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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Not entirely true, I have been told that I am not allowed to make personal PL comments by you...
  2. I think you did well. You tried to see if you could get it to work and it didnt. It does seem sad that the only people interested only wanted a badge but does show you why there were some stipulations on getting some activity. If the alliance had just been returned it would have been people who just want a badge and nothing more. Congratulations, I think you deserve something here to show that the CoE members didnt really care for the alliance and its meaning.
  3. I be the councils mule: [cquote]Please detail what the fall of GoTR means to you personally. We are trying to see how GoTR is different from any other alliance. Is it just a place to gain LR loyalty or is there activity within it? Mya has stated there is plans were plans for activity "soon" but as we have not seen it we cannot comment. What changes for you now its gone and why should It come back? These reasons are on a personal level and not sweeping statements of things like "It should come back because its a main alliance". However anyone that wishs to reason on a precedent level that it should be returned is welcome to do so.[/cquote]
  4. No, Adblock wont actually affect MD, nor will prettymuch any of the blocking ones since we dont actually have any content that is blockable. The only issues comes when people use noscript and block stuff like off-site scripts, but they again will encounter a load of issues and probably will realise this. If you start individually blocking elements of MD, then I cant really debug your specific problems. This is due to an issue last time when someone "bypasses" cloudflare, and when we changed IP they couldnt access it. I wasted a load of time trying to fix it for them and then they realised they had done this, and that was the reason. I might have a look, but you just open yourself to issues when you start deciding what you are going to block on MD.
  5. That would be me, Maybe some pre-release drach lair items :P
  6. Yeah, I considered this as an option telling people but I didnt point this out since I didnt want people blocking parts of MD to "help", but it does technically work... Anyone doing stuff like this will get no help from me supportwise if their MD starts acting oddly, since you are altering it.
  7. Chewett


    Code hasnt changed since then.
  8. Dupping the heads ball is a known race condition, I know exactly why it happens.
  9. Thats possibly a bug based on how it counts it, Can you make a new topic stating your find?
  10. Ideally also, post a list of people rather than all the JSON so people dont have to search for their name or not.
  11. Mur can get my home address directly, Im not sending it to some google form that anyone could have access to.
  12. Approximately 1/10 of the time it takes to get a factor of 10 greater :P
  13. Needs more 6's
  14. Fixed
  15. It be finished :)
  16. Ann. 3154 - [2014-10-17 18:45:27 - Stage 12] - Permalink - Posted By Chewett Im going to take the game offline for about 20 minutes to do some needed config settings so your accounts are safe while im working. You wont be able to play. This will occur at 20:30 ST today. Send me an ingame message ASAP if there is a reason you need the game to be online during that period. Thanks :)
  17. Ah yeah, I will fix that in a minute, thanks for reporting :)
  18. Mur and I just talking. The honour system was intended to ensure that stronger people attacked stronger ones but clearly that doesnt work.The idea is being floated as a possibility at the moment. If not fully allowing them to attack and be attacked, letting them attack higher mindpowers could be a possibility.
  19. Not nesscarily, There is some discussion among Mur and myself at the possibility to remove the cross MP attacking restriction. But before that happens we need a better system than the honour one to encourage strong people not to farm the weaker ones.
  20. You tried the spoilerbox?
  21. Allow cross mp farming generally?
  22. They are boring, the last time I turned up one of the land leaders complained about me quite rudely later on when I only turned out to help them focus their discussions on what I wont implement to stop them wasting their time discussing things that "chewett might do". When I want to talk to lands I will definitely invite your land dst.
  23. There are plans for molly stage 2 and 3. This involves the lab most heavily and involves development of the lab fyi.
  24. That's wrong fyi :)
  25. It's on my list todo
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