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Everything posted by Udgard
actually, like lib said, 1 orb is enough =)
[quote name='Glaistig' post='23763' date='Jan 14 2009, 04:54 PM']Just wondering, is that article going to be about rpcs in general or specific individuals? If it's the latter you could probably do multiple pieces instead of one story. n__n[/quote] It's going to be about each of the individuals =) I thought it'd be nice if we have a small story on each of the RPCs so future players can read it sometimes and see the journey MD has gone through storywise =) And the idea garg mentioned, I think it would be a great if we put the introduction on the RPC interview parts.
Probably the clear the sky spell, so we can see the Moon.. Oh wait, we haven't even found it yet xD..
Ah, talking about projects reminds me.. I'd like to do an article on the background history of the RPCs, both the current, the past, and hopefully later on, the future ones.
My home is flooded by water (lunar induced high-tide part of the culprit? xD) Well, if the electricity is not cut off, I hope I'll still be able to come >.<
Garg, u know this hahave my support. The thing is, I already posted my ideas on what the newspaper should contain, and it has already been transferred to the list on the 1st post, so I can't actually post anything else, and I wanted to keep this topic clean from comments, just ideas, but I guess it's better to comment discuss things here as well and keep the topic alive... Anyways, I was on myrrh's list and I have posted on the other topic that I am still interested in working on this project, but haven't been notified of anything afterwards. I assume that my help has not been needed yet, but when the time comes and you need more manpower, just contact me =)
You're coming back? That's great! ^^ Btw, are you planning to come back as *BigC* or as Wodin? Hum, maybe I will reorganize the adept thingy and try to free you from those pits =D
I will attend in another body, I guess.. my main body is still trapped in the box..
Reporting of Violations of Treaty between GG and Loreroot
Udgard replied to Isaki's topic in Guerrilla Golemicarum
Oh well, I guess I'll put some words on this, since the I somehow pushed for the original treaty to be made. When the Guerilla Golemicarum and the Guardians of the Root were formed on the first time, the purpose of creation was to fight the shades (GG) and to be a defensive force ready to defend the land, especially Loreroot (GotR). As some of the old players might have read on Nelya's old personal page, the GotR was conceived as Guerilla Golemicarum's ally. At that time, the atmosphere of war was very intense, and seeing that we were allies, I did not want to engage in combat with the members of GG (with the war atmosphere at that time, offensive actions between allies doesn't actually reinforce the "we are allies' feel.) Personally, I repeatedly asked in alliance chat on the combat status with our ally, the GG because I think that allies shouldn't fight each other in times of war(I got several attacks from Froo, Shadowice at that time). Thankfully, the leaders had an applaudable sense of initiative, and after only a week or so, Nelya and Wodin had officialized the treaty not to atk each other. Then, the times changed. The Shades Ballance war ended, many of the old GG members as well as GotR members retired, and a new feel was brought into alliance life. With the war atmosphere gone, combat between alliance members is no longer considered such a harsh thing to do, and many of the new members didin't even know that there were a treaty. Still, since the Guerillas and the GotR is still allies, and some of the members still honored the old treaty, the treaty was revitalized ( well, actually, it was revitalized(with the written treaty you see at the 1st post) shortly before the war ended, but still, at that time, the war had developed into a stalemate, and the hostility was far less intense than it was before), and you still see it in effect even now. Actually, as the war started to end, many alliances start to enter treaties, as you might see in the AL that there was going to be a treaty between the Sentinels and the other alliances. At a time of peace right now, though, some details need to be clarified. I get a lot of atks from GG members at the Willow's Shop, and since I was actually looking for losses anyways, I didn't mind it. And after all, a large percentage of people who go to willow's are looking for fights. Still, this point needs to be clarified to prevent confusion. Another thing is the dojo, where the current rule states that idle players may be atked freely. Does this make attacks to idle GG/Loreroot members legal or not? Seeing the current context of situation, there might be a need for talks to determine if certain changes to the rules needs to be made. HOw does the current members feel about the terms? Do they feel that asking permission before atking is too troublesome right now? Or do they think that the terms are still to the best interest for both parties' growth? When everyone, old and new, reaches a consensus on what is best, I think the problems with treaty violations will disappear by itself. -
PLease.. leave alliance? =3 2k loyalty lost...
Glai...' Ayways, happy birthday MB =)
I was guessing.. that the pillars only shows he coordiante of certain places that have a connection to the moon, not that it moves the planet or something.. It just seems like a teleporter, after all..
Last semester, I had the lesson: Organizational Design and Dynamics.. the teacher and this teaching method was so... odd, that we say "it's indeed [b]O[/b]rganizational [b]D[/b]esign and [b]D[/b]ynamics, after all... "
Hmmm.. no one remembered this? "I channeled all of my energy into the Quill. It was the thing that most closely identified with my mind, you see. When the darkness completely consumed my body, the quill, with my soul and essence, remained glowing. It glowed with the fierceness of the sun, and drove the darkness out. It is here, always, that I wake from the hellish nightmare." So, what is most closely identified with Amoran? Channel all your power there and let it be the beacon for your soul, leading you always in your trials. As far as I remember (I only recall pieces of Amoran & KK's backstory), the thing that identifies them most is the oak fort and the accursed growth, the same thing that were there when the trials started. Maybe, it is the key..
