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Everything posted by Udgard
I guess the rewards need more tweaking, but the idea itself is very good.
Hello, enjoy your stay =)
Bye saki, it's a sad thing to see you go.. =( But if that is what's best for you, I hope you'll have a successful and wonderful life out there =)
They have different sub-purposes, true. That's why it is organized it as guilds, because each has its own niche. If it was a totally same purpose, there wouldn't have been a need for different guilds. Think of it as the united states, the governing body is the United States of America, but it has different states, right? Although we are one, we're letting each guild do its own activities as [i]daily matter[/i] concerns. The HC is not for telling its guilds what to do from A to Z. The voting is open to all residents of Loreroot, so? It should not even be open to anyone outside the alliance! But those people organizing the election thought it would be good to put into consideration what others want to say, so what's wrong with that? They're being generous for God's sake. And when it comes to determining whose voice they consider trustworthy enough (not just some new alt made by people, or those that has never shown themselves to love loreroot who suddenly claim so), for an election of their alliance, they do have the right to determine who they think is Lorerootian enough from their point of view. After all, it is for their election (size of the [u]electorate[/u]). They are not saying who may or may not call themselves a Lorerootian, but for [u]their election[/u], they do have the right to determine who they would view as Lorerootian. If the election had been for the rulership of the land, then your argument will hold true in every aspect. However, what happened was their (should have been)private election, which those people organizing the election have (generously) expanded to include outside opinions. In my opinion, it was not even necessary, but since they have done it, it's no reason to condemn them for choosing who they believe as true Lorerootians when it was their own election that was held. So if it were a bunch of researchers electing their leader, they were kindly asking other researchers that were stationed in antartica who they think would be the best leader for them, and it would be up to them to determine who they trust enough to consider their opinion (only in this case, they not just consider the opinion, but even went as far as planning to include their vote).
So it would not create more misunderstanding: GG and necro has rulers (yrth and peace). Loreroot, Marind Bell, and MDA lands currently has no ruler (and I hope not. Personally I'm not fond of a land being ruled over by players, but that is up to Mur). The current HC is the governing body of the 3 Loreroot alliance (GoTR, savelites, CoE), not the land. Edit: hey, I guess Marv feels the same as I about governmentship =D
[quote name='Burns' post='32148' date='May 24 2009, 06:56 PM']on the personal part: [spoiler]we are also 'a banner for those of likewise mind to gather under', and we were not satisfied with Raven, that's why we did it, not for reason number 1 [/spoiler][/quote] Ah, yes. I had asked this a few time on the war topic as well.. Why did GG decide to declare war on Loreroot, instead of at Raven then? --a So yeah, I think Tarq has already mentioned this somewhere, but I'll clarify things again. Tarquinus and Savel made the Children of the Eclipse and the Savelites a part of the Guardians of the Root Alliance, long before it was given its own flag/logo/whatever you call it. A 'guild' was the chosen term. The one with the tree symbol, is also considered a guild, part of one alliance named the Guardians of the Root. While the CoE and Savelites have received their own flag/logo/whatever, we still consider ourselves as one. The HC is the governing body for that big alliance (to avoid confusion, let's call it the Treefolk Bunch for the moment). So the Treefolk Bunch never stepped into other alliances or making decision for other leaders (what, the savelites case?). It merely was dealing with the Treefolk Bunch Alliance's internal matters. If anyone forget, Savelfuser is a member of the Treefolk Bunch's HC. I guess the problem was people started making assumptions based on other assumptions without clarifying it first --a. Edit: oh, forgot to add. No, the HC is not the ruling body of all lorerootian allies and guilds. It is the ruling body of all the old Lorerootian allies and guilds (GotR, CoE, and savelites -- the Treefolk bunch), who chose to form the HC between themselves (again, if anyone forgets, savel and tarq was member of the HC). It is not the ruling body for the crafters guild, for example, because the crafters didn't choose be part of it. The HC offered Kragel to join the HC, but since kragel decided that the crafters as a guild will not mingle will politics, it is not part of the Treefolk Bunch and therefore not ruled by the HC.
