This is a list of everything that everyone has authority over. If you are unsure who has authority over something ask. If you know someone has authority over something but its not on the list, post.
Current list:
Game Admins (Council, Chewett, Mur):
These people have control over everything and do everything ingame. So anything below here, these people can do, but they may forward you onto the below people if you havent went to them first.
Grido and Burns (second in command):
All LHO matters go to them
All matters regarding small time abuses in md (swearing etc) go to them, if they dont reply go to council
Avatar things:
Avatar managers deal with this.
Crafting - crafters. If they don't show up and reply in more than 1 month go to Council.
Advertising, partnerships, helping in promotions, free credit problems. - BFH
Quest Sponsership - Treasure Keepers, failing that council or chewett
Writer Access to MD-archives site - Innocence or Chewett