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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. I'm mobile at the moment so phone didn't like bug. I will be making a number of statements and also a number of questions that can be answered by the community too using the wiki. It will also let people educate themselves quickly.
  2. Get items Get coins Get spelldocs Get a wish point Join a mainland Get spells Get resources Get x creature Get tokens Get x extra feature Write an announcement Make somewhere a sanctuary Make somewhere have resources Contact x Beat eon - Protip: you can't Join an alliance Get to mind power x Get principles Get stats Report a big Get an avata Get my avatar golded Suggest a feature
  3. Please ask as many questions that you want answered here and I will answer the non secret ones Anything you want to know or know but think others should. I will be makin the wiki page be easy to search and such. Stuff I'm already thinking of answering How to become a lho Become a forum mod Get in the al Join a non mainland Split resources Complain against a player Against a lho Against a chewett or council Report swearing Report a big Report a spelling mistake
  4. Hidden for now
  5. Over the past announcements Iv been asking all lands to talk to me about things, the only non mainland leader was eon replying to them, just saying.
  6. I have split the topic.
  7. !!!!PLEASE!!! can people READ the comments Mur made about the resources stacking BEFORE making comments like this again. Lhos should know better, it has been suggested HUNDREDS of times. If you want to discuss why we should change it, with reference to why it cannot be unstacked for now, feel free to make a new topic.
  8. Actually it looks like the reason is that each scene was coded to do "one" job, and therefore to have the additional stuff popup Mur needed another scene. Will talk with Mur about them.
  9. I would agree, Im not sure of the reasoning.
  10. If we were to change freeze to some percentage chance, with the chance decreasing the more freezes in the ritual?
  11. What if I postulated that the description you quote, is referencing your land weapon and that the protection you describe, is what protects the land from shade invasion? Look at some of your research from my time, assuming its still there.
  12. I did read your post correctly, but wanted to clarify to everyone that the price was paid to clear up any uncertainty :)
  13. The answer for now is, no there isnt a pattern and if there is, you wont know its correct or not since there is no night,
  14. Im not even sure if "successfully predict" has been coded in, or even decided when.
  15. If it does that, then that was what akasha's ability did previous. As for "predicting the night" using those values, It can do it now, The night doesnt happen for the current time.
  16. The WP price was paid, and he also paid items, I know this as apparently our system still links the name of the person doing the item creation and one of the uberaccounts came up and I had to fix it lol
  17. Please dont go to the LHO's, for reasons mentioned before, LHO's are not appointed based on their knowledge of the rules. Some LHO's are good with rules, some are not :) If you properly need an offical answer, talk to people that you think know the rules or have the sense to point you in the direction of people that do and can make official statements.
  18. I was considering setting up a mediawiki rather than using wikia, because Iv set up my own mediawiki recently and I am happy using it and not wikia's stupid format. Although I like and dislike the fact its not hosted by us in that, our server goes down and its still up, but the data there is not ours, and not on our server so... I plan to use wikia more, in that I want to put more combat information so people can update it easily there. But thats for later after iv discussed this more.
  19. Tomorrow now, got really busy
  20. Go describe the clicky more for me please?
  21. Added, Im going to move this to the wiki this evening :)
  22. Ary: I have made a topic here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15755-authority-list/ Please add what you are looking for info on here,
  23. Iv raised this concern already and was told that the paragraphs arent needed. I politely told them I wont be reading massive paragraphs then.
  24. This is a list of everything that everyone has authority over. If you are unsure who has authority over something ask. If you know someone has authority over something but its not on the list, post. Go! Current list: Game Admins (Council, Chewett, Mur): These people have control over everything and do everything ingame. So anything below here, these people can do, but they may forward you onto the below people if you havent went to them first. Grido and Burns (second in command): All LHO matters go to them All matters regarding small time abuses in md (swearing etc) go to them, if they dont reply go to council Avatar things: Avatar managers deal with this. Crafting - crafters. If they don't show up and reply in more than 1 month go to Council. Advertising, partnerships, helping in promotions, free credit problems. - BFH Quest Sponsership - Treasure Keepers, failing that council or chewett Writer Access to MD-archives site - Innocence or Chewett
  25. But my point is, that list is so large its stupid to try and list it granularly. Which is why I proposed making the list organically rather than trying to make an exceptionally long list.
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