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Everything posted by Udgard

  1. The piss piss pic is awesome, I must say. Please, please make that your avatar.
  2. Happy cakeday!
  3. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1355239831' post='128021'] That wouldn't be entirely in keeping with the rules Tom... [/quote] I thought you can do whatever with informations you manage to get, as long as you're not just laying it out for everyone to see? Pretty sure information trade had always been something common among researchers of MD (especially during times when less people had access to secret locations/lores - though some of those lores are defunct now) - the spirit is to use your own resources (can be personal access to information, strong deductive/analysis skills, connections, and assets) to find things out and not just ask to be spoonfed.
  4. My firstborn.
  5. I've finished gurren lagann a while ago (watched it on animax rather sporadically, but I got the important parts... still bummed that nia disappeared...). Not really actively watching anime right now (streaming's a bit slow with the speed in my country), but I've been reading the manga for Magi (and it's soo good!).
  6. I'm applying. I read the forum pretty much everyday and am familiar with the common rules and etiquette both from this forum and other forums in general.
  7. 440.. ran out of time and did like 6-7 questions only xD
  8. In case people are wondering, I'm not the person with the recipe, so you'll have to look somewhere else
  9. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1354316572' post='126924'] Miq, if you did not wish to vote for yourself, how does that encourage anyone else to? Indeed everyone should vote, and it makes sense (to me, at least) if you're going for a position that you would vote for yourself. [/quote] In some cultures it's common courtesy not to vote for yourself (unless you're something like running for president).
  10. Lightsage. I think Zen has the personal and professional capabilities to lead the TK well, but Lightsage wins my vote as I have seen his detailed opinion (which I think can double as a vision statement) which I mostly agree too, and I also trust his capabilities to carry it out.
  11. Thanks for the confirmation. I am personally indifferent on whether such thing is allowed or not, but just figured those making the rules might want to take a look at that just in case they consider it a loophole. If council is fine with the current situation, then I suppose all is good.
  12. -If someone who is about to get kicked enters an illusion just before the end of the vote, then comes out of illusion afterwards, will they be able to circumvent being kicked (seems like a potential loophole here)? -Is the land loyalty of the person being voted for a kick accounted for in the formula? (Can the voted vote on his sentence as well?)
  13. Happy b'day Iv!
  14. Happy potatocake day!
  15. Happy birthday RJ!
  16. Do you have a ballpark asking price in mind?
  17. It's really a shame though.. I had principle choices that were especially tailored to my role (I even reset my account during the very early days so I can repick my principles once I knew what role I wanted to pursue), but that went to drain because the bug on the test mentioned above.
  18. To avoid similar situations with you Seig, I suggest changing the rule from carving MD to just taking a screenshot with a paper with MD written on it.
  19. Happy birthday Tarq!
  20. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1350958614' post='124478'] I will sponsor this with a WP. It will be randomly given to one of those who have submitted. [/quote] I personally don't think WPs should be given as a random reward. They should be merit-based with a clear criteria on who will win it.
  21. Udgard

    Daily Fruit

    [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1350109581' post='123916'] For all those who are talking about alt abuse: Will people actually waste time switching between accounts just to transfer tiny stat boosts? [/quote] I'm pretty sure people will, yes.
  22. So long, biscuits.
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