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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Council do _everything_ but some things need to go to others. Its not a question of what they do, but what to tell others they do specifically. E.g. You cant just say "Council does everything" You need to specifically list those things. What do people want to know? As I said I can update a list as Im asked things.
  2. The ideas are interesting, I at no point said I would be using them soon. As for "knowing better what should be done" yeah, you always say you know best for MD, its a point of most interest to Mur and I.
  3. Becuase its hard to continually update a list, We had a rules list, that is totally outdated because people dont volunteer to update it and keep it up to date. Thats not a great way, and you have had issues after "learning" from this way. If a LHO doesnt ask things they dont know we should fire them, they are a horrifyingly bad LHO if they do this. The problem is that, We dont know what that list needs to contain honestly. Agreed with Syrian about the LHO's. Perhaps I will keep a public list as I am asked things, what do people think?
  4. So, originally we had a structure of that you talk to your ally leader about getting things, Then talk to your lander leader, who then can forward things onto the right people. The problem however exists is that not all the land leaders are knowledgable about MD and can actually help you do what you want. I have had a number of cases where a land leader has pointed people in the wrong direction, told them they cant do things when they most certainly can or just plain failed to tell them the right information. Initially my idea was to just "train them up" but after some discussion it would be a lot harder to do this since its not that they are new to MD, they just plain dont know how it works administratively or know basic MD rules. Then next idea was "Well why dont you ask a LHO" but again, there are some LHO's that plainly dont know their stuff regarding rules. They work fine in the case of helping new people do basic stuff but there is a complete lack of training (something I have repeatedly raised to grido, with no affect). So then I open the floor to discussion, does anyone else thing there is a better structure than "ask chewett or ask council"? I dont mind being asked loads of things, But there must be more people than just me that A) actually knows the rules and B) can point people in the right direction as to who deals with what in MD.
  5. Becuase everyone likes to be rude to the council since its a faceless body. I will say it again, and again, and again, because no one listens. The council is the only reason MD has run over these past years. Seriously, They have done so much misc admin work and ran so many events that MD would have simply faded away. Mur has only recent run one event, in the past 3/4 years now. Ideally Land leaders would know a lot about the game and know to forward certain requests to them, sadly some of the land leaders are less than knowledgeable about MD. I will make a topic about this later to try and clarify what the council can do you for.
  6. Under request from Mur I have edited his post to make it more coherent. Please remember moderators that you are _not_ permitted to do this no matter how... odd, Murs posts are, even for simple grammar/spelling fixes. The only reason I have done this is because he pmed me asking it. ---- If the post didnt make sense, I recommend you re-read it :)
  7. Let's hope now you have been given an interesting item you can show your worth and act your role. I can assure you you will get citizenship if you start actually doing things ingame and not just talking on the forum, in the same way Rophs got his role :) You have been given a big chance, don't waste it.
  8. Read the announcement im just writing :P Ann. 3138 - [2014-10-05 17:07:26 - Stage 12] Posted By Chewett After discussion with Mur, any code for MD is good code. I dont have enough time to fully work on A25 but I will work on bits and pieces unrelated to it, along with slowly doing A25 things. I have planned some time "soon" where I will have some time to work on it more fully. While I wasnt working on anything but A25 MD stopped in its development. We hope some people will have more respect for the work we all do for MD. CODENAME: AUTUMN2050
  9. Your biased view of me means any time I ever try and help you, you just ignore it. My time is sadly wasted :(
  10. Properly read this DD, thats all I have to say.
  11. Eara is saying exactly what I have been trying to express by asking DD to think about things and explain himself more :)
  12. Thats what I am doing. Re-reading my post it might not be entirely clear since I used "you" a number of times, But I am referring to both of you. Hence starting the whole post with "when you are both". Is that Ok and was I correct in that you did not comprehend my post? As you stated with quotations, Its not a punishment, I just think you are both being ridiculous and wont work with you. This stupidity only hurts MD.
