Ditto to what burns say. Winning against a stronger foe is indeed not easy, whether the difference in power came from tokens or not, but at least it is somehow still a fight if the tokens are rebalanced (I still remember almost never- if ever- defeating dst with her insane stats back in the old times, but at least I can give some struggle with the right rit). Right now it's not even a fight, it's a slaughter.
On the other hand, the current system makes it so that personal stats is 'quite easily gained', at least to the level that the craeture's own stats don't matter much anymore (so like, knators, despite having a better amount of attack than archers to offset their multi-random only targeting, are hardly ever used anymore). I kinda wish that there are tokens that gives different effect in every creature, thus making creatures unique once more.
And, back to the tokens balancing thingy, how bout making tokens work as a percentage of creature stats+influence, but with a certain cap based on the amount of principles you have(not 1 principle = 1 point cap, of course), and maybe other factors (age/win/etc)?