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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. If the object isnt clickable, you need at least one piece of artwork to turn it golden and make it clickable.
  2. I dont agree that locking collectiable is the way to control depletion. Depletion is a social aspect and should be cured socially. If someone can show me a good plan of a quest that would require granting and removing keys, i might consider doing something to this.
  3. This was brought up by Grido, he was wanting the ability to give/remove/give temporary keys for gg-deep. I said that, in that case, I wouldn't be granting tools to let him remove keys or giving temporary ones as GG is the only land in a position to limit access to their collector items and i was disinclined to give them even more power to control these tools without giving the other lands similar powers or boons.
  4. The question which is more important to "Why not" is "Why"? If we had infinate time, we could implement lots of things on a whim, but since time is a big problem, anything we work on needs to have a reason.
  5. I refer you to:
  6. Change is exceptionally right. If you want to change something like this you will indeed need to write something like a paper explaining why your new idea should go against past documented explanations.
  7. Changed above post slightly, edit reason "Minor change from will be implemented to May be implemented"
  8. Currently? No. See the other topics for full reasons.
  9. Possibly judging by the lack of response, however you have asked only a day ago during a holiday period when many people are not diligently reading the forum. I would wait a couple more days before declaring it pointless :)
  10. I didnt get very many entries and was waiting for a couple of people who asked me not to close it. Since they havent got back i will consider closing and reviewing this in a couple weeks.
  11. Ann. 2866 - [2013-12-27 15:27:30 - Stage 12] Posted By Chewett Santa IV The forth level of the santa creature has been released. This forth level requires 3 years age to upgrade to. Thanks to Duxie for providing this years drawing.
  12. Yes. Soon.
  13. Ann. 2859 - [2013-12-24 03:58:34 - Stage 12] Posted By Chewett We have probably identified the issue that caused the server to stop and will be looking into the issue. The server should be fine for now and we will announce further tests as and when they are going to take place so people know if the server is likely to be down.
  14. Yeah im running a number of tests trying to reproduce the error, it should be back at the moment.
  15. Mur has restarted it and we are back. I shall be running a load of checks to see what happened.
  16. Update: The server MD runs on seems to have failed catastrophically. At the moment we dont know what the state of the server is in and we are unable to access it. We are waiting for Mur to get to a computer and ask hosting to restart the server to i can get on and fix anything that needs to be fixed. Luckily just before the auth system update i did a full backup so we have recent backups. We wait now, it may take a while for hosting to restart the server since its during the holidays... Sorry for the downtime, we are annoyed at the waiting too.
  17. We do not have an ETA for when this is going to be fixed as we are having major server problems
  18. not related, see: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15171-md-is-down/
  19. We are working on it.
  20. I spent the last couple days working and changing the authentication system to secure your personal information better. Iv rewritten a lot of code to use the new system so it should all be fine and it all looks fine from my side. If there is anything you notice not working please follow normal bug reporting guidelines. Thanks Chewett
  21. If anyone has done anything with the Twitter REST/Streaming API i would be interested in talking with you about a MD and non MD related project. Thanks
  22. ------- Mur: normally for other purposes i wouldn't be ok with using md images, but its a tatoo..this is personal, has nothing to do with advertising or copyright, if he finds it meaningful for himself ..then who i am to deny what he wants to paint on his body The image you want is linked on the above thread. --- Please remember that all images used in MD are copyright, and if you want to use them in any way you need to contact us. Myself or council can help you in this regards.
  23. Yeah they previously didnt exist but i recovered them. iv moved them away until iv clarified the copyright situation with mur. ----- Just got the reply, Mur is thinking about it. You really should have asked permission before getting the first one as the artwork is owned and copyrighted by us.
  24. I have emailed mur asking him the copyright situation and if he permits you to use our artwork.
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