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Everything posted by Udgard

  1. *sigh* Isn't it simple? A person's actions determines what others think about him/her. If one does what others deem as unfit, it can't be helped that they will not think so highly of that person. This system is just an extension of human nature (except for those instances like jonn, where his rep is kind of a running gag). If someone doesn't want to be thought of badly, don't do thinks that might give them reason to.
  2. I agree that no matter what, the top will always do more damage. Yet, I also agree that token CAN be balanced. I believe that tokens should make someone stronger, but not to single-handedly cause strategy and personal stats to be useless. It should make so that with equally well thought ritual, token users will have the advantage, but will still allow non token users to stand a good chance of beating a given ritual with the proper counter-rit.
  3. I'm online everyday... You just have to find my remnants.. Or PM me in the forums, actually.
  4. No, it happened a lot to me, and refreshing/waiting never worked. Sometimes writing obscurely large amount of text makes it appear, but then again only sometimes.
  5. IIRC, long ago it was changed becaused it was too easy to farm stats from it (only 3 days age, no won battles/anything requirement). I think it was on the 'testing sacrifice alter' thread.
  6. +1 to reported attack site
  7. Happy b'day luvva =)
  8. Happy b'day =)
  9. Udgard

    HC and RPCs

    Heh, luckily I've won the HC before I became RPC -_-a
  10. True.. with many new places being added to the game since nelya's departure, there might be some updates required.
  11. It's not.
  12. I would have to agree with that. Right now even without personal stats, the tokens alone are still strong enough to single-handedly determine the outcome of a fight, so it doesn't seem to matter much whether you have personal stats involved in the battle or not.
  13. Heh, finally a topic about this. TO be honest, I'm quite dissappointed at how the majority of RP is heading with MD right now. When I first joined MD, people had unique roles that is somehow based on the realm of MD. Right now a lot of RPers is roleplaying things that, based on the MD world's setting, doesn't seem to exist (demons, vampires, werewolves? -_-a). But I guess it's everyone's right to RP what they like.. And then the godmoddings.. Casting firebolt out of nowhere? Teleporting via magical portal blah3? Yeah, people are godmodding everywhere, and I can totally understand how you feel being called a small minded idiot by someone who did that amount of godmodding in just 3 lines of text...
  14. I personally am not that sure that it will change things much. As it is now, those tokens can lead to a 1 round only battle, regardless of how much VE the enemy has due to the massive bonus of the principles. Personal skills also isn't that much trained these days and people focus more on training principles. As a result, I think those with crazy principles amount will still just choose to fight with 0% VE+skills influence and 100% principle effect for tokens, as they will still win the battle on the first round, thus negating the need of any VE on their creatures (plus, with a large max VE and a good combo count, their creatures will still receive a respectable amount of VE bonus at the start of the battle).
  15. IMO, caps are not that bad, even for veterans. Tokens are supposed to add a flavor and uniqueness to combat, not determine too huge a part of the fighting process, so a cap will reroute the strength-farming process to other methods than principle farming, such as the old stats-grinding method. I do like a dynamic cap system more than a fixed cap system though, where the cap is one that keeps on increasing based on things like, for one thing, age and active days, which would give people more value for perseverance, and works for the veterans.
  16. Ditto to what burns say. Winning against a stronger foe is indeed not easy, whether the difference in power came from tokens or not, but at least it is somehow still a fight if the tokens are rebalanced (I still remember almost never- if ever- defeating dst with her insane stats back in the old times, but at least I can give some struggle with the right rit). Right now it's not even a fight, it's a slaughter. On the other hand, the current system makes it so that personal stats is 'quite easily gained', at least to the level that the craeture's own stats don't matter much anymore (so like, knators, despite having a better amount of attack than archers to offset their multi-random only targeting, are hardly ever used anymore). I kinda wish that there are tokens that gives different effect in every creature, thus making creatures unique once more. And, back to the tokens balancing thingy, how bout making tokens work as a percentage of creature stats+influence, but with a certain cap based on the amount of principles you have(not 1 principle = 1 point cap, of course), and maybe other factors (age/win/etc)?
  17. [quote name='Guybrush Threepwood' date='09 August 2009 - 01:09 AM' timestamp='1249754950' post='38998'] If you're going to have a couple RPCs review the quest anyway, how is that much different than just getting an RPC or RPCs to sponsor your quest? But yeah, having the entire public vote on a quest seems like a bad idea considering that alts are abusable as it is. Too much RPC involvement will defeat the purpose. On the other hand, being as potentially abusable as it is it does seem like it would have to be monitored somehow. One possibility would be to have RPCs watch over a quest and then allow that person an amount of autonomy if it goes well. [/quote] It came to my mind as well, but after thinking aout it more, the centralized rewards resource will allow people more option to pick from when choosing what rewards to give. When a quest's sponsor is just one RPC, the rewards will mostly be limited to either a WP or that certain RPC's spelldoc (which becomes useless once someone has obtained it once). And also, the reviewing process will only need to be done once by each member of the committe, then the reward can be given to the winners directly. It seems to me like a much more time efficient method for quests that involve a large amount of winners. Having 20 people searching for a time to meet an RPC to claim their reward is a bit time consuming..
  18. Well, for one, I hope that the rating system for previous quests are handled by a special team or something, not by everyone that 'tried' someone's quest. That would be too easily abusable with people asking their friends to rate their quest highly, and then they get access to rewards that has a good possibility to be distributed unevenly. Example: I tell a friend to rate my quests good, then in return I say that s/he did well on my quest and give him/her a reward, and then maybe give some to my alt and transfer them back to me. This system is indeed a very good idea in that it allows the system to sponsor quest makers much easier than requiring them to manually ask every RPC to sponsor their quest, but I believe a strong control system is needed to prevent abuse.
  19. Tokens system overhaul.
  20. It's hardly [i]another[/i]bar.. It has been made into a bar sometime ago, bunny just claimed ownership over the abandoned bar. Besides, none of the current bars serves carrot juice, so this one is certainly unique.
  21. *waves* long time no see grayhawk =)
  22. Shadow, IMHO being in an alliance doesn't mean someone need to be able to fight. There are a lot of non-military alliances (in fact, more are non-military than military), and I think that they do not necessarily have to be able to fight.
  23. What a nostalgic topic O_o Seems like yesterday that this topic was still fresh..
  24. [quote name='Jester' date='01 August 2009 - 04:19 AM' timestamp='1249075146' post='38399'] I was unaware that Cuba existed in MagicDuel. Where is it? Next to Golemus Golemicarum or something? Also, a flashlight? I thought this game was supposed to be in character. Unless its a stick that someone used transposition and put a light identity into or something. Anyways, on topic. Items don't really have a purpose now, you can't exactly use them. And unfortunately (in my opinion) most of the items I've seen don't make sense, which really takes away from the feeling of the game. Its just another useless thing for rich people to hoard. Not to mention that if you try to get an item made for you, and you spend your hard earned wish points and raw materials on it, [b]there is a chance the person making it is just going to mess up the item[/b], and then say "oops, too bad, try again". So I say forget about items for now. [/quote] Nah, I'm not that cruel =D Although, it is true that you most likely won't get exactly the same as what you wish for, depending on how powerful what you wish for is. (I barely change any part of the wookie slippers, despite it's uber-power of controlling hordes of angry chews) And I totally agree with the flashlight..
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