stand no chance vs 4 or 5 rusts, but against anything less they work. And, if you want to go extreme, you can just kill off all your creats and watch as nobody can attack you literally. I just didn't want to recruit using such a rule, nor even suggest it, as it didn't seem befitting to it. I can understand that you'd dislike the fact of staying in one place and effectively farming up losses. Still, with the proper rit, there's still ways of winning, even if smaller than theirs. I'm unsure what your current ritual is you have in def, but I suggest you try my suggestion out one day. Since I don't want this to end up in a discussion as to what people without drachorns can do against those without, I won't say more in this regard. As for the rule of helpers. I added one, but I couldn't guarantee it being upheld. That's why I formulated it in a way which asks for less attacks if possible, but not a forced one. And even then, if too many were staff, then there would be "lots of MP5 at SG unattackable". And Firs..then, if it gets out of hand, make a list? If you truly do believe a community related project like this works, then talking with the attackers should help as well. But that in itself would differ from the ideals of the SG as well, partially at least. To avoid this dicussion altogether I also tried to recruit amongst mp3/4, but it's hard to grab a hold of some of them. Within their category fights are still different, mainly. And this is where I am to blame, since I couldn't keep up a constant renewal.
  19. Well, the protective part I once had, was simple for me. Just get so strong that you usually don't lose the fights, or don't mind losing. Perhaps that is due to some arrogance that i built up from almost never getting attacked anymore, but I tend to believe it's possible at least to improve to the point where you can withstand some of the strongest people. Setting a simple, strong ritual that can even beat the crap out of drachorn rituals often enough is easy. Requires one claw3 creature and some more birds. Or just go and adapt the BP method, though that won't work against drachorns. I even added a rule that the helpers were supposed to be protected to a certain degree, but that didn't work out well. As for mp5, I can understand why people want to be protected from attacks..but in the end, isn't it also that MP5 is the "veteran" stage or should be if you asked me, and once people wish a truly safe haven they could go to sancs? And..if people really were to wish that, why did I meet so little resistance? I can understand them being frustrated and all, but if the old dojo staff would have protested in unison, and gathered support I would understand it and may not have attempted to take over. But..they didn't do much.
  20. Hm..I can write a sentence more so it becomes clear, but it doesn't change the situation. Interesting how little, almost no response at all is in this topic. Nobody willing to try? To do something?
  21. Hm..Happy Bday, and don't you dare end up as a metal steak like you almost did in the festival of pain! Have fun.
  22. Fenrir..the way this topic sounds is as if you wish to convey the message that you try to get approval for something you tried, and now wish to get out unharmed, backed by the community. As for sharing..the very best method to get bugs to be abused is sharing. Share to one, split to all is what it means. So if you want to share, either test not telling them what you did, and testing on trustworthy people (the list is long here, I trust quite a few), and directly reporting back. It's easier to fix if you can fully explain WHAT the hole is, but keeping a bug to use it fully, and worse, publically rallying for it is like saying: Hey, the code is lacking. Let's abuse the poor code and gain benefits, so we all can be happy. This topic isn't showing you in a good light.
  23. You mistake one part. I have not spent a single cent on MD, in terms of real cash. I played lots, which means I invested time, I traded lots, but I never donated to MD: And yet I am where I am today. I'm the proof the unpaying people can get what even some paying people lack.
  24. Well, the issue is that even the rich lose a lot there..so in a sense this would balance things in terms of wealth, but i'm curious what'll happen to the goods afterwards. Agree though that it is mainly for the rich, or those who are willing to throw in lots of things. Edit: Oh, and I forgot. With this trades would become more interesting again, because people now can work towards their goal.
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