  13. I would consider myself someone who cares about DD yet I dont understand and this is why I was asking :)
  14. Then, let me be entirely clear about this. While you are both being entirely childish I will not make any game decisions, perform any work or generally help relating to you or your ambitions. I personally think you are acting badly and both are enjoying it. This includes decisions I could take such as adding you into the labyrinth citizenship, Which again if Mur asks, I will refuse to work to help you in all ways and tell him my reasons.
  15. >>DD has felt a definite bond and calling from the Labyrinth You have a bond, thats cool and we can believe you there. However just stating you have a bond is not something that will be acted upon. So you need to explain your reasoning >>Deciding a land is a -huge- decision for DD As for choosing a land is a huge decision, You did indeed spend a decent chunk of time considering the offer to be amoung friends and join MB and then accepted. But when you went to shem to ask permission to leave (on my instruction before I let you accept the invite) and they mentioned you could join LR you immediately changed your mind. Thats not really you taking a big decision, it was quite insulting really DD. So if you are going to say that deciding a land is a huge decision, what has changed, and why not LR/MB anymore? >>As for "crafting a private land"... no, I do not want to do that. As much as I'd love to poke dst, You lose more and more respect each passing day DD. I will say it again, grow up. Syrian has very good points here. And I add a further statement, If you cannot put it into words, How can you expect to put it into actions? Why was the previous lands wrong when you were so sure? If you stand there blaming the community for not understanding your words, you wont progress. Clearly there is something wrong with what and how you are saying it that the community cannot understand. And no, You cant tell others to go and talk to you ingame when you open a discussion on the forum lol. Regarding LR: Surely your past, and you swearing you had a bond with previous lands slightly lowers the value of this current statement unless you explain it in some way? >>Your explanations have to be good because the Labyrinth does not have an administration and you need community's support to get its citizenship. This. ---- He does rep people, he just reads topics later than most so you dont see it: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/user/2-muratus-del-mur/?tab=reputation&app_tab=forums&type=given
  16. I agree with your logic rophs, approved. I will try and do it tomorrow sometime :)
  17. You guys need to grow up, seriously it's getting old and your continual one upmanship is stupid.
  18. I am unclear, Hence why I posted some questions and such. Perhaps you can clarify? As for "reading the posts" Yes I have, and you should know since you replied to a number of my questions regarding what I see the land as. You even commented I gave you something to think about so im not sure why you would make that comment. :)
  19. People "Just wanting east citizenship" is the reason why many people are denied into east lands FYI. I dont think thats a good reason to be honest. Especially if you are saying that you are not basing your entire character (Are you basing any of it?) on joining the lab. I wish you luck, but wont be supporting you. You only seem to want to claim to be truly free by becoming a Lab citizen, when you are free as a no mans land one too.
  20. In true MD fashion of "Acting your role before you get it" I hope to see DD in the lab being secluded and acting as a true citizen would. Sadly this probably means we wont see him much/at all.
  21. Questions: And, Before you read them, Im not trying to put you down here DD. Im seriously asking you some questions to further understand you and where you truly belong. DD has dedication? Stubbornness is not dedication. I am unsure of what examples I have that you are dedicated. E.g. Accepting to join MB and SoE then refusing it, Reviving LR (CoTS, etc), Staying in LR, constantly telling me you will be leaving, etc. Please further explain here. Always listen? You sure? Infinite number of doors? How would you say a labyrinth that is plain, can represent many different lands? I would have said it more accurately represents the void, whereby you can get lost for hours and lose all sense of place, identity and self belonging.
  22. Its the truth that he tells people repeatedly both ingame and on the forum. This is why he gets people to help him out as he has forgotten much of what he previously said.
  23. Its going to work as it does, until someone tells me "Oh yeah this is happening and is a bug" or questions a specific behaviour that doesn't appear to be right. Aka in this thread someone reporting that the toilet increases in water when it rains. What Im looking for is "This location doesnt/does increase water, It says its X, I think it should/shouldnt" :) From my perspective (according to how I think Mur did the system and in discussion with some of the people who tagged it up, the system works as it logically should. If you find somewhere that doesnt appear to follow logic feel free to mention it.
  24. Tell me if you think its working right and if not I will look into it :)
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