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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. So, what do you people think? I find it interesting to say at the very least, but at the same time I wonder what happens with the goods being offered, and I'm also curious what insane amounts of things get offered. So far, interesting.
  2. I bid: The angien with ID 505050, 2 gold coins, 40 silver, an elemental ID 71200 and tokens like claw3, antifreeze, goldbelt etc (total of 11) and a soulweaver with age 204 and several tokens like kellethafire, enlightning, antifreeze, claw2 etc. (14 tokens) Various tokens from across the expensive sets for the two creats. For DARK IV A tokened GG with tokens like enlightning, darksky, claw3, sunshine, antifreeze and claw2, in the right ritual devasting. (15 tokens total) for the spelldocs! Edit: Do we get to know which offer is the highest as of now, if it is public? And, will there be an information about how long it will take before the item is sold?
  3. *From: Castin (ID:44497) My home village had a blacksmith that made anything from horseshoes to the guard weapons and as children we was allowed to watch the process to see who could become the blacksmiths apprentice so I can advise you from what I remember Melt the iron into a thinner length of metal the length of a yard and the width of a childs hand Mark out the outline for the blade and hammer and file into shape (our black smith put in crushed egg shell to certain items to make the item glitter and shine, perhaps an angien shell would imbue magical properties??) Keep filing the blade edge to sharpen Once the blade has been made and the shape and edge are to your liking the allow to cool leave to one side Make a metal plate with the rest of the metal to put between the blade and the handle Puncture the middle of the plate to allow the blade base to fit through <if you used the eggshell then perhaps melt afew silver coins instead of using iron for the plate> The finished produce will have a better look and gleam The handle should be made from the same material as the sheath of the blade so once closed it looks a complete unit In this regard the ebony plank would be used. Cut a length of wood long enough for the handle length you wish and cut centre of it to be able to insert the end of the blade into the handle. The remainder of the wood you can split to be able to cut down and glue together to form a case for the blade itself Put the metal end of the blade (not the blade edge) through the metal plate and into the handle and tighten with leather straps and glue to lock into place. Polish the blade to a shine and fit into the sheath to have your katana I am sorry I couldn’t go into further detail…I didn’t get the apprentiship but was an interesting summer learning and I can make a fine horseshoe <chuckles> *From: Reverie (ID:176602) *sent 10 hours and 3 minutes ago Untitled Hey there, it's me again. Let me take a shot at guessing the sword you want to make. *Reverie hands over a piece of blank paper* Suddenly, the shows the picture of a sword. http://www.flickr.com/photos/lgl/2790401028/in/photostream/ You see a katana, which is quite beautiful. It was long, not as long as a greatsword, but long enough such that only those with great stregnth and skill could wield it properly with one hand. Then you see the sheath. This sheath was shaped from the ebody wood, with its open tip having a circlet of ornate silver around it. You then examine the parts of the sword more carefully. You check for the characteristics that are the trademark of the katana. It seems as though this sword was perfectly crafted. The blade reveals a distict metallurgical gradient between the edge and its spine. The sword spine seemed softer and more malleable, but tougher,providing structure and sturdiness to the katana. On the other hand, the edge was more crystaline in nature,it was much harder, but also more brittle.The blade was polished in such a way that the edge was waving into the spine. Although hard to determine, you feel as though the sword steel was composed of pure iron that was smelted with silver as an alloy. The hilt guard was was also made from the iron-silver alloy, but the alloy was more silver than iron, thus providing the brilliant luster. The grip area of the katana is made from ebony wood that was coated by silver.This part was wrapped by very fine stips of black ebony plank that were then strung together, creating a fine mesh that feels like tanned leather--a perfect sword grip. However, more than that, you sense power, this sword was not made through ordinary physical means--there was magic involved.You sense a conflict within the sword. It is not necessarily the conflict between good and evil, but that of wanting and being unable to obtain. You sense that darkness dominates the sword,but this sword also seeks the light. The image vanishes from the piece of paper. Is that what you thought? I wanted the paper to reveal your thoughts on the katana, but it seems to have projected some of mine too. Well, I guess that was expected, I'm not really powerful anyways (MP3). *Reverie gets the blank paper back* Better return this to the paper cabin. Haha. *Reverie walks away and looks back* You know...I think smithing isn't one-dimensional. Smiths impart their wants, their needs, their weaknesses (unfortuantely), their strengths, and what they feelto their creations. In other words, their spirit is imparted to the sword. Some spirits.....may be more magical than others. *Reverie continues to walk away* Ailith: On considering what your katana would look like, I imagined a strong blade with simple an tasteful designs on the scabbard and workings of the grip. A breakdown of the individual parts is as follows: Kashiri (Pommel) A piece of iron with a circular surface, this would have etched into it the knight's cross, with the cross prominent. Tsuka (grip) Made from a section of the ebony plank, this would be polished and have a criss cross pattern etched into it to improve grip (ideally with strips of red silk tied tightly around the criss cross pattern to improve grip further). Length 10 inches, width 37mm Fuchi (collar) Made of a plain strip of very thin, strengthend iron Tsuba (guard) If you imagine the Tsuba as a separate item and held it flat in your hand, you would see a knight's cross made of iron, with a gap in the centre to house the blade and a thin circular band of iron that connects itself to the outer points of the cross. Habaki (collar for blade below grip) Another strip of plain iron, wider than that of the Fuchi which which fits tightly at the top of the blade under the Tsuba. (Optional: I imagine a motto inscribed tastefully in small writing onto it.. my choice of words to represent you are 'Ventas, Scientia et Gladius' meaning 'truth, knowledge and sword' ) Nagasa (Blade) A blade of 30 inches which is made of a thin but very strong strip of treated iron, the blade itself is curved slightly, a little more at the tip. The underside edge of which is sharpened to a dangerously lethal degree. Width between 25 and 33mm, Thickness 0.26mm Saya (scabbard) Made of ebony, the blade is housed tightly into it. It is the same cirumferential width as the Tsuka. The surface of the Saya is carefully polished (ideally with clear varnish to protect it and make its appearance slightly glossier. The decoration is an elongated depiction of a drachorn carved into both sides. The length of which is approximately a fifth of the length of the Saya with the head at the top, so that when the blade is sheathed the head lies under the Fuchi A sophisticated looking weapon lying at the side of your armor, and when you unsheath your sword for battle, the thin blade will sing in the air as you wield it. The decorations represent you, whilst not being overbearing, their meanings are clear. Capital <a href='http://storenow.net/my/?f=1225' target='_blank'>my link</a> <a href='http://storenow.net/my/?f=1226' target='_blank'>my link</a> <a href='http://storenow.net/my/?f=1227' target='_blank'>my link</a> <a href='http://storenow.net/my/?f=1228' target='_blank'>my link</a> It's been hard to determine who wins, and since I'm in a good mood today, each of them gets a WP. Congrats.
