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Everything posted by Udgard

  1. What Kragel and I are working on are items that would be commonly available for people, but not 'common' items (at least that's the part I'm working on). The items are raw materials, like leather, wood, metals, dyes and such that will serve as the materials for requesting items, as well as allowing some commodity to be traded on the market, thus allowing a more fluid market. Unlike now where every item is being semi-hoarded, these raw materials is less valuable than unique items, thus people would be more willing to trade them away. As for items that are common, everyday items for RP purposes, I don't believe they are needed much. The item system serves as another side of inner magic, where possession of a certain item implies ability to use it (and be officially acknowledged of being able of said ability that comes from wielding an item), or to enhance the richness of someone's role. Items to enrich RP, however, I believe was intended for people to choose carefully what item best reflects and complements their role (for example, as a blacksmith kragel has a hammer, as an archivist Ren/Pamps has a quill). However, items like muffins or a cup of tea doesn't need to exist in the game, as people can still RP without the item's physical existence just fine. The impact of the item as a common everyday object is not that big to require a physical existence IMHO. Of course, this would be a different case if someone's role was the Lord of Muffins, where a muffin bag would be a great item to complement his role. Anyways, that's my opinion. I agree that we could use more items commonly available to people, but I am hoping that 'common' here doesn't mean some rather "insignificant" (forgive the term) items.
  2. Some of those who got promoted on the 1st fest got some VE/VP boost. But not all, and yeah, what does 20k VE means nowadays anyways xD
  3. And that doesn't always work.. if a quest involves giving certain trigger keys, alts would be unusable for that quest.
  4. Okay, I'm confused.. We all know for oh so long that the dojo is a community movement and the rules will be enforced via community will, not by a hardcoded system. So how come a ban spell is given to dojo staff without notice? (Of course, unless, the ban spell was not given for dojo use, but because someone who happens to be dojo staff gets access to the ban spell for another reason, in which case it would be an abuse of power).
  5. What a noob
  6. Udgard

    Wish Shop

    Well, the original 'wishpoint' was based on, IIRC, the first broken pattern gazeebo contest. There, people DO get a wish granted, but there were no points system in place yet. Winners simply get a wish. Then Morgana's first quest gave out the first wishpoint, because the rewards was supposed to be quite special. After that, however, the value of wishpoints plummetted quite a bit with some easy quests floating around (and even worse, some RPCs that offered WPs in exchange for getting them adepts, I won't name any, but it did happen). Although WP distribution has been better organized right now, there is still too many WPs floating around to let each people ask for a wish for a single WP. Right now there should be a total of more than 100 WP distributed among the players. Imagine how much work it would take if every wish needs to be examined. However, if anyone has a 'wish' they want to ask to Mur, and they have a lot of wish points, I'm sure that those wish points will be put into consideration by Mur when examining your wish(es). I just don't think that it is time for a system (either manual or automated) specifically designed to examine all wish requests is suitable at this time.
  7. Udgard


    "Is it that tokens completely change the battles and make strategy a thing of the past?" Somehow, yes. Back in the time, even a strong player can be defeated with a correct counter ritual. Those that cannot be defeated with average stats and a correct counter ritual are those who have trained their stats realllyyy high for a long time. Nowadays, no matter what ritual you use, you can't defeat a half-decent token user without using token yourself. And even with using tokens to counter, it all goes back to who has the highest initiative and enough attack to 1-hit (init and atk mostly coming from tokens as well..), thus making rituals used pretty much of little impact to the outcome of the battle.
  8. If it's necro gem, why is it on marind bell forum section? =D
  9. Well, I guess I win the record for getting broke and dying twice. No QP, no silver =D
  10. Well, it's about time. Good luck with the future of the church =)
  11. Udgard


    I like them, but not the way they are now. As far as I can see, it changes the game too much that people now are only depending on two asepcts: enough attack to 1-hit anything, and a race for the highest initiative. It also completely unbalances a token user vs non-token user battles. While I agree that tokens should give an advantage, and the idea of token itself is good, but their current state is not the best for the game, and severely unbalances them.
  12. It's been a year huh? I remember seeing the previous thread when I first joined MD, and now it's been another year O_O. Happy birthday =)
  13. Udgard

    Wish Shop

    Just a suggestion Mur, instead of making items require spending a certain amount of WP to unlock (like MDS), why don't it be based on total amount of WPs that has been acquired instead? Therefore people won't have to spend their WPs on things they do not want, yet those who work hard for WPs will still get access to something better.
  14. Ok, let's see... Well, I never officially resigned from the guardians, so I guess my words should still count, but I haven't followed all the updates on the alliance lately, and thus all I know is the purpose of the old alliance. I figure it would be the same, but maybe it has change, I don't know. But anyways, the purpose of the original Guardians of the Root is to defend the Land of Loreroot, especially during the at-that-time-impending shade war. The 2nd purpose, after the shade war was over, was to develop and improve the land. Edit: What defines protecting LR? hmm.. I took it as defending the Land itself from danger. Loreroot, like most other land other than Golemus, is a masterless land. No king, no ruler, no nothing. Protecting LR means protecting the Land itself from danger. Taking over (or, more appropriately, gaining control over) the land of Loreroot is not really something the GotR will be interfering with, unless they feel that the person trying to control the land is not going to bring good to the land.
  15. [quote name='Lifeline' date='04 July 2009 - 09:15 PM' timestamp='1246716918' post='36111'] actually now that i think about it 1credit every month is fine. if u vote everyday u get 2credits every 8 days right now. sacrificing 4 days to keep an avy for a month is ok in my point of view. and a cost of 1 credit makes sure that u are still serious about the game or active enough to do the free votes. [/quote] I would disagree. Sure, it "only" takes 4 days, but not everyone can log in everyday. Not everyone can vote much mroe than 4 days worth a month. It means that it will still drive those who rely on free credit alone from being able to access any other shop items.
  16. I dunno.. I bought an avy because I liked the idea of every avy being unique and tied to a player's legend. Having an avy being returned to the shop once the player is inactive kinda kills the original intention of making avys part of a character's legacy. I'd rather have avy prices increased a lot, or requiring much higher active days to buy, so those who don't show intent to stay for a while can't get one, but those who have stayed for a while, and made their avy part of their character, should be allowed to keep their avy. It's not really an appropriate term, sicne players buy their avy at less the cost that Mur spent to get them, but they did 'buy' their avys as part of the MD shop. It kinda hit me as not right to take away what people has paid for, unless it is stated in a disclaimer before purchase.
  17. I'll vote yes. He's a long-time player, and the crime itself is something that a LOT of other people do unpunished before. I agree that he should get a heavy punishment especially cause he did a repeated offense (creature deletion/stats reduction, something like that), but I think a permanent ban is a bit too harsh. That;s just my humble opinion, though.
  18. Congrats on the new alliance =) If you ever need sponsoring with quest rewards, just ask.
  19. I used browser based games when I found MD. long term game / persistent something (PBBG) might also work well, considering that MD can be classified under that category.
  20. You don't even need a WP to demand something.. but you won't get it =D
  21. If DB is getting akasha married to a native girl, I'm going to find a native hunk for Mur to marry.
  22. I know dst was no one and no one was dst, but I really get confused a lot sometimes with the older posts.. It's like.. was it no-one dst, or dst-dst who wrote this or that? xD
  23. I think they progress just like the >>>> s. I think I've seen pink/reddish and a blue one. Just that progressing the color takes sooo long...
  24. I always get confused when dealing with dst and no one. Who's who? xD
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