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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. [quote name='Shadowseeker' post='34772' date='Jun 25 2009, 11:58 AM'][the red blooded God. ..just a sidenote, a joke of mine, dunno if anyone gets it][/quote] Joke, [size=5][u][b]READ[/b][/u][/size] the latter part please? Still, magic duel personalizing is going as far as to set him equal to a god..like, Oh my holy [fill in] etc.
  2. No, a bit different. Mur shows as red. Mur is different, higher, unlike us who are non red. He is the red colored one, [the red blooded God. ..just a sidenote, a joke of mine, dunno if anyone gets it] And thus, people form a cult worshipping him, because he is the other being.
  3. Actually, the record lies within several millions, 7 or so i think. And yeah, don't stay around fighting places idle/too long, nor attack the wrong people.
  4. If nothing happens no reply which can happen usually in ignore. Still going to check once, to make sure. If you get nothing, nothing happens. Otherwise I'll send the reply. Might have missed that, it's quite a few people participating.
  5. No more replies? Guess I'll present my other theory then. Every person has a circle expanding with every action (or time, depends how you define it, time can pass with no movement, actions can however take years or seconds.) they do (major, minor also, but less influence). Now, with the first action the radius is 1, the next means it becomes 2 etc. Depending on the persons interests and abilities, the radius will differ, but I normed it to 1 unit. Some may have 0.8, some 1.5, etc. Within this circle they can influence things. It's not a perfect circle though, because we can't go in every direction teh same way, and so these parts get cut out..from the outer, and possibly closer to the middle if the limiter is so high. Even though it's obvious, specialisation means they can get to a certain direction better, but that does not mean it's sucess if they get farther. It depends upon where the goal is whether they are sucessful or not. When the goal is within their circle (or whatever form it has after limits) they are sucessful. Is it on it, they barely make it, and outside of it it's out of reach. Out of reach however can mean that it is reachable after so many steps, but it's unsure how many sometimes. Now, my theory: Absolute sucess is the ability to explore the circle to the fullest and to be able to predict when the circles reaches certain places. With explore I mean the ability to get everywhere within that circle, a real circle, not some other shape. However, that's an overkill in a sense, because you can do anything you possibly could do, and means you cannot do all of them, making it a waste of potential. Sucess in normal for me then is the ability to specialize so much (putting a limiter, shaping your circle into a needle e.g.) in a way that you will be able to reach the goals and then being able to change the direction of that needle. Moody persons will never reach the goals then, that#s why I add and are able to determine when it is worth changing teh direction. I think this is all common knowledge, but can't you think of lots of theories?
  6. Sure there's a rustgold as a reward? And what do you expect, ads as in advertising or just a small vid about how we game?
  7. Good, FAQ for the quest: Every Item in the quest needed is from ME. Unless I say otherwise, nothing is in MD. Run it via PMs. Answers only via PMs. Choose out of the actions I provide. Everything can be good or bad, or you can ignore it. Sometimes ignoring triggers something as well. Only one action per day, I tell you the changes only. Oh, and the action expires if I start the new Day. The times for that are not entirely fixed, but I'll try to give 24h. And yeah people, I use dices to determine things. Out of the entirety of actions (which I think is about 300-400, only 1 allows me to tweak minor things..and you players will have to choose it then.) If you miss one day nothing happens at all. Not ignore, nothing. If you have a permanent QP loss you also get your current QP reduced by that amount. Thanks to No one to try to find some loopholes in my wording. And to set certain questions clear.
  8. Quest events Note, each permanent QP raise makes you get full health again, if it had to be explained you gained so much that it strengthened your body. The normal QP gain only go to the maximum, if you have that already nothing happens. Everyone starts with 10 QP, when you reach 0…yeah, what will actually happen? I’d however advise not to try this, rather avoid it if possible. You also have 5 “silver coins” which you cannot cash in. If you do manage to get more than that in this quest, you get the excess cashed into real coins by me, as long as I have enough left, obviously. QP=QuestingPoint= something like your HP. I changed 50 QP to 10! Also, those who received Day1 were on the list of people who kept unread PMs...the other get one in Day2, or 3, depending on my mood. not too late to send me one now. Don't merge please, I doublepost to ensure people actually do see this for a bit, I'm tired of people who don't bother to read my posts here. Oh and, you get to choose from option, no other are there. No RP, whatever, just pick the ones I provide you with.
