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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. As for the full logs... Go visit the WP logs and paste any other you see not fit here. They have reasons, or so I would think. And that example you named..is one WP for getting 3 items, almost to be considered a quest already..I mean 3 items? That may mean you have to sell off things with the value of a drachorn, for that WP. If you get lucky it may be less, if you do not, it may be more.
  2. Confirmed. None of the clickies work for me as well.
  3. Toten..check please. he said NO tokens.
  4. That's the issue..do you think he checks the logs? I am guessing that is partly why he made them public, in order to have the community having the ability to watch as well. Often enough it's not him by himself discovering, but rather some player asking him to check, and then something following.
  5. Records only came into play lately...read the announcements. Still, there is something about WPs, which is meant to avoid abuse. Currently we're here discussing which things should, or should not be given WPs for. Or which WPs are questionnable, at least.
  6. Actually, you could use a simple coding system...makes the names look weird, but it works. E.g. 5 birds 1 grassan You type 5 B 1 G r even 5 Birds 1 Grassan out if you dont remember the shortcuts. Rinse repeat, and if you want even more you can add Wea, Att, etc..even telling you what which rit does. There's a limit on how much you can store, but it worked pretty well for me when i still used several rits. And tags like GGG tell you its non dmg etc.
  7. Uh..since when does a WP have a time limit? I even went and checked what you just said. [2009-11-10 16:58:10 - Alpha 9] Credit and Wishpoint codes do not have endless valability. You should use them eventualy or they might get used by someone else. Imagine i have like a pool of codes i give out from, if they do not get used they will eventualy popup in my list and they will be given to someone else. I am talking about a validity of a few days to a few weeks, but not endless. Once activated, wishpoint codes will enable you to reward that amount of wishpoints indefenetly, but as a code, they should not be kept for too long. As an example, i am not starting to reuse codes not activated during the festival. Essentially, the WP code expires. Once you used it the WPs on your account don't- simply because giving a WP because "I had no other reason as to why I should award someone" was to be prevented. Yes, yours to give away..but not simply because you had nobody else to give it to.
  8. ..When was it closed? I don't see that at all...
  9. IT's definitely a spoiler..so posting it here would not be allowed. Sharing secretly amongst friends..is questionnable, but your choice ultimately. If you however put them in here, they will be removed.
  10. As for CTCs..I think it's just like with items..issue is that the extra feautures aren't out yet.
  11. Actually, I am hereby using my moderator powers to close this thread. Reason: It has gone way offtopic, and turned into a flamewar. Just check the very very first post, then please tell me we're still talking about that. If you want to discuss the issues here, go open a new thread. BUT in my personal opinion, I'd prefer you people posting here not to.
  12. If you wish to submit artworks, feel free to submit them to the email mentioned above. And there's a fanart post around somewhere, or the gallery to upload a few pics if you wish to share them with us all But yeah, send the artworks to the email, perhaps they'll get accepted.
  13. Before someone complains huh? What if a mod were to do it? Close on request.
  14. This section is for contest topics. So, they may hold certain information, gather applicants, and more...however, contests which require you to spam the topic with nurmerous posts can and will get punishment, if we, the moderators, come to an agreement that it's excessive. Please remember to make new topics for new contests, and not always use the same.
  15. Good, by decision of us mods (we discussed this) this topic shall be closed. Any attempts to create new topics like these will be judged accordingly, future violations including +warn levels. You may get lucky if you post one, but then again we may even delete spam topics. So careful. Don't test our patience please.
  16. Well, even if you say so.. Just by stacking some AP boosts..you should be able to get over 200 AP easily. 200, starting from 110 max. And..if you are even more clever, and set up things in a grand way, I guess 250-300 AP isn't impossible. Why not just wait and think how to attain something with what you have instead of trying to get something you do not have?
  17. You could say..perhaps he got lucky. It's just that usually the "spammy" things wouldn't be tolerated..since it was the 2nd time such a pick this number one happened, or rather 3rd if you take all..I'm just going to ask what the other mods say. Regarding what the answer will be, I don't know. It might prohibit such contests though, or alter the rules of them greatly.
  18. [quote name='nadrolski' date='24 March 2010 - 04:39 AM' timestamp='1269401987' post='56819'] Post [b]#213[/b] - a person can only post a maximum of 6 (six) posts; 7th post = automatic disqualification. - posts can be anything related to MD only (to avoid spam). [/quote] You call that avoid spam? You hereby just declared spam this topic. I'm discussing this with the other mods. Depending on what they say we might close, or even delete this.
  19. Comment: You should add the creature age before transfer. And infos about tokens. And unless you really are fixated on these two bids, then I'd suggest an alternative, if it's just about profit you want. S
  20. Closing this now as announced. If the topic owner wishes to see it open again, please contact a mod or admin. And..Atlas, this was exactly the kind of spam I referred to.
  21. Don't spam this anymore..any more and i'll have this closed. And yeah, just try to quadpost..we'll see what a random mod might come up with.
  22. Just curious..do you think creatures that haven't sold for such a long time will because of bumps?
  23. Actually you need 200 coins from what I know. Because each coin has it's own ID.
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