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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Contacted everyone here. If anyone else wants a card from the UK feel free to PM me your address :D
  2. Yeah... thats sorta my idea, i can write it up properly later if you want. --------------- Closing this topic until i write up fully what i was thinking about.
  3. Just had time to look through this! I really recommend this to anyone who does web design :D
  4. Instead of calling them legends, why not list what these people have done, put them in chronological order, and tada you have a nice list. Those that did legendary things will have more written about them, as more people will put things in. also: Muratus del Mur Z
  5. Thats a really nice idea actually.
  6. We should probably make a definative list, agree where we document about them, and do this!
  7. Ailith Renavoid Jonn Khal omega BigC Savel Tarq Amoran PoE Fenrir Ledah I am Bored Liberty Lightsage
  8. Read what he wrote What he means is that poetry is best in its natural language. Translations can make a wonderful poem ugly. If you are posting poems here, post them in english. But he welcomes if you try to translate your poems.
  9. After about a year this rate of increase drops to prettymuch 0. its linear to about 180 days then goes exponential.
  10. While interesting, organising this for all the scenes would be quite time extensive no?
  11. from the look of it no
  12. Realisticly i think people will forget/get bored over such a long period of time.
  13. Simple, we remove that quest entirely. Or we do as i suggested to murry, actually include the gathering into said quest.
  14. This is planned to be changed, maybe at the weekend if i get some time.
  15. Fixed: Ann. 2822 - [2013-11-13 15:13:37 - Stage 12] Posted By Chewett Bugfix: After grasans producing resources have been traded they will be able to be renamed and used for different resources. If your grasan is producing the wrong resource you can trade it to fix it or contact me giving me the grasan ID and what it should be producing.
  16. Yeah i think this has been reported before. I will look into it, pretty sure i know whats going on with this and will try and fix it "soon" ---- found bug, will look into fixing it :)
  17. Spirit? Maybe Bashaw, I feel i can draw therefore i can. :D Achievement unlocked: Tooled Up! - I have now purchased a set of pencils (urgh, sharpening them...) Thanks biermann. I shall get some tracing paper also, thats a nice idea i will see how that works for me. Its really good to hear from you biermann, i hoped you would reply because i like your style :) Any specific rubbers/erasers? Or just "get one that works"?
  18. So, im learning to draw as a relaxing hobby. Currently i have: Mechanical Pencil 7mm leads, unknown rating, probably HB A5 notepads to draw small pictures on. Some Rubbers, unknown quality Im a complete novice, i want to learn more but obviously need the right equipment. Expensive isnt out of the option but ideally it would be cheap (would need to save up to get things if expensive) I like the feel of mechanical pencils, Does anyone suggest anything specifically (even better if i can order it online rather than trying to find it in a shop that i will to travel many hours to get to). Also does anyone have any online tutorials they recommend? Any help or suggestions are welcome :)
  19. We can create PDF's automatically when its updated if he shares the latex source, or i can do it myself. Its just some macros, anyone could do it if they want to. I can see that the server has some form of tex distro if needed.
  20. If something is implemented, it needs to be a good solution for any keyboard layout, meaning probably customizable. Or if someone other than me codes it, it might be just based on qwerty because they havent considered other layouts.
  21. some laptops dont have keypads FYI rophs :)
  22. use imgur.com to upload images.
  23. Pm me your addresses all of you!
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