  9. What is the sig on the bottom supposed to mean? Really looks like you learned doing one for some time . And yeah, they all look nice, but I'd suggest more degrees of shadowing.. If you make it from a pitch black to dark grey to light grey to greyish white, then it will look a lot more plastic, although seeing as this is your style it's really neat. I like them.
  10. Well, not like I ever did so much research for the formulas...it always seemed rather clear what does what (from a certain stage onwards)... It's not so hard to get wins or other things, you just need to understand as to when you get one and what most people use...even without that you can just ask certain people to help and farm teh same or so. As to the Kill/breed mechanism, did you try to apply something like a matrix? Like, 10% of the cells breed every "round"...define round as whatever you want, timespan. And they can only breed after having passed so many rounds. and 5% die out of age after so and so many rounds, while 2% go berserk initiating a fight with others, killing others or themselves....like a berserk cell, fight till only one is left, one after another.
  11. Last call for the PMs I announced, going to start tomorrow. I still lack a few.
  12. So, the best sucess would be seen as highest efficiency/lowest time needed. Good, now why has time to be a factor inside this? Let's assume we have a plane where no time exists. How could you achieve success then, or would that be impossible?
  13. Nobody discussed mine [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif[/img] I'll start with what i thought then. Shadowseeker (ID:50659) What is the definition of success, if that exists at all? And I mean not only saying when things go the right way, I mean an abstract idea, always within every successful event, even if it's only a pyrrhic victory or a complete win. Or even a loss, if the greater goal is achieved that way. So success is something depending on the point of view...what is it without that, seen in abstract? Basically sucess can be represented by an arrow, right? The beginning is where you originate from, the tip is where you end. The sucess is what happens in between, and depending on what direction it shows to different actions take. Several small arrows form the big one, the smaller ones being the actions taken. Now, you remove the direction. Doesn#t that imply sucess is just change, no matter what? You personalize this change as a loss or a win, but in fact what some see as a win are losses for others, the direction you chose to look at as positive determines whether you see change as sucess. Just a random theory, perhaps I have another regarding this..interested as to what you come up with.
  14. Didn't, I said free registration ends today Okay, going to alter it a bit. If anyone registers after that time, the payment is going to be higher, negotiable though. Possible WPs may get hidden in my quest, GL finding them
  15. I don't think the fighting system is that much of a mystery, after all it's fixed values and formulas...not to mention usually the formula only has 2 variables. like attack and def, easily understood. This new system looks more like formulas including several variables, so unless you have data of all you can't really do it well, and if you then think it might be possible to have a complex one this is just a nightmare to predict.
  16. Currently enlisted people: Lightsage ID:63991 redneck (ID:151251)..if you want to participate, since you're the only one who didn't show up here but PMed me, I'll accept the registration. CrazyMike (ID:48895) - The last i accept who don't go via forum. DST (17096) Marvolo ID:17192 adiomino ID:132464 Shantu - ID:7853 Blackwood Forest (ID:142355) Ledah: 5305 Poppitz Resurrection : 156369 Tom6 Id 66717 Czez ID:138776 .Chewett. ID: 1619 Mythrandir ID: 38628 Death Ring 113354 ScotinBelgie ID: 3609 no one ID: 29704 Handy Pockets (ID:136253) Kafuuka 114145 Burns, 53832 .Grido. ID: 7251 .Pamplemousse. 91984 Willem RedBeard 132822 Demonwulf ID:147867 Nimrodel 131999 Granos - 88510 Fenrir Greycloth 86181 Unbelievable Power ID: 103695 Cless ID: 45711 King Daimon ID:146189 Mya Celestia ID:129416 *Awiiya* - 95773 BrightShield PlayerID: 138685 *Clock Master* ID:105889 Gremlin ID:33164 MRV ID:103641 JacoAnd ID:132856 Phantom Orchid ID:141255 Shady Jester ID 77557 krazedkid101 ID: 9767 Gauge 145950 MRPip - ID: 81102 Sparrhawk ID:136488 MRI (80493) *Sagewoman* ID: 47315 *Princ Rhaegar* ID:62639 ladytwin ID:154584 .Udgard. 46356 Guybrush Threepwood 140626 Jtz Champion, ID 79270 Phantasm ID:137291 Amoran ID: 87285 AqlBeast ID: 16449 Tarie ID:153892 Geez, you people made me have to write the long quest..<.< I'll need a PM of everyone of you, in return you get one from me, which you mark as UNREAD please. Keep it that way, so I can distribute the mails easier. I'm going to stay idle at the GoE till the quest starts. Those who report the PM in later may skip a round, so better do it while I#m still prepping.