Just.. too cruel... I don't even like xp sucking on mp4/5 unless it is done with both party's consent, and sucking an mp3's xp is just way too mean..
WHen we have the time, ok? I am having a final test on Monday... T_T
And cruel... Looking from the join date, Kamisha is probably only 1 month old, which means mp3 or early mp4... To suck out XP on such a young player...
[quote name='awiiya' post='23250' date='Jan 2 2009, 11:39 PM']The problem with that is that it leads to a confrontation. For example, since we speak of Balance, an easy example is the Shades and Wodin. When Wodin got stronger and started attacking, so did the Shades. If Wodin had stopped attacking, so would the Shades. But this is different, Amoran and Kalamanira are two pieces of a whole, not two pieces of a system, and so there are different rules. Amoran must be what Kalamanira is not, in order to be whole. Therefore Amoran must be humble, nonaggressive, and kind, things she already is. But more so, she must be these things in the face of herself, and only then can she win. Awi[/quote] Actually, I think that being two pieces of a whole is what makes the balance mirror rule apply even more. From my point of view, they are two pieces of a whole, which means that there is the original personality. The original personality is split into two, with some parts going to KK and the other going into Amoran. So this is my theory : let's take an example of one personality. Let's say that the original is 100% impartial to cookies, and gives them a score of 0 (not positive, not negative). If KK loves cookies, and rates them as +8, then Amoran would have to hate cookies and rate them as -8, because the sum of them must equal the original's personality. If the Original rated cookies as +2, and KK rated +8, then Amoran would have to rate it as -6. Now, with this example(with the 0 original taste), then Amoran would have to try rating cookies as closely to 0, say, -1, then KK would have to change her rating to +1. because their sum must always equal the original's 0. This would make them more similar to each other, and reduce the urge for each other to fight. If Amoran manages to change her rating to 0, then KK would also revert to 0, and since they are then the same, they can become whole again. The point with my theory is, the more Amoran tries to embrace her other self and become like KK, the more KK would have to embrace Amoran's self and become like Amoran, up to the point where they become finally alike; the Original Amoran Kalamanira Kol.
The other account name? We'll see later =) Sure, I'd duel u again.. I don't usually use the joker though, as my original creatures are more effective for mp3 combat than the joker..
If you talk balance... Then, if Amoran is the light side, and KK is the dark side, then maybe Amoran should mimic KK's aggressive nature, as the law of balance will require that KK then mimic Amoran's peaceful nature. The logic is since they are one entity, and the sum of Amoran and KK must always equal her complete self, then when amoran is drawn into aggression, then KK will have to balance it by moving into peace, thus drawing the two into being more similar with each other, and eventually, when they both become the same, they will both become one once again, with their true personality, the sum of both Amoran and KK's personality.
(spoken with mp3 context, I dunno about other mp lvls) Me? Well, my alt, algojo, was originally aiming for 1st this contest, on mp3. I could defeat champ, dark, neuro and santa at their full power, but I finally decided to postpone participating until next month. Taking out champ usually leaves me with only 4-10% VE left (since I only have 3k max VE, which was my biggest flaw), and the other three giants of mp3 took out around 50% of my VE each battle, thus weakening me too much everytime I fight them. At first I considered this okay, since there is not many that can take my heads anyways, so when I recover from my wounds, I was hoping that the 4 giants, who were the most likely to take the heads from me, were not going to be around when I had just went through a big battle. Mistake. Apparently, Mp3 has become very organized as well, with factions ready with eyes everywhere, that everytime I had just went from a major battle, somebody was ready to hunt me down and take my heads. Something I regret a bit, actually, since I had experienced organized HCs before on other mp lvls, and I was trying to just go for a contest that is not so full of factions to fight, instead being more of personal contests. Not to mention having to fight previous HC winners, who has access to crazy stats (though this is actually part of what makes it fun). Thus, I quit on the middle of the contest and went celebrating new year instead =D Still, the days when i did participate was kinda fun, despite the organized thingy I weren't looking forward to. I had fun hunting champ, dark and neuro on the early days, when they were still online a lot and hadn't needed to hide too often. We shared laughs over our combat and chatted a lot during the early days. I even ended up preparing to make some pacts with people since the HC was beginning to be too hard for a one-man army to take on alone (not with a bunch of organized real army to fight), before I finally choose to just skip it for a month. The winners deserved their victory, as they were indeed the strongest ones on mp3, so it was natural that they win this contest of strength. It was fun, and I look forward to the next contest. Hopefully, with the recent rule changes, I will be able to actually play an individual vs individual game next contest. =) Guess it's time to start training my other alt.. he is so going to be stronger than algojo =) OT: the rule change about jumping, does it mean that the heads we carry will be reset, or does it refer to the score being reset?
I can do mythology, I guess.. Greek and Nordic. And if RL issues resolve themselves in time, I should be able to finish the MD-related article I mentioned a long time ago sometime soon.. Final test's this month though, as well as final papers, final presentations, etc, so I won't be able to do it this month..
Happy New Year Everyone! ^^
Welcome, hope you enjoy the forum =)