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Everything posted by Udgard

  1. Me? I'm not particularly against resource depletion. Personally I'd rather people not deplete it and leave enough for optimum regeneration because it will lead to more resources usable in the long run. But when people deplete it, for various reasons (monopoly, prisoner's dilemma of trying to get as much as you can for yourself, RP reasons etc) I'm not going to curse them either. While I love MD, I'm still sane enough to realize that it is, in the end, just a game and the lands are just pixels. They're not real lands and these are not real resources so I have no reason OOCly to say no to resource harvesting for the sake of "honoring the land" or something.
  2. [quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1360634675' post='132490'] Those that oppose me, have only Rules to fall back on. [/quote] It's a good thing really. That means no one's really opposing [i]you [/i]because it's you. People are merely trying to uphold rules.
  3. No trying to spam your topic. Thought you might be interested since the end results we want is something similar (making "bundles" of resources) - and might get implemented from the wish thingy. Well, I'll stop talking about that here if that's what you prefer though.
  4. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1359734637' post='131818'] Ah, so basically you want a let's call it "semi-cauldron" that will just turn X amount of resources into 1/2/n semi processed items. And those semis will be used for cauldron types. Did I get it right? [/quote] Yep!
  5. Because I believe mid-level items should not need such a complex process such as cauldron (which requires cauldron item, cauldron recipe, multiple people etc). I've prepared a recipe for mid-level item using cauldron, yes, but if possible, I would like to strive for "processing items" that are much simpler (single item, most will be shared items, produces mid-level items with a simple click; raw resource consumed and mid-item created). I'd rather keep cauldron-style items for end-products that are actually useful; we've already seen how tea, for example, is not being created in massive amount even though it has an effect. I think making mid-items follow cauldron-style would not be very fun. Edit: and oh yeah chewy, I intended to PM this reason to you but was waiting for the result of the vote to came out.. and then kinda forgot to send you when the council confirmation didn't come out yet, sorry
  6. I'd just like to mention, that when/if the council chooses to expand my item creation thingy, one of my first plans is to make a processing item that can process raws to semi-finished items. This is partly meant to be a form of making bundles, where you can change a bundle of a raw material to something new, just with a different name (for example, 100 lumber might turn into one of the plank items of the earlier raw material system).
  7. I personally don't think the problem is with people having too much of the end product, but more on because the end products isn't overly useful. I don't really think we need consumables to expire or be limited in amount; what is needed is to have an end product that can create enough demand that people actually strive to make those items.
  8. "if" stuff have always been allowed for any sponsor, except TK. They're the exception, not the norm because they are special, if I understand correctly. On topic: I will offer to convert the wishpoint won by 1st place to an item - something along the lines of "a tablet/plaque containing drawings of symbols from xx(number-too azy to count atm ) alliances of magicduel" - if there are 10 participants or more.
  9. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1358859011' post='131219'] How about a complex system that will combine basic resources to create advances resources that will create "rare" resources that will create things like: a spell, a wishpoint, a creature? I don't think that mindlessly adding resources is helpful but with a plan, something interesting can be created. [/quote] This is what I had been striving to do, way back when resource system was new (back when resources were limited on stuff like planks etc). I've sent some cauldron recipes too when cauldron was the system Mur chose to go with regarding item creation, to process basic resources to some advanced resource, and finally an actual end product. It's what I'm hoping to go ahead with if my item creation stuff will be expanded on (i.e., processing mills to create planks from lumber, etc).
  10. How much would you value 1k+ water (they're currently sitting on Material Vault, but was obtained by Udgard - harvested, not from item creation process)?
  11. Gah, I missed that post, I was looking at Menhir's post 1g 11sc for imp#2 then
  12. 1g 10s for each imp
  13. 1 gold each for the imps.
  14. I would like an upgrade to my item creation ability, to allow me to create usable items, and in extension items that can create other items (and throwing in a simple template for the codings would help too). I have tons of plans for item creation system that can finally go into motion with this.
  15. Personally, when asked the question I am answering by referring to council's decisions the whole time we have a council. IIRC we had a council rotation a while ago (not sure if there were more than once, and if all members were rotated or just a part of them), so my answer is probably not the best one to reflect my thoughts on the current council, but more of the track record of the council in general (it's hard to specifically point your thoughts on people you don't know). I wonder how many are in the same position as me.
  16. Thx, I'll have to pass for now then
  17. Since you mentioned any bid is a good bid if there's no other.. I'm offering 2 GC for the Nutty and 5 sc for the colorless joker.
  18. What was the final sample size of the vote? I'm just wondering at what confidence level we can interpret this.
  19. It really depends on how you want to see it, really. I work in a market research agency, so we deal with that everyday. The most common method we use for 5 point-scale questions is to look that the "top/bottom box" only, that is, the "strongly" answers.
  20. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1356931427' post='129328'] THAT!!! exactly that is needed change, some of you already stated that you want council to have faces, in fact with that type of demand ppl want council transparency, they want to monitor council, sure np with me that members are anonymous but decision making shouldnt be we need press/judicary for council, some body that would monitor council, and what better body is there than whole community moreover public opinion voted distrust to how council deals with things, while oppinions for/against council as whole idea is divided, which means that those who voted against council are also not satisfied with it, if we make such change of council transparency then we could remove council trust problem, the same problem that also voted against council as whole idea [/quote] This. I think a council system itself is fine, and it has to stay anonymous. What should change though is the decision making process. Discussions, decision makings should be totally transparent. Even better if each council has a forum account (with their council name). Alternatively, posting a chatlog of each discussions for the community to comment and feedback before they continue on with the decision making steps.
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