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Everything posted by Udgard

  1. So saki's metal kitty! *crosses it on his MD mystery to solve list* Uh, anyways.. christmas gifts was persisting as long as you have clicked the tree on 25th.. dunno if Mur changed that though.. might be what caused the syntax error.
  2. uh.. didn't weaken stack for 2 turns only? O_o
  3. I met her a bit while ago, on the 1st day of inventory item implementation, and I gotta say that she has a very interesting role. I would support her with what I can, but I don't have any silver coins.. (living from free credits alone.. xD). In fact.. I've been wanting to buy that yellow herb for a while to experiment some healing potion, but haven't found anything to trade with >.< Anyways, I'll see what I can do to support the bazaar.. it probably won't be silver investment though..
  4. No thongs for me.. lab coats would suffice...
  5. Your method reminds me of the method I developed for Eden a long time ago, just before his disappearance. The different thing is that we trained them at the cruelty of the Wild Woods instead of the harshness of the desert. The humble loreroot scout has many potential indeed, and your method seems able to bring out his potential. I look forward to seeing the future of this archer.
  6. I didn't realize that having more losses gives more stats bonus.. I only gather losses because I grew tired of getting -200 honor everytime I fight when I was balanced xD. New thing to learn everyday...
  7. And.. I saw it here..
  8. I think that would really be useful..
  9. Happy Birthday Mur! Have a great day!
  10. You mean, the Air Ward spell?
  11. Hello ammy =)
  12. I have personal suspicion that this AL has something to do with finding a way of opening berserker's charge so people can get the Tormented souls.. Well, the previous ALs has been all about these after all.
  13. Happy b'day Led
  14. Can we.. build another ship and pick him up? I remember making a blueprint of the rocket engine from his ship =D
  15. Hello, we hope you enjoy your stay =)
  16. Um, hi, though I think we've met a few times by now =D
  17. Don't worry about the restrictions and prizes, the item creation team will take care of that when you submit your request =) Though, it will probably take sometime before they start receiving requests..
  18. Ah, it's a DNA string bug. Hang on a little, the ones in charge of these bugs will read these soon adn they will be repaired. Don't worry, it shouldn't take too long =)
  19. lol, hello burns
  20. Update: the letters are changing.. last time I took note of them they weren't like this.. T_T
  21. Well anyways, I'll bump this up. I just checked it again today, and it indeed doesn't apply..
  22. Hello...
  23. Oh, CC has it now? It didn't last time I checked.. Well, time to go there and write down what it says then =D
  24. Well, I would assume that he wants people to cooperate, and people would be able to find different things according to their choices, and information trade would be encouraged..
  25. I don't want painful death as well. Slow would be fine, i can bear watching myself die, but having to get pain while also having to die is not really nice..
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