Well, until there's a complete post about it, I'll provide some basic info here. The High Council has existed since Nelya's age, with Nelya and knatty being the first Council members. It is the leadership form of the Guardians of the Root alliance. While GG was led by wodin, the NS by Khal, archies by Ren, and the Seekers by chewett, the GotR were led by Nelya and KC. As time passes, the members of the HC grew with Blackthorn, Raven, Calyx of Isis, Tarquinus, Savelfuser, me, and Grayhawk. That was the first HC. When Nelya and many others left, the HC membership were revamped to add Sagewoman, Firsanthalas, Aqune and... I don't remember anymore. It's not important actually, as this one has already been dissolved anyways. With all the troubles happening, the members of the alliance chose to re-organize the alliance with a new HC. Part of that re-organizing is these votes you have seen being posted here. What is the high council's purpose? The high council is the governing body of the Guardians of the Root alliance. Just like the NS is ruled by the Khalazdad Dynasty, the GG is ruled by yrthilian, the GoTR is ruled by the HC. And that's what its purpose is. To lead the alliance. Not claim rulership over the land or anything. Oh yeah, in case anyone is mixing this up, please remember that the one who wanted to claim leadership over the land of Loreroot is Raven, NOT the High Council , which has existed for ages and could've tried to do so from long ago, but did not do it as it is not its purpose. ( the HC wasn't even mentioned in the announcement for raven's archonhood, still, I get the impression that people are mixing these things up). What is the GoTR Alliance's purpose? Since Burns mentioned this, I guess I should also clarify. The Guardians of the Root alliance's ORIGINAL purpose is to protect the land of Loreroot ([b]Guardians [/b] of the Root, anyone?) from the impending shades war. As the war has ended, the alliance's purpose has also expanded into trying to develop Loreroot, learning its history, secrets, and places, etc. So, if you say the alliance (or the HC, the alliance's governing body) is trying to take control of Loreroot and all its citizens blah3, it's a wrong assumption. If anyone reads the statement on [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=1826"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=1826[/url], you can see that it was never the alliance's purpose. Some [u]personal[/u] comments: -[spoiler](ranting mode: if GG is "only defending the land from 'intruders' and trying to be a banner for those of a likewise mind to gather under", what the hell was it doing attacking Loreroot? Did loreroot ever 'intrude' GG? :nea: ) [/spoiler] PS: don't take it personally guys, I'm just pointing out something that's been in my mind for a while. -Yeah, there is no specific documentation for the HC in the forums. So I guess it was kinda wrong. But frankly, I've been around for months, since there aren't even any alliance section in the forums, and I've never seen the alliance section used much. Before all the hype because loreroot didn't post its HC on the forums, there's practically no activity there. Why burn only Loreroot? Because trees are easy to burn? O_o I'm no longer involving myself in politics, but I applaud that the current HC is willing to post all this details about the election here. How many other alliances give out the details on how they choose their own ranks? Just for example (I don't mean this as an attack, frankly I agree that it is not necessary to tell outsiders how the ranks of an alliance is chosen), if MRD chooses who his second in command is, does he need to post why/how he chose him? I think it's totally unnecessary and it's the MRs private business that no one else needs to know. But hey, the public somehow demands it and the current HC agreed to post it here, so I applaud them for that. And yeah, about the info on Loreroot leadership (HC) not being posted much. It's pretty much the same. As another example, I don't know for sure who is leading the Seekers. I thought it was aql, sometimes I thought it is liberty, and then I heard chewett is still co-leading it. I didn't know pample was the leader of the archivist until a few months after she became the leader. My point is, we, the MD players who are involved in one way or another with alliances, never bothered to re-update who leads an alliance on the forums. And honestly, we can just ask in-game or if necessary, post it here on the alliance forums if we need to know. But no one bothered to ask! I still don't understand why Loreroot's an exception. Anyways, I'm deeply sorry if I offend anyone with the rants. I am just sharing what it looks like from my perspective. I don't need any quarrel. If you think I'm wrong, then give me an argument to make me change my mind, not flame me. Arguing and flaming is two different things.
Well, personally, while I usually leave my character idle so others can train with my trees, now I do not do that anymore because I'm nearing the 1k limit, and I'm not looking to lose my stats when I'm idle. I guess it's not just me..
Um, since when did the HC ever try to govern all of loreroot?
To clear some misunderstanding, the high council of loreroot wasn't and isn't, claiming or have the intention to govern a territory. The HC is the leader of the Guardians of the Root alliance, and the alliance is not Loreroot. So in terms of metaphor, it's not a team of researchers claiming to own antartica, instead a team of researchers voting on who will head the research team.
Well, I am just saying this from my knowledge. I have, after all, retired from all political matters, thus please excuse me if I am wrong. If you are referring to the council member votings back then, I think you can vote as soon as as gremlin/mya has received your gesture of interest in voting and approved it. I do not know the criteria whatsoever, but I suppose it would be something along the line of showing making Loreroot your homeland for a noticeable timeframe in the past.
Ah.. I see. Let's wait until he replies then =)
I believe the reply you're waiting for is tarquinus's =) You might have missed it, but he replied a few posts before.
If I understand correctly, most (if not all) of the people who were allowed to vote are the old members of the Loreroot alliance before the conflict began. Even if people there were new recruits during the time of the voting, I doubt that it would have resulted in an instant voting right. Although, people who would have been accepted into the alliance would have been those who were observed being a Lorerootian (in the sense that they consider it their homeland). I believe this track record of being a Lorerootian was enough a criteria to vote, so alliance recruitment would not have been of any effect to the said person's ability to vote. To sum up, it appears to me that there is nothing such as preventing people from joining the alliance so they cannot vote, as alliance recruitment would have had nothing to do with voting rights. I think the decision not to recruit new people at the time was simply that it was not the right time as there was a crisis that needed to be sorted out first. I guess I should also mention about all this private forum thingy.. That private forum is pretty new, and its purpose is as a place to discuss private alliance matters, thus it was not open to public, and even its existence was not stated everywhere. However, Loreroot does have a public forum open to all, which had already been linked here: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=1826"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=1826[/url]. Link to said forum can also been found in the official announcements dated 2008-10-08. Those wishing to ask anything can either post it here (though it appears that none of any alliance's forums here are being used by people who want to ask anything about said alliances. I personally wouldn't consider it as something that is happening to Loreroot alone.), or they can post it in the forum that has been linked in the post on above link. Well, with the new developments though, just post in in this official forum so we can see more activity in overall usage of all alliance forums.
and who is deciding for him? O_o
*looks confused* so, are you wishing to join the coe or the guerillas? Or both? O_o
Is it me or is MD forum getting popular amongst spammers lately? xD
Happy birthday =)
Yeek! *looks for Mur to borrow his invisibility cloak*
I will try to answer this to the best of my knowledge. While I believe what I write to be true, I may be wrong, but I'll try to answer anyways. 1. Since giving out abilities is Mur's jurisdiction, while the one receiving applicants would be Kragel, I believe the answer is no. 2. I do not know for sure. 3. Membership would not automatically make a person an RPC.
I can send him soaps in your stead while you're gone, if you want. *laughs*
Aw, ok.. Goodluck in RL, and c ya again in MD soon! =)