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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. As for spam.. aaront, since you brought this up, I'll say it clear: We don't like it if there's spam on the forums, and several of your topics were on the verge of getting you a warn level. Since you tried to apologize now and this topic does make some sense, this one is fine..but the majority of your topics aren't, especially as you put them into the wrong category, not offtopic, but instead general stuff for example. So, the next offtopic posts/topics will get a warn level, and according to how many of these you get there will be mod preview. S
  2. Uh..even if you say so, there is nobody out there who pays the FULL price of a drachorn with tokens. No matter what you do, once you try to liquidate it, you lose value..that's why I wouldn#t want to have this point system. Especially seeing as some things are judged differently..and what use has Mur with coins, if he plans to take the creats etc for use later?
  3. I think his plan is to get evil rep...not too sure. Well, if this goes on there'll be WARN levels on the forum, so it may be possible to get a ban like this.
  4. Shadowseeker


    Well, there's still the question of grinding effectivity. Surely GGG is one way, but not the best. That, and that the chapter3 is the biggest reason if you asked me.
  5. Actually there's a purpose in me letting it go idle and disappearing, the sign that is. It's like dst said, 7 heads or more and you can attack, except that soon enough I won't bother enforcing..whether people still follow is their choice. S
  6. There's one bad thing though about keeping the offers here..essentially the traders have to "keep their merchandise", because they have to fulfill the bid they offered. That limits the trades..but I'm still wanting to get something, so oh well. Just would be nice if this could be done within the next month.
  7. Uh..well, what I suggested is exactly that Fenrir..if you read carefully, it's pointing to these limited places, in either of the two I suggested. It's just that I don't suggest that they get to see all of the storymode things, I'm taking some out.
  8. I'd allow certain storymode, but I'd say not sage's keep, or only sage's keep and minor places. That's because the LR one opens backdoor, so I'd propose either: Storymode like fenth and champions challenge etc, Or fenth, Champions Dome, and Sage's Keep, but not challenge. It's just that given how lore/necro/gg don't give access to all the same should apply here.
  9. * * * * * * *** * * * * There can only be one, but what will be left? Shards of myself, or the ego of my own? Future holds the answer to this, but remember, a whole is created by the sum of all, and the sum of all is greater than the parts themselves. So go ahead, roll on, and show us the light. Shallow it may be, but it is ours. Edit: This should be viewed in the edit window here version to fully explore the potential of this. Just a small sidenote.
  10. Took the freedom to delete some offtopic posts here..if I see any more, I'll delete and add warn status accordingly. Even though this was not requested by the creator of this topic, I assume this'll help lessen spam. And yes, you may now stone me now for being offtopic with this post.
  11. Close? I'm closing this topic for now, if you want it reopened please contact a mod.
  12. Just noting...I don't think you'll get much more for it. Current prices at least suggest that. S
  13. (And encourage alt abuse for materials? Uh...) Well, even though everyone wants items, isnt what makes htem unique (aside from coins), that each is not standartized, even the materials? It would feel weird if suddenly a huge load of standard items came in. S
  14. [quote name='Juni0r' date='21 January 2010 - 03:01 AM' timestamp='1264039304' post='53153'] I would like to auction a rusty offers accepted only in the form of PMAuction Goes Till I am happy with the offer. [/quote] I'd suggest a PM.
  15. Well, then I'd suggest a small change in the lines..adding a sentence like [Price can be negotiated] or so. Because the way it was/is sounds like I want to buy one for 75, and no more. And again, good luck trying. Trading is gambling, and either you have skill or luck, or both. That's what makes success.
  16. Do you mean deepgg? From what i heard that was broken and never really worked.. At least it would be news to me that there is a spell which gives access to the gate, from the inside or outside. Well, rulers are supposed to be those bound most to the lands. That's why I named those, seeing as Peace also had a few passes already. Other than that, who would you suggest?
  17. To clarify: You set times, and what if the players cannot attend them solely because it's the way you set? That, and..did you receive any submissions already? It would be nice if you'd get a list of alliances which may be interested in it. Plus, could the Knights Order (or any other group) apply as well, or is it limited to alliances? (Well, hypothetically, it's not an alliance, just a special flag. And doesn't have 4 members yet. If the others were to consent it may be interesting.)
  18. And probably quite a few people who were in GG and now are stuck. Golemus...always has been one of the more isolated places, esp since there was no regular way of access (and leaving) up until the labyrinth got added and the gate opened. With just 8 passes, it'll be difficult. Of course, I could enter and leave with the help of quite some people whom I occasionally ask for it, but in the end it's annoying that I cannot access it only on my own ever since my chase wodin was broken (and not fixed, when he got sealed). I'd personally suggest a higher amount of passes, and a share of them to be given to the rulers or so. Like make it 25 total, because 8 is really low. S
  19. What you suggest are scripts..that many people do not need /want. It means 10x (or higher) increased serverload for each person who uses it. That multiplied by 200 (low count of people) would just help to increase lags and bandwith. And..you mention it would be faster for you. True, but how many more requests would the server have to handle? So why implement it? I'm against this from a technical point of view.
  20. Just a notice before I see endless bumps...it's unlikely that such a trade will happen. REALLY unlikely. If you do manage, congrats. A little piece of advice from someone who traded in the past.
  21. Well, the last map part is lost on an inactive account..alike to how the lost code (75 cred) people from group 3 shall never make it. It's..part of the game, I guess.
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