  4. Nvm, solved after pondering over it.
  5. I'm just quite curious..does anyone know if wishes get added after you spend the WP they still are hidden, so that the WP used won't count? I'm just really curious, as I have spent a whole of 17 WP, 16 of those in the shop..and I still have 2 invisible wishes waiting for me.
  6. MP5, alliance, usually 0 rounds. Serious fight..it's a matter of split-seconds. Long fight..would actually be days. Since you want rounds..the real counted, max of 5.
  7. Closing this then, since it has ended.
  8. Hm..interesting that there is so little discussion here. About one thing I noticed was, when I said I don't want any of the powers Calyx had, it seemed as if community cared less in getting involved, aside from a few people. That aside, no more comments as on how to change things? The suggestion from Rhaegar isn't bad, often enough they directly talk to their protectors anyways, instead of me it seems. I'm just curious, because nobody keeps saying anything.
  9. Well, there's some method...which won't prevent anything from serious alt abuse, but would definitely be annoying for real players who want to play. Capping their EXP. It may result in them just going even more berserk, but it may also let them realise they are doing something that'll hurt themselves as well. Capping the EXP isn't hard if you fulfill some criteria, and i've kept that as a method for the SG violations if things get annoying.
  10. For such things we "had" the AL..not sure if we need MD related things for the calendar.
  11. Then again you'd have to make the SG thing I have partially (not anymore), and the MR GGG punishments also violations with that reasoning. It's ingame mechanics, and attacking people ingame is not forbidden until enough complain..(like we do here). Why don't we use the rules as we have them now?
  12. There's one spell to resolve this..I don't assume it will end public though. I'd suggest that the sendtogazeebo spell or so, an already existing one, also gets a vp reset to 0. It's not like it's restored to max, but at least it's 0 again.
  13. Well, scripting reports is one thing, but where is the difference to reporting to a guy who idles there like 18h per day, and just sits there? I'm checking mail rather regular, and int he times where i was like at leas that much there I barely get anything.
  14. I hereby wish to announce that I'll alter the way the SG works at the moment. Since I myself am less active lately (and can't seem to find staff the way I wished it for [If you want to blame me for something during the time I held it, blame here]), and also due to a lack of reports in a sense I've decided to altert he rules. As for the shortage of reports, I get a few perhaps every week or so, but that is if at all. Usually it comes in bursts, 4 different people from the same person, and then silence. I can't try to enforce anything if that's all I get. Of course, people are free to try to to continue it on, taking up what I put down here, or alter it on their own accord. I found it interesting though how many things were able to be solved with mainly talking, informing the people. I can only remember 2 cases where more than just talking was done, and then it seemed fine. Instead, I will change the service I offer to Q&A. Question and Answer rounds in the SG, every last saturday in a month. Servertime 20:00. Most likely you will see me trying to answer things within a frame which I don't assume is too spoilerish, but perhaps I'll ask a few other people to lecture as well. Feel free to discuss. S
  15. Glor didn't have lightning one. But yeah, good question, what will happen with spelldocs?
  16. Should be that way, but certain spells work now during HC:
  17. Or rather, that there will be no more heat orbs in future. Would have been interesting to get 9 though
  18. lol..he himself said it, NO list, he just took care of those who sent the PM
  19. Oh flash and all can run perfectly fine on seamonkey. It's just really rare to come across it, but my univ has it, so..
  20. From what i know Seamonkey (internet all in one application suite?) can't be used to play the game..at least the last time i tried it told me MD was not supported with it, and didnt let me access anything.
  21. Oh right, that quest..I remember having the poems, not sure where the document disappeared to. Perhaps another time.
  22. I'm not sure how a forum mod can help with this..I'd report to Grido (who happens to be a mod as well), since he is the LHO manager.
  23. Postman, huh? I'd change the fee to something else though, silver or so, idk. Because you also can just use friends list if you need to message some people badly, you know.
  24. Well, not to mention there exists sort of such a thing already, unofficially at least..YM. Not the best development, but it can come in handy.
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