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Everything posted by Udgard

  1. @Granos: I am sure that the pillars allowed someone to teleport to that house once before. Can't remember who it was though =)
  2. Uh.. Aren't they in the archives? Why do we need to go to necrovion? Maybe what we need is someone with a HUGE hammer for briging fown the archives wall... Wait, Ren's going to kill me for this..
  3. Indeed! i can only find 4 of the most obvious ones.. where's the other 3? >.<
  4. I am really disappointed on eigger. He has played this game longer than I and often hangs around on the dojo as eiggereggie, offering heals when he tried to go for pwr. I would not need to question his knowledge of the dojo rules, yet he has atked me several times on diferent occassions. I considered it a prank on the first time, but for the last one, I specifically wrote on my public logs for people NOT to atk me. Those who want xp can PM me and I'll give them when I'm back. I don't actually mind being atked, but I am close to max xp and I have some things to do before I go to the next MP. Lucky it had hit weak random rit, but if it had chosen a stronger one, I could be in for some huge chunk of XP I don't want. I have no choice but to report him for this.. his repeated atks might get the worse of someone someday unless he gets an official warning from the dojo staffs.
  5. Happy birthday! And that goes for ALL of you, black, white, grey, and, uh... the inhabiting spirit =)
  6. If they give false info, well, consider tthat they're defaulting their payment =b It happens in RL a lot with paid assassins I think... (or, maybe not RL, but those movies...). They will probably be get on the you-don't-have-to-pay-us-for-killing-them list for the merc alliance =b
  7. The 'sacrifice alter value'? I think I remember reading it somewhere back then... Man, it was an ancient topic even back then..=)
  8. I'm on an alliance, so it moght end up frozen again... Though I might have to take drastic measures and farm losses again if people start to lose their balance again as well.
  9. This leaves much room for people to learn all lightning spells, though. Remember that all explanation on lightning spells (and a lot of timeless shot's) has been given out, but not all their papers? I could easily study them for a bit then come to someone to prove my understanding, and so could many others. That would make it everyone's generic spell..
  10. Um, yeah... even information is a very good tool of trade.. I would gladly accept them as a form of payment =b
  11. I'm 46356... I'm surprised to see that I was also a bit older than Ren... I remember him already being an LHO when I was just a newb =b. I joined about 4 months and a few weeks ago, so the game has doubled players in just that amount! No wonder I see so many new MP4 and 5s lately, when I started there was hardly any mp4 around, and the only mp5s are the ancient ones =b
  12. Okay... I'll take the deliberation to ask people to calm down a bit. There might have been someone being a little tired in RL here and some misunderstanding in language there. Both are trying to discuss things that both hope will improve the game despite the limitations in coding time available to fully address it. Both have a good intention, and I hope this will not continue to a further fight. Thank you..
  13. Welcome =) Hope you enjoy the game
  14. Isn't this already implemented through public logs right now? At least.. when I found out that Mur is going to implement the public log, this was the first thing that came to my mind as its reason..
  15. [quote name='dst' post='18066' date='Oct 9 2008, 01:32 AM']Using wish points as currency is not a good method. This will encourage cheating for the quests (it is done even now but it's something more...underground) and also will make alliances accept members who have a certain number of wish points. This will lead to a wish points frenzy gathering and I'm sure that the RPCs will "love it". Even more it can lead to impossible quests.... My 3 cents...[/quote] Uh... yeah. I've seen at least one instance of a pretty hard quest with a non-logical amount of winners..
  16. Hi Morgana! It's been a while since I've seen u around. I heard that you were sick.. Hope you get well soon..

  17. Hmm... I was wondering, the new mark as unread feature... Will the sender see it as unread also, and will be able to suppress it?
  18. Wish Points trading =b
  19. I like your idea! =)
  20. Well, welcome to the forum A =)
  21. English is not my main tongue, but since I've studied it since I was.. under 5?, I got it pretty well. But the problem even with those who have good english is sometimes other people do not understand their english anyways when it gets too complex, such as on hard discusssions. So, good or bad english doesn't actually make much of a difference =b
  22. Thx, it's finally working now =)
  23. Hello. I've been playing for 4 months, and this is the first time I've got this kind of problem. I seem to be unable to even connect to the magicduel server at all. It has been working fine before and it just suddenly not working anymore earlier today (around 8 hours ago). The page just won't load. I tried using both IE and firefox, and neither was successful. I even tried magicduel .org but also to no avail. I had consulted about this with chewett earlier, and he said that it usually loads after 5 minutes of retrying. However, it seems that I might be experiencing something different, as it has been 8 hours and I still get the same response. The server is taking too long to respond on mozilla, and simply the page cannot be displayed on IE. Anyone has any idea what happened? Btw, my region is on South East Asia, Indonesia to be precise.
  24. [quote name='Aleron' post='17803' date='Oct 4 2008, 10:20 AM']i wonder if i should say something , nah, il just watch for now, its more fun that way. Also to those that think of my children as more than just tools of war i salute you.[/quote] Well, it's Al! =) Your knowledge would help a lot in this.. From some very reliable sources of information, it is now pretty much confirmed that the Totem and the Cannon is made using similar technology. And while it is possible that they are used to transmit knowledge, it is clear that they have some combat capabilities as well. What is intriguing is that there are a similar tower in necrovion that resembles the wasp's totem. Could this totem also be made using GOlemus technology? It is possible that the ancient wizards of golemus had made good relationships with the Sages of Necrovion prior to their tainting...
  25. The Totem that lies deep in Loreroot is built long ago to protect its denizens. As some of you have probably known, Wasp's Totem is Loreroot's Land Defense Weapon. What it actually does is still a mystery, though any would say that it is a defensive weapon, as Loreroot has been defensive since the ages of Daniel Raven. The Totem itself is named after Helen Wasp, which was Daniel Raven's woman. It was said that she was a strong figure, and played a vital role in assisting Daniel to defend Loreroot. Another thing was named after her, the sacrificial altar on Loreroot, Wasp's Altar, the only altar that is not associated with the name fenth. Methods of its activation is still unclear, but the first step is to find a power source for it. Some theories have arisen, one of which is that the two structure bearing Helen's name is built by the same person (either Helen herself, or maybe Raven), and is somehow connected. The altar is unique from other altars, in that it has some kind of glowing stone on its top, which seems to accumulate energy and glow brighter when used for sacrifice (it does glow brighterrwhen u click it, which is what u do when u want to sacrifice a creature). It might be possible that the altar is the power source required to activate the Totem. This possibility is enchanced by the fact that the Totem and the Altar face each other, and the glowing stone does seem like some kind of refracting crystal, so it is possible that the power can be transferred to the Totem via a beam of light gathered trough the crystal, or simply that the crystal gathers the power and sends it through underground mechanism (somekind of cable?). Other possibilities include the crystal being used to gather the Eternal Sun's power and focus it, or used to foucs beams of light&heat, lones of which appear when u release high amount of heats (like the one used to attract the angiens). This is a just theory after all, but all studies begins with research and theories. Please post here what u think about this, and any other theories u could think of. Together, we will start another journey to uncover the secrets of the Realm..
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