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Everything posted by Udgard

  1. Sorry, a bit OT, is the artisans based on MB or MDA?
  2. No more brainwashing? =( I thought the idea was fun... But.. a bunny army where the Bunny itself can be overthrown? You know, if RJ was around, he'd gladly join to overthrow you =D
  3. Btw, newest rule is that idle players in dojos are a free for all buffet. I agree that the dojo should not be misused by mp5 players.. But then again, not that many mp5s are around at the dojo (I never go to the dojo when I want to combat, there just aren't that many there). Most of the mp5s on the dojo that I saw was a dojo stuff or are simply helping people there. I don't think mp5s should need the dojo for a warm place to hide, they should have enough experience and capabilities to survive without the dojo on MP5. Being there once in a while is okay, but staying there to run from fights is not too right in my opinion..
  4. I was hooked by the Principles and the sample spell.. May I suggest a nice Principles part on the front page? =)
  5. How bout.. sealing GG only for mp2 players? And allowing all other players to click on the bridge to get out?
  6. [quote name='Chewett' post='20807' date='Nov 25 2008, 03:20 AM']LOL someone else thought that. check the ancient documents. i believe the mythology says Duality creature[/quote] I am quoting the ancient forum documents =D Ahh.. wish I had known more than just what I read in the forums.. I'm gonna ask the SoEs for more again when I meet them in-game =)
  7. THe angiens, after all, is supposedly an unfathomable dualist creature =)
  8. Cryxus has proven his devotion and consistency for this role for quite some time now.. I think he has enough background to try request this alliance to Mur. It might not be approved so soon, but I think it's worth a try. You have my support.
  9. I am not losing Vitality in GG, though I am of Loreroot... Not that I mind though =D
  10. Names like.. poopies? lol the good ol' days...
  11. Udgard

    Adventure Log 1.1

    Hmm.. just a bit of something though. I really liked the old AL character support thing, where the task given is to help the chracter solve a secret of the game (as happened with Mt.Kelletha adventure). The last few riddles were more like puzzles, which, while people still need to think a lot for the answer, has a pretty narrow possibility for correct answers (yes you can guess with a very wide possibilitym but only a limited number of answer would make sense). Of course, this also happened in the past, say like.. the Morpheus riddle part, but I'd love to see more of mt.Kelletha kind of adventure that opens up a LOT of posiibillities for new theory crafting. We still have a lot of places like that which can be used for it like, say.. the [spoiler]temporal vault[/spoiler]? i do like the riddle type as well, but we're already getting a lot of riddles from RPC quests, so I'd love to see more of the Al adventures requiring theory-making =)
  12. [quote name='dragonrider7' post='20398' date='Nov 20 2008, 11:08 AM']Speaking about my role:- I am a weapon researcher and I have taken the game from ground to air with the help of my dragon, I have access to the skies of MD, so I can also be the Guardian Of Sky...... 2 weeks is not right...........it is more than that :-). I am trying to find time to play this game albeit having tight schedule of work ( I have got a couple of warnings too for playing at office hours :-))............ I am playing the game whenever I am getting free time...... i am trying to be consistent and I wont be begging anyone to take me into any alliance and do remember friends or people having having same thoughts can make an alliance that is why I am with storm and I am still with storm :-)....[/quote] I was referring to the length of time since u were accepted to the support group, not since u played =D But then again, i do have short-term memory losses(due to pure idiocy of mine), so I might be wrong =) Yes, alliances can be made by friends together, as long as the background is unique and convincing enough, which is why I have been emphasizing on it. In case it has not been clear, I am supporting this idea, as I have been with Storm's last Berserker idea, but since I cannot be a part of it, all I can do is give you my opinion on what you should prepare before making the final proposal to Mur. The last Berserker's alliance had a background: the descendants of the ancienct Berserkers, but still, it needed something more... as the goal. Something that makes it stand out. It was one of the thing that seemed to make the last idea rejected, so you should put more work on that part so this idea won't have the same fate as the last one. Good luck =)
  13. Glai did kinda backstab some of us >.<
  14. I do know of your role, dragon rider, I read a bit of your story. Nevertheless, Loreroot entry is not gained within days. It has not been more than 2 weeks since you are accepted to the support group, if my memory serves me well. We have seen many people play a lot during the early weeks, then drop off afterwards. Activity here should also be seen as consistency, and that cannot be seen within just a few weeks. Many of the current members right now came from the support group(originally, the alliance only had 10 member slots), and they went through quite some time before they join the alliance. They showed their consitency and contribution to Loreroot and the game even when they are not yet in the alliance, just the support group, and thus they gained entry. Even a member of the Loreroot high council initially came from the support group. But anyways, enough about Loreroot, let's get back on topic, shall we? All I can say that you have to make a strong background story, as well as a clear purpose, preferrably one that is unique. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will meet the same obstacle as the previous berserker's alliance plan.
  15. [quote name='stormrunner' post='20297' date='Nov 19 2008, 11:27 AM']came with a good reason if it just for the hell of it or just because it seems fun then I am not letting you in if you really seek to do as I am making this alliance then tomorrow find me if not don't waste my time or your own,just go talk to loreroot they let just about anyone in if you can come up with a half baked reason[/quote] :offtopic: : I'm getting the feeling that you got the wrong impression about the Guardians of the Root. You might mean the support group there. We don't let just about anyone in for half-baked reasons. The Guardians of the Root was formed to protect Loreroot and work to do things that make it better. Those who actually get inside are invited because of their activity in & contribution to the game. Note here that contribution to the game comes in many forms, some role-play to enrich the game storywise, some work on technical matters, some are active newbie helper, and some are simply active players that try to deeply involve themselves in the game world, adding flavor to the overall gaming experience felt by the whole MD community. It is true that Loreroot is not like some alliances that are very hard to enter(and almost impossible without the right inside connections), as we are open to everyone, but those who are accepted to Loreroot's support group do have to prove that they are contributing something to the Realm.
  16. Golems... we're working on it. Stay tuned =)
  17. LOL Another way to see it is that you're expendable, LOL
  18. Or the slank form of halo : alow (PS: halo here is NOT that circle thingy above angels' heads)
  19. Just one think though, I think it should be strictly purchasing for someone, not transferring for someone else what you already have in your current character. That would make everyone make lots of multis to farm free credits to give to their main. While I am using strictly free credits as well, the free $s are a real bonus that helps everyone, and it is already very generous for Manu to give it to everyone. I'd hate to see it get abused and become a blunder that suddenly diminishes the amount of credits purchased (which in turn is used to support this game's development and maintenance).
  20. Wierdest quote will probably go to 'what's a Mur?' =D
  21. I seem to see people in tutorial as mp3... I think people are considered an mp3 for having 3 MAX principles choice, not their current principle choice..
  22. Udgard ID:46356 And just a reminder, this test is open for MP4/MP5 ONLY ...
  23. If I am not mistaken, heat can go up WAY above 4k, just that 4k gives the maximum amount of bonus, and anything other than that gives no further bonus. I think dst and no one can confirm this, considering that they got hundreds of thousand of heat last time..
  24. Welcome ^^ Enjoy the game!
  25. A star observatory Bootes? =D
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