  17. Uh, many have tried...and many have failed. Unless you control the way people connect to the internet that is..really really hard to code, and I don't think such a program is publically released yet...a lot of games may want one.
  18. This would take the chance of younger players to get one though. AD I mean.. And Fenrir, if you do manage to find a solution against proxies that works to 90% or higher, I'll give you 3 drachorns, that is if I get the entire rights on the idea and code used.
  19. Let's just assume theoretically you could become something like an immortal... Now, wouldn't that just mean you step out of time, in a sense? If you don't change even a tiniest bit, then you cannot die...but then again, you don't live again. Humans have a let's say rather short life, burning their lifeforce like a candle. What you describe is that being frozen in between, you cannot progress, neither fall back...I assume if you reach that balance state you'll need to have very strict methods to enforce this, but in the end it's just preservation, not immortality.
  20. The thing is...the bible is no book written by god. It's solely written by humans and has been declared as the Holy Book by the believers, which sometimes even took things literal. Although in a sense the bible was written to grasp a certain idea, a certain higher being people believe in, personally I find it hard to believe, at least the way they write it. However the ideals of love are good in my opinion, that is why I can accept it being the most sold book in the world. We have the answer regarding understanding things..it isn't like God only created 2 humans at the beginning, from a Darwinistic point of view we evolved out of apes and so slowly different "races" have been created, all being human, adapted to the environment. What you pointed out with the wife coming out of "nowhere" is for me at least, one of the following two: A symbol to be understood, like Liberty said it. It wasn't only one man and one woman, probably more. Simply humanity. Everyone makes mistakes, and so this is a gap people forgot, ignored when writing it...not like humans are perfect.
  21. So you're meaning the fact that people don't get children now which will make us all suffer? (as in certain countries will have less children than people being born?)
  22. Glor is..and he should have an email in his ingame descrip. .GlorDamar. Leader of the Artisan's Guild. Glor is in charge of the team that produces the artwork of the realm and one of the finest artists MagicDuel has to offer. If you like the artwork and you can draw the same way, send samples to glordamar@gmail.com
  23. Don't forget to sign up people, this chance won't happen again...3 days left till the entries will cost something. And yeah participants, please ensure that you do know it may take a lot of days, since it's going to be one action each day. He's a part which will generally count: Quest events Note, each permanent QP raise makes you get full health again, if it had to be explained you gained so much that it strengthened your body. The normal QP gain only go to the maximum, if you have that already nothing happens. Everyone starts with 50 QP, when you reach 0…yeah, what will actually happen? I’d however advise not to try this, rather avoid it if possible. You also have 5 “silver coins” which you cannot cash in. If you do manage to get more than that in this quest, you get get the excess cashed into real coins by me, as long as I have enough left, obviously. QP=QuestingPoint= something like your HP.
  24. With the current ratio I am pretty confident it'll start around June 23rd, 24th...This means I'm going to try to stay idle at the GoE on the 22nd, and on one of these days I'm going to send out the first round. (going to buy the dices needed today The quest will not exactly require daily actions, but to progress it obviously would be better..I cannot promised fixed times, but I'll try to make it..deadline would be when the new PM regarding a round comes in, of course.
  25. @Fenrir. Thing is I purposely don't want to make it in the forums..it's a quest ingame after all...I'll also have the people PM me in order for me to know that they are active. Not to mention there is a part where you need to go and do something ingame...But I also told you that. And it would be your fault if you couldn't participate then. I dislike saying that, since I'd give you the